Create a New System of
Cooperation Among Nations!
by Kesha Rogers
[Print version of this article]
Nov. 14—I would like to continue on the theme that I presented in last week’s issue of Executive Intelligence Review, written before the conclusion of the U.S. Presidential election. In the article titled, “Restore Our National Mission for Scientific Progress,” I stated that Lyndon LaRouche had defined the standards for economic progress in his four urgently needed laws to save the United States.1 In referring to the need for increased productivity within a society and its economy, Mr. LaRouche makes this point: “The question in terms of economy involves not simply products capable of measurement as such, but rather involves the requirement of developing human minds in new ways that the human mind has ever fashioned to do it.”
In the aftermath of the U.S. presidential election, LaRouche has called for defining a new set of international relations among peoples and nations. This is not a matter of politics or personalities as such: LaRouche declared, “You have to depend on the creation of a new system, not a Trump system, but a new system which will meet the requirements of the development of a true international system.”
LaRouche went on to declare that the crucial problem we face today “is that we do not have a defined international system which will secure peace. It doesn’t yet exist, and we’ve got to make it . . . It’s going to take a lot of work by people to do it, because it’s not just doing it by name; the problem is to understand how that can work. This can be done. This can be done with the collaboration of some parts of the world as a whole. The overall picture is not going to be easy, but there are some connections which could be made early. But there is a lot to do to get [it] in the right way of success.”
The American people do not yet understand what is required to bring about a new system of international relations and what will ensure a truly peaceful existence for the productive and economic benefit of all people. It is not merely a matter of casting a vote and hoping that someone will do something good for you, or that the next guy won’t be as bad as the one before.
The New System Coherent with the Four Laws
It is essential for this nation and the world today that a new form of international relations between nations and human beings be developed and established on a higher level, and with a higher level of commitment to the good of all peoples and all nations. The very ideas forming the principles of our republic included this: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” The principles defined in our Declaration of Independence concern the nature of man and were instrumental in the fight for the development of our republic. They were fundamental to the thinking of our nation’s first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, who was instrumental in crafting the Declaration of Independence and inspiring the Preamble to the Constitution.
But these principles, which must be reflected in the new system of international relations, must also be restored in what we do here in the United States. Americans have been denied access to that which is truly human. We must restore our commitment to all who have been disavowed and thrown on the scrap heap through the policies of the last two administrations, and by a failed party system that was more concerned with protecting a party and defending a candidate than looking out for the well being and higher interests of all of our people. It is time to end the compromise: Wall Street’s casino economy of endless speculation must be ended now. LaRouche’s four laws must be immediately implemented, starting with the immediate reinstatement of Glass-Steagall.
Space Science To Elevate the Mind
The United States must now commit itself to the new paradigm and new era of development and progress of LaRouche’s four laws. The question is, therefore, can we look beyond the superficial differences and petty concerns that are used to divide people and commit ourselves to a restored national mission that every person is deserving of? Nothing will come without hard work and dedication, and a demand for solutions that will be in the interest of all.
![]() NASA
To bring about the creation of a new system of cooperation among nations, space science is key. Shown, Cape Canaveral’s Launch Complex 39.
President-elect Trump sent out a message to the people of this nation and the world by way of a tweet: “The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again. We will all come together as never before.” His words will only hold true when solutions that Lyndon LaRouche has put forward are immediately implemented. First, Glass-Steagall must be enacted immediately. A national banking system must be established just as directed by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. And our economy must be restored through the immediate implementation of a science-driver fusion program as outlined in the fourth and subsuming law of LaRouche’s four laws.
In a recent discussion with members of his leadership team, LaRouche declared, “Space science is the way that people have to operate, because space science incorporates the crucial elements which are lacking from other sources.”
Speaking more broadly about the economic dimension of the cognitive development of the people, LaRouche added, “You’ve got to get into the mind of the present population—internationally and nationally; you have to get into the mind of that person who has no conception whatsoever of what that mind requires. You can do things which will prompt development, but it’s chiefly local development and regional development. We’ve got to get mechanisms of international trade and agreements thereof, and that is what’s required urgently, right now!”
The Will to Make Breakthroughs
We have continued to witness an increase in hatred and contempt for the policies which have dominated the country for the past 16 years; it grew even stronger with President Obama’s implementation of his murderous, so-called cost-cutting healthcare policy and, most emphatically, the egregious cuts in our nation’s manned Space Program. Meanwhile, Obama continued to bail out Wall Street. The momentum in the population that led to victory in my two primary campaigns for the U.S. House of Representatives, confirmed that the fight was much bigger than party politics.
