Zepp-LaRouche Addresses
Japanese Business Leaders:
World Land-Bridge To End War
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Dec. 4—Schiller Institute founder and chairwoman of the German political party Civil Rights Movement Solidarity Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed two Tokyo events on Dec. 2, delivering a sharp message to 400 Japanese business leaders that the World Land-Bridge is the only way to end the tyranny of war and geopolitics and solve the ongoing Middle East crisis. In the morning, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche addressed the eighth annual Asia Innovation Forum, attended by 300 young Japanese entrepreneurs and hosted by Nobuyuki Idei, former Chairman and CEO of the Sony Corporation and now the founder and CEO of Quantum Leaps, as well as the founder of the Asia Innovators’ Initiative.
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Presenters at the Dec. 2 Asia Innovation Forum. From left to right, moderator Daisuke Kotegawa; Helga Zepp-LaRouche; Paul Nogueira Batista, Jr; Vladimir Yakunin; and Dominique Strauss-Kahn.
She gave a similar presentation later in the day to a smaller group of business leaders gathered at the Canon Institute for Global Studies. The text of her speech, with a sampling of the graphics she used, is included at the end of this article.
In evaluating the events, Mrs. LaRouche noted that they reflected the fact that there is a minority faction in Japan which realizes that the long-term, fundamental interest of their country is to avoid getting involved in a conflict with China, as it is being pushed to do by American warmongers, and instead link up with the World Land-Bridge and China’s New Silk Road.
A Solution on a Higher Level
In her comprehensive presentation, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche warned of the global pattern of regional wars that can easily lead to global catastrophe, including a new superpower conflict, and emphasized that the only way to change the course of events was by fundamentally changing the paradigms of thinking. What has to be applied is the method of Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa, dubbed coincidentia oppositorium, which calls for the individual to conceptualize a “one” as a solution to the “many” problems to be found on a lower level.
Zepp-LaRouche went through a detailed presentation on the World Land-Bridge, identifying the major global projects that can transform the world, citing Chinese President Xi Jinping’s “One Belt, One Road” as the seed of a global renaissance. She spelled out the immediately available great projects, many of which had actually been supported by the Japanese Ministry of Industry and Technology in the 1970s and ’80s.
She then developed the idea of mankind as a unique species capable of creating a future through creative discovery. She also highlighted the American System concepts of the first American Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, and American System followers Henry and Mathew Carey, and detailed how those ideas spread around the globe in the Nineteenth Century, and were utilized in creating the modern nations of Germany and Japan under Chancellor Otto von Bismarck and the Meiji Restoration.
In fact, it is these ideas that are embodied in the World Land-Bridge/New Silk Road project now underway today.
The Panel
Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche was joined on the panel by former IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn; former head of the Russian Railways and co-founder of the Rhodes Dialogue of Civilizations, Vladimir Yakunin; and Paulo Nogueira Batista, Jr., the former Brazilian director of the IMF, who is now a Vice President of the New Development Bank, founded by the BRICS and headquartered in Shanghai. The panel was moderated by Daisuke Kotegawa, a former Japanese Ministry of Finance top official who was also Japan’s IMF director at the time of the 2007-2009 financial crisis.
During his presentation, Dr. Yakunin strongly endorsed Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche’s World Land-Bridge proposal, noting that Russia’s Eurasian Development Corridors and China’s One Belt, One Road policies were thoroughly compatible, and represented the “new paradigm” of thinking that is urgently needed to avoid wars brought on by the dying system of neo-liberalism. He emphasized that Presidents Putin and Xi were committed to Russian-Chinese cooperation to realize those Eurasian infrastructure links.
In his opening remarks of the panel, Strauss-Kahn detailed the ongoing crisis of the world financial system, and mentioned the possibility of a “perfect political storm” occurring in the near future. He acknowledged that the austerity policies now being applied were a failure and had to be replaced by a growth model, while admitting that there is no real support for a viable change in policy from within the dominant world financial institutions today.
The Canon Institute
In the afternoon, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche addressed a separate event, sponsored by the Canon Institute for Global Studies, which was attended by 100 top executives of the major Japanese industrial corporations and financial institutions, as well as of the Japanese government’s overseas investment agencies and funds. Moderator Kotegawa is the research director of this institute.
There were three speeches given at this event, followed by discussion. This author delivered a detailed picture of the real process of economic and social breakdown of the United States—a process largely covered up in the international media. An outline of that presentation follows the text of Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche’s presentation on the World Land-Bridge as the only way to defeat the geopolitical drive to world war.
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EIR’s Jeffrey Steinberg and Helga Zepp-LaRouche at the Canon Institute, Dec. 2, 2015.
Then Nogueira Batista, who designed the new bank, gave an in-depth report on the progress of the BRICS New Development Bank and the plans to begin issuing development loans by April 2016. While insisting that the new institutions were not meant to replace the current financial architecture, he reviewed the history of the launching of the Bank by the BRICS countries as a response to the abject failure of the “Washington institutions”—the IMF and the World Bank—to reform in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse. He put special emphasis on the associated Contingent Reserve Arrangement founded by the BRICS, a $100 billion fund pledged to help reduce exchange volatility in trade and investment relations between member countries.