The New Paradigm Requires
U.S.-China Cooperation
by Kesha Rogers
Jan. 1—China continues to offer an outstretched hand of cooperation to the United States, as it moves ahead as a world leader in economic and scientific development. On Nov. 12, 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping made the following offer of cooperation to President Obama and the United States, during a joint press conference of the two presidents in the Great Hall of the Peoples, in Beijing:
Ladies and gentlemen, friends, China is ready to work with the United States to make efforts in a number of priority areas and putting into effect such principles as non-confrontation, non-conflict, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation. And with unwavering spirit and unremitting efforts, we will promote new progress in building a new type model of major-country relations between the two countries so as to bring greater benefits to our two peoples and two countries.
Although Obama refused this offer outright, China has not taken it off the table. The need for cooperation has only increased, and was put forth in a new way to the Trump Presidency on Dec. 6. The Trump Presidency has already indicated an openness to this offer.
How To ‘Make America Great Again’
![]() White House photo
President Xi Jinping in Beijing, Nov. 12, 2014
But cooperation is not enough. The new, worldwide win-win paradigm, initiated by China, requires that America become great again, as is made clear by my South African colleague, R.P. Tsokolibane, in his letter of New Year’s greetings to President-elect Trump (see page 33 of this issue).
With the election of Trump, a new opening has presented itself: The destructive Bush-Obama era—of economic collapse and dismantling of our productive labor force—can end. The Trump Presidency intends to put an end to it, and to “make America great again.” That, however, will require an entirely new approach to economics and international relations.
The United States must once again take direction from the leadership of our first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, and implement a massive program for rebuilding the nation, just as Franklin Roosevelt did in the Great Depression. Since the death of Franklin Roosevelt and the abandonment of the principle of physical economic development, the United States’ labor force has declined to an abysmal state, as its skills were increasingly held in contempt. Lyndon LaRouche, who stands on the shoulders of Hamilton and Roosevelt, has specified Four New Laws for immediate enactment as the basis for a U.S. recovery, a new economic orientation for our future, and successful international cooperation.
LaRouche’s four measures—reinstate Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall Act to protect capital from speculation, return to a Hamiltonian national bank, create and earmark federal credit for productive work, and launch a crash program for nuclear fusion power—must be seen as facets of a single principle, a commitment to the self-development of the human species.
For Cooperation, Start from the Top
America’s return to greatness must include international cooperation in space exploration and development—as a science-driver for the world economy. Space exploration and development is also the arena in which the spirit of working toward the common aims of mankind is most readily elicited.
China National Space Administration
China’s Chang’e-5 mission, to be launched Oct. 23, 2017, will perform the first-ever landing on the lunar far side. It will collect samples and return them to Earth.
Cooperation with China in space is a leading agenda item that the Trump Presidency must bring fully to life, especially because, as the United States’ space program has been destructively cut back, step by step, under Bush and Obama, China’s program has leapt ahead.
For its part, China continues to demonstrate its increased commitment to international cooperation and peaceful development among nations in space, as also on Earth.
In China’s white paper on its space activities in 2016, released Dec. 28, China puts great emphasis on the need for peaceful development and international cooperation, and identifies the areas in which such cooperation already exists.
In the paper’s statement of China’s vision, it says in part,
To build China into a space power in all respects, with the capabilities to make innovations independently, to make scientific discovery and research at the cutting edge, to promote strong and sustained economic and social development, to effectively and reliably guarantee national security, to exercise sound and efficient governance, and to carry out mutually beneficial international exchanges and cooperation. (Section I.2)
Under “International Exchanges and Cooperation,” it states,
The Chinese government holds that all countries in the world have equal rights to peacefully explore, develop, and utilize outer space and its celestial bodies, and that all countries’ outer space activities should be beneficial to their economic development and social progress, and to the peace, security, survival, and development of mankind. (Section V)
The paper notes that China has signed 43 space cooperation agreements or memoranda of understanding with 29 countries, space agencies, and international organizations since 2011.
In a section on peaceful development in space, it says:
China always adheres to the principle of the use of outer space for peaceful purposes, and opposes the weaponization of, or an arms race in outer space. The country develops and utilizes space resources in a prudent manner, takes effective measures to protect the space environment to ensure a peaceful and clean outer space, and guarantee that its space activities benefit the whole of mankind. (Section I.3)
The most notable of the “Major Tasks for the Next Five Years” outlined in the white paper is its report on deep-space exploration. China will—
fulfill the three strategic steps of “orbiting, landing, and returning” for the lunar exploration project by launching the Chang’e-5 lunar probe by the end of 2017 and realizing a regional soft landing, sampling, and return. We will launch the Chang’e-4 lunar probe around 2018 to achieve mankind’s first soft landing on the far side of the Moon, and conduct in situ and roving detection and relay communications at Earth-Moon L2 point [Lagrange Point 2].
