It Begins with LaRouche’s ‘Four Laws’
by Michael G. Steger
This article is the first in a series of writings which will be presented by the LaRouche PAC National Policy Committee, in direct collaboration with Lyndon LaRouche, as part of his campaign to create a New Presidency over the coming 100 days.
August 2—Over the last five weeks the world has changed. Events combined with willful interventions, especially those of Vladimir Putin, have created a new global dynamic and transformed the potential for real and total victory in the immediate period ahead. Success now depends first on the adoption of LaRouche’s ‘Four New Laws,’ a policy set forth in 2014 in his “The Four New Laws To Save the U.S.A. Now!,” but long-term success requires more than simple adoption of necessary policies, even ones as necessary as Glass-Steagall and Federal Credit for scientific advancement.
As LaRouche states in “The Four New Laws,”
In principle, without a Presidency suited to remove and dump the worst effects felt presently, those created presently by the Bush-Cheney and Obama Presidencies, the United States were soon finished, beginning with the mass-death of the U.S. population under the Obama Administration’s recent and now accelerated policies of practice.
And then later,
A chain-reaction collapse, to this effect, is already accelerating with an effect on the money-systems of the nations of that region. The present acceleration of a ‘Bail-in’ policy throughout the trans-Atlantic region, as underway now, means mass-death suddenly hitting the populations of all nations within that trans-Atlantic region: whether directly, or by ‘overflow.’
This systemic crisis requires not just a set of policies, but a New Presidency, one based on a citizenry with a higher devotion, one beyond mere electoral politics, one similar to that of Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Alexander Hamilton. It requires a commitment to the creation of a new nation, of a new United States, and of a world that has never existed before—a world now more possible than ever, and a world that now lies in our hands whether it comes to be, or we fall short.
The Five Weeks
Now consider the rapid developments of the last five weeks:
The British-exit (Brexit) vote from the European Union on June 24, exposed as if suddenly, for all the world to see, the rotting core of the trans-Atlantic system. This rebellion among British voters was the direct prelude to the Helga Zepp-LaRouche-hosted Schiller Institute conference in Berlin that same weekend, an event uniquely focused on the fulfillment of the new world system now coming into being throughout Eurasia and inspired by the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche.
Within days successive upheavals poured forth. The NATO summit in Warsaw, hoping to target Russia for greater war, instead only exposed growing discord among the European nations. Japan rejected any further commitment to British financial insanity, and in fact moved closer to Russia and China, as did the Philippines, ignoring Obama’s command for conflict in the South China Sea. Terrorist attacks, spawned by the ongoing the illegal U.S./British wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, have targeted cities in France and Germany weekly, if not daily, with no end in sight under the current policies. Underlying all of this political upheaval, there is the ongoing public panic over the banking collapse in Italy, Germany, and London, threatening that very sudden wipe-out of the nations of the trans-Atlantic that Lyndon LaRouche had forewarned of in 2014.
In the context of this political and cultural breakdown in the trans-Atlantic region, there has been a surge of the policies and initiatives of the LaRouche organization. The Chilcot Inquiry was finally released in London after seven long years of review, declaring the Queen’s war in Iraq—a war forced through by Tony Blair and George W. Bush—to be illegal and a direct attack on the United Nations and international law, crimes tantamount to those of the Nazis. In the United States, the “28 pages” of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 were released after 14 years, exposing the fraud of both the Bush and Obama administrations for their explicit cover-up of the British-Saudi direction of the 9/11 attacks, as well as their subsequent drive for world war through geopolitical criminal intent.
The Glass-Steagall act, the very death-knell of Wall Street’s and London’s criminal fraud, then found its way into both the Republican and Democratic Party’s platforms, not because of the clown-shows of the joke-candidates, but because of the deeply held recognition by the broad majority of the American people, that the last fifteen years of mass-death policy in the United States is undeniably tied to the policies of Wall Street.
And now, just five weeks later, resolving as if upwards with much more to come, the near-coup in Turkey and subsequent policy changes threaten to end the last two centuries of geopolitical attempts to control Asia, as Turkey now turns closer to both Putin’s Russia and China’s New Silk Road policy, and away from the trans-Atlantic commitment to world war. Then comes the news of the encirclement of Aleppo, again by Putin’s Russian along with Syrian forces, indicating a possible near-term end, not just to the Syrian conflict which was intended as a pre-emption toward nuclear war against Russia and China by the British-backed Obama regime, but which now, with the crisis nearly resolved, portends the end of the era of British geopolitics itself. Vladimir Putin and China’s New Silk Road are winning; Obama and the British are losing.
Yet there is more, and perhaps more to come, beginning with the participation by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in the international T20 summit in Beijing at the end of July, a preliminary discussion of leading figures for the upcoming G20 summit in September. The United Nations General Assembly will also meet in September, merely a year since Vladimir Putin’s call for a new allied force against terrorism, and both events will be key international forums to build upon the LaRouche-inspired new paradigm.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said recently, “The Erinyes’ dreadful dance has been unleashed!” and one can almost hear the panicked howling and screaming inside the corridors of power on Wall Street and in London, even from the batty Queen herself.