Those victories were only possible because I campaigned for a renewed national mission for scientific and economic progress, as expressed in the vision of many of the greatest leaders our nation—leaders such as Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and yes, most emphatically, Lyndon LaRouche. LaRouche continues, to this day, to represent the principled approach to what is required for a new era of progress in the world. Many nations at this very moment are committed to implementing his policies and solutions.
It is the very same fight for principle, not party, that we saw in the override of President Obama’s veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), which passed with flying colors.
The fight to save the Space Program was—and continues to be—much bigger than Obama not wanting us to lead in the exploration of space or his turning our Space Program over to the private sector profit hogs. The Space Program is key to defining a new system of relations among nations. Cooperation in space development requires the elimination of all limits to growth. The development of space requires acting to advance the creative identity unique to all human beings. It is the will to discover and to expand our minds—the will to make new breakthroughs in understanding the universe—that will advance our conditions of life throughout the entire Solar system. That, as the late space pioneer Krafft Ehricke very poetically declared, is “man’s extraterrestrial imperative.”
As Ehricke envisioned it, “Our work in space will change Earth’s present, closed-world environment into an open one, with access to vast space resources and other critically needed benefits that will greatly improve the lives of all people, and preserve Earth at its best—as man’s home and garden for the maximum human future.”2 Ehricke was keenly aware of the cognitive and creative dimension of this great improvement in the lives of all people.
Larger Meaning of China’s Space Leadership
This issue of the true identity of mankind as mankind—and the defense of the truly creative nature of the human mind—is the fundamental one. The rejection of this truly human identity was the evil behind Obama’s dismantling of our Space Program and all of the egregious policies that stemmed from that. This destructive policy was perfectly consistent with his refusal to take up the offer to join with China in the development of the New Silk Road for the mutual benefit of all nations.
China is leading the way with its offer of win-win cooperation for the advancement of all nations through collaboration in building the New Silk Road and cooperation in the development of space. China is leading in space exploration with its rapidly accelerating lunar program and the Sept. 15 launch of its new space lab, Tiangong-2.
China’s leadership is especially recognized for its plan to land a spacecraft and rover on the Moon’s far side, an undertaking that no other nation has yet attempted. But first, China is developing Chang’e 5 to land somewhere on the lunar near side by the end of 2017 and return soil samples to Earth, the first sample return since 1976. Then it will land a spacecraft and rover, Chang’e 4, on the Moon’s far side, in 2018. If Chang’e 5 is successful, China could use the back-up craft built for that mission, for a proposed Chang’e 6, which could be used to collect and return the first far-side soil samples, according to Wu Yanhua, vice administrator of the China National Space Administration.
Meanwhile, the BRICS nations are attentive to China’s leadership. The BRICS nations’ space agencies have just concluded their first annual summit and have committed to many joint space initiatives for peaceful purposes, including a shared satellite system for earth remote sensing and communication. And the New Silk Road now involves 100 nations with a combined population of 4.4 billion people. They are also interested in a future in space.
Xi’s Message to Trump
In the aftermath of the U.S. election, China’s President Xi Jinping spoke by telephone with President-elect Donald Trump, proposing U.S.-China cooperation once again. Xi said, “The facts prove that cooperation is the only correct choice for China and the United States. The two sides must strengthen coordination, promote the two countries’ economic development and global economic growth, expand all areas of exchange and cooperation, ensure the two countries’ people obtain more tangible benefits, and push forward in China-U.S. relations.”
That is exactly the cooperation that is needed to bring about the new system of international relations that LaRouche declares is urgently required.
To paraphrase Mr. LaRouche, the events that led to the results of the presidential election were not a matter of U.S. politics as such, but were rather global in scope and reflected a global need and a global process. We must act now to bring about a new system of international relations. As he states in the conclusion of his “Four New Laws” paper, “A Fusion economy, is the presently urgent next step, and standard, for man’s gains of power within the Solar system, and, later, beyond.” Cooperation in space exploration for the shared benefit of all nations will pave the way for a new system of international cooperation.
1. For an exposition of Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws, see
2. Krafft Ehricke, “Lunar Industrialization and Settlement—Birth of Polyglobal Civilization,” in: W.W. Mendell (ed.), Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century (Houston: Lunar and Planetary Institute, 1985), p. 827.