Through the lunar exploration project, topographic and geological surveys will be implemented and laboratory research conducted on lunar samples; geological survey and research as well as low-frequency radio astronomy observation and research will be carried out targeting the landing area on the far side of the Moon for a better understanding of the formation and evolution of the Moon. (Section III.4)
U.S.-China cooperation in space is thus of importance for global economic development, in light of LaRouche’s Four Laws, and of what China has accomplished in space already. The Trump Presidency must understand its importance and come to grips with its potential.
And on Earth
The benefits of cooperation in building terrestrial infrastructure—another key aspect of China’s standing offer to the United States—were outlined in a Dec. 30 op-ed in People’s Daily online, titled, “Fixing America Will Require Trump to be Bold, and Work with China.” It says in part:
U.S. Navy/Seaman Joshua Adam Nuzzo
Trump: “We’re like a third-world country.” This bridge over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minn., collapsed on Aug. 14, 2007.
In U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s book, Great Again, he said, “You go to countries like China . . . and you look at their train systems and their public transport. It’s so much better. We’re like a third-world country.” Despite his tough talk, Trump admires China for its GDP growth and for its infrastructure investment and engineering. He sees that, while America is aging and falling behind in certain areas, China is growing and moving forward. The U.S. can learn from China on infrastructure building, and benefit from its successes.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative has plunged ahead in providing economic development at home, throughout Asia, and around the world.
The op-ed accurately poses the challenge facing the new Presidency and once again states clearly that cooperation with China is pertinent:
America may be the contemporary example on building a great country, but China is the contemporary example on rebuilding a great country. The two massive bridges in Guizhou are a tiny example of China’s strength in infrastructure investment and engineering. No other country in the world has lifted more than double the size of America’s entire population out of poverty in such a short period of time. Since then, China has opened the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and is building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. These are massive cooperation projects, and the hallmark of modern-day China. Meanwhile, America cannot even realize high-speed rail after years and years of planning. Rather than bash China, perhaps America should learn from and work with China.
The op-ed ends with a reference to Trump’s intended $1 trillion of infrastructure upgrades in America to rebuild the nation and put the people back to work. These projects are to be carried out over the next 10 years. China has been spending a trillion dollars per year for the past decade! Again, Lyndon LaRouche has laid out the measures to be taken in the United States for a rapid recovery program and restoring our labor force. Take a lesson from Alexander Hamilton and China today! It is the inalienable right of mankind to develop.
The U.S. in the New World Economy
A rapid recovery program in the United States will require U.S. participation in a new system of cooperative relations among nations. Indeed, the world is now moving rapidly toward a new global paradigm of economic development. The United States must take measures to join in. According to LaRouche, “America, Russia, and China must join hands for security and prosperity.”
China News Service/Pan Xianyang
World’s highest bridge, the Beipan River expressway bridge—part of a highway linking the cities of Hangzhou and Ruili—opened Dec. 29, 2016.
For many years, LaRouche and his wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche have developed strategies for international cooperation and development as the only possible means for defeating a failed—but still dangerous—unipolar system of globalization and free trade, which has dominated the planet since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Now, with the leadership that has emerged in Russia and China most notably, the potential for a new paradigm and an economic renaissance for mankind is on the rise.
How do we in the United States develop a new economic platform? How will we contribute to the increase in the level of productivity of the world economy from the standpoint of the common aims of mankind?
In reflecting on how the United States can and must be integrated into the rapidly advancing global alliance, Helga Zepp-LaRouche developed the following thought: “If you want to have cooperation among countries and a new set of relations, then you must look for the strength of one country economically, scientifically . . . look for the strength in one country to build up the other . . . Where are the strengths of each economy to upgrade the productivity of the other?”
These are questions that must be central for the incoming Trump administration. The solutions posed by Lyndon LaRouche always come back to the principle of advancing the productive powers—the cognitive and creative powers—of our labor force, just as we witnessed during the Presidency of Franklin Roosevelt and through the Apollo Program under President Kennedy.
As Lyndon LaRouche recently declared, “Get the United States cranked up to see a clear vision, as was done with FDR in 1930s.”