The Four Laws
On June 8, 2014, Lyndon LaRouche issued a statement, titled “The Four New Laws to Save the U.S.A. Now! Not an Option: an Immediate Necessity.”
In his statement of ‘The Four New Laws,’ Mr. LaRouche defines a solution to the current global economic and financial, general breakdown crisis, but he also defines more. He presents an economic and scientific policy which is coherent with the actual creative nature of the human species, and one which, if adopted, will unleash a Renaissance in human advancement for the coming century, and beyond.
There is no substitute for reading, and re-reading, the entirety of Mr. LaRouche’s statement, but we will present here a brief truncated synopsis of the immediate steps to be taken to address the ongoing general breakdown crisis of the trans-Atlantic system. This is the starting point for a successful New Presidency:
1. The immediate re-enactment of the Glass-Steagall law instituted by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, without modification, as to principle of action.
2. A return to a system of top-down, and thoroughly so defined, as National Banking. The precedents for this shall be taken from the banking-and-credit system established by Alexander Hamilton, as well as Abraham Lincoln’s action of creating a national currency (“Greenbacks”), under Presidential authority.
3. The deployment of a new Federal Credit system to generate high-productivity trends in improvements of employment, with the accompanying intention to increase the physical-economic productivity, and the standard of living of the persons and households of the United States. An increase in productive employment, as accomplished under Franklin Roosevelt, must reflect an increase in real productivity, coherent with an increase in energy-flux density in the nation’s economic practice.
4. The adoption of a “Fusion-Driver ‘Crash Program.’ ” Real economics is grounded in the essential distinction of man from all lower forms of life. A Fusion Crash Program, today subsuming a return to Krafft Ehricke’s vision for the U.S. Space Program, is a commitment to mankind’s future.
The Deeper Issue
However, only a quality of thinking similar to that of a creative scientist, such as Einstein, or the conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, will have the powers necessary to grasp the underlying causal force of the recent international developments, as well as the sufficient quality of response found in the very essence of LaRouche’s Four New Laws. This scientific quality is best expressed as one’s own commitment to the unbounded future of the human species.
Not the future of the reductionist’s space and time, or even space-time, but rather a future governed by musical genius, which looks to engender in the mind of an audience the necessary and sufficient powers of thought which approximate mankind’s unlimited future, thus unfolding a clarity of resolute action as if backwards into the present crisis from the living future.
Shakespeare’s case of Hamlet provides a relevant negative proof of such powers of the human mind. Any honest person must ask themselves, not “For whom will I vote?,” but rather, “Will I exist as an efficient actor on the stage of history?” As Lyndon LaRouche stated on July 31, 2016, “I am not running for President, but I am certainly intending to affect the shaping of the government of the United States in the coming period.”
Now consider this aspect of his thinking in the concluding section of that June, 2014 report,
For example: ‘time’ and ‘space’ do not actually exist as a set of metrical principles of the Solar system; their only admissible employment for purposes of communication is essentially nominal presumption. Since competent science for today can be expressed only in terms of the unique characteristic of the human species’ role within the known aspects of the universe, the human principle is the only true principle known to us for practice: the notions of space and time are merely useful imageries.
And then later,
Man is mankind’s only true measure of the history of our Solar system, and what reposes within it. That is the same thing, as the most honored meaning and endless achievement of the human species, now within nearby Solar space, heading upward to mastery over the Sun and its Solar system, the one discovered (uniquely, as a matter of fact), by Johannes Kepler.
The danger lies, thus, not in the seeming chaos of world events, as the typical man-on-the-street perceives the unfolding crisis, but in the insufficient commitment towards the upward nature of mankind, as presented in LaRouche’s Four New Laws. For at such a moment when LaRouche’s ideas are now more influential within the broader culture of the human species, and while the contrary deceits of Zeusian imperial dictates of population reduction, war, and economic fraud face their perilous collapse, the very nature of the human mind itself is the higher compositional modality by which we act upon the universe-at-large to revolutionary effect.
What is urgent is the requisite creative pre-emptive action, rather than the repeated failures derived from Newton’s systemic fraud of action-reaction—a fraud that predominates in the neurotic impulses of the political and financial class of the trans-Atlantic today, and a fraud that Einstein so brilliantly exposed. Such pre-emptive action, as required by LaRouche’s Four New Laws, is the very foundation for the preliminary steps by which we eliminate the unnecessary burdens and debts of this failed system.
But, can one hear the new theme, perhaps as if by the anticipated entrance of a soaring section of woodwinds high above the orchestra in highest register? For such anticipation is as if a gift brought unexpectedly by a long-past dear friend from what is the yet undetermined future, which is then given on behalf of our present’s passing, only to become our future’s most profound present.
Dante’s Divine Comedy, and Brunelleschi’s creation of the Italian Renaissance, were no less.
So must the New Presidency, and its citizenry, become.