How To Win President Trump’s
War on Drugs
by Robert Ingraham
[Print version of this article]
Feb. 24—In 1978, the LaRouche political movement published a book, Dope. Inc.: Britain’s Opium War Against the U.S.1 A second, expanded, version of that book was published in 1986. In his Dedication to the first edition, Lyndon LaRouche began by saying:
![]() Cover image from Dope, Inc.
It is with proper pride that we dedicate this book to the often-unsung U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officers who have so often, so obscurely, died or languished in undeserved imprisonment in the silent war of the United States against the British monarchy’s illegal drug traffic into our nation.
It is with the same pride and the same determination that we, today, must call forth both the courage and resources necessary to finish the war which LaRouche initiated almost forty years ago.
What is required is Total War, in the sense of Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley or Grant in the Overland campaign. No half-measures nor compromises with the enemy are acceptable. This is not an anti-drug “campaign”; it is war, and the only ultimate outcome must be the complete destruction of the drug cartels, i.e. Unconditional Surrender.
In a speech before the Major Cities Police Chiefs Association (MCCA) on Feb. 8, 2017, President Donald Trump stated:
We’re going to stop the drugs from pouring in. We’re going to stop those drugs from poisoning our youth, from poisoning our people. We’re going to be ruthless in that fight. We have no choice. And we’re going to take that fight to the drug cartels and work to liberate our communities from their terrible grip of violence.
Since the delivery of that speech, the President has named Department of Homeland Security Secretary Gen. John Kelly to lead the anti-drug effort, and on Feb. 9, he issued an Executive Order naming the newly confirmed Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, to be the head of a new Task Force “to focus on destroying transnational criminal organizations and drug cartels,” with a 120 day mandate to report on “transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including the extent of penetration of such organizations into the United States.” That Executive Order also states:
Transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including transnational drug cartels, have spread throughout the nation, threatening the safety of the United States and its citizens. . . . These groups are drivers of crime, corruption, violence, and misery. . . . In particular, the trafficking by cartels of controlled substances has triggered a resurgence in deadly drug abuse and a corresponding rise in violent crime related to drugs. . . . A comprehensive and decisive approach is required to dismantle these organized crime syndicates and cartels can be mopped up relatively easily.
These actions by the President, represent the first time, since the efforts of Ronald Reagan in 1981,2 to seriously challenge the global power of Dope. Inc. A team is being assembled. The intention is there. The opportunity is real, and it must not be squandered. This is a war which must not be lost.
I. Casualties of War
The mass drugging of the American people is a secret hidden in plain sight. Over a span of four decades, Americans have consented to a deluge of drug usage. The responsibility for this lies at the feet of the pro-drug Wall Street establishment, the pro-drug news media, pro-drug politicians, the pro-drug psychiatric profession, and the drug-saturated Hollywood industry. An environment has been deliberately created in which everyday drug usage is seen as acceptable, if not normal or even desirable. This is the 21st Century fulfillment of the “soma” vision of British oligarch Aldous Huxley.
Current estimates are that during the last thirty day period, more than 27 million Americans used an illegal drug. During the last twelve months, at least 47 million Americans used an illegal drug. That is 15% of the total population.3 Additionally, those figures do not include either the millions who legally consume a wide variety of mind-numbing prescription drugs, nor the millions of alcohol addicts.
If one were to add in the number of people who legally use opioids (such as OxyContin), anti-depressants (such as Prozac, Zoloft, or Celexa), anti-anxiety drugs (such as Xanax), and ADHD Drugs (such as Ritalin or Adderall), then the total figures for “drug usage” skyrocket. The numbers are staggering.
Let us be clear: This is the deliberate mass drug enslavement of the American people. Nothing like this has existed anywhere in the world, of this scope or magnitude, since the enforced opium addiction of tens of millions of Chinese by the British monarchy in the 19th and early 20th Centuries.
Much attention is given, and rightly so, to the crime and deaths which result from illegal drug trafficking. Yet, much more devastating damage is being done. A minimum of 25%—or perhaps a much, much higher number—of the American people are now being stupefied by drugs. Their minds are impaired. Their cognitive reasoning is damaged. Ask yourself, would we have a society today in which tens of millions oppose nuclear power and embrace the anti-scientific fraud of global warming were it not for the widespread drugging of the population? Would we have a culture dominated by Hollywood trash and mindless video games were it not for widespread drug usage? Or, more to the point, what percentage of the deluded demonstrators who are now out on the street demanding that Donald Trump be removed from office have consumed a mind-altering drug within the last thirty days?
Reasoned discussion, which is only possible through higher cognitive functioning, a mandatory pre-requisite for the existence of a republic, is being erased from our society.
In this Case . . . Figures Don’t Lie
The consensus among government reports is that:
- 25 million Americans have used marijuana within the last 30 days (including 35% of high school seniors) and 41 million within the last 12 months and in addition, current figures show that, among “regular users”—i.e. those who have used the drug within the last thirty days—there are:
- 1.5 million cocaine users,
- at least 1 million heroin users (compared with 300,000 in 2003),
- 900,000 methamphetamine users,
- 3 million Ecstacy (MDMA) users,
- 2 million users of hallucinogens, and
- perhaps as many as 4 million users of illegal opioids.
If one were to expand this to include “casual users,” i.e., those who have used the drug within the last year, the figures would double, or in some cases triple.
There is also the following to consider.
When Dope, Inc. was published in 1978, the explosion in use of legal psychiatric drugs was still two decades into the future. Today, the “legal” drugging of Americans is beyond epidemic proportions. The first anti-anxiety drug Valium was introduced in 1963, but the real revolution came with the introduction of the powerful anti-depressant Prozac in 1988, i.e., the acceptance of the idea that psychological and emotional “well-being” could be achieved through swallowing a pill. This re-definition of mind-altering drugs as “medicine”—which today includes marijuana—has been key to the mass drugging of the population.
According to figures supplied by IMS Health, a company that provides information, services and technology for the healthcare industry, 79 million Americans are now taking some form of drug for emotional or psychological relief. That’s 25% of the entire U.S. population. This includes
- 37 million taking anti-anxiety drugs,
- 41 million taking anti-depressants,
- 11 million taking drugs for Attention Deficit Disorder, and
- 7 million taking anti-psychotic drugs.
One in eight Americans now takes an antidepressant medication; among women in their 40s and 50s, the figure is one in four. Many people have multiple prescriptions for a variety of these drugs. Additionally, in 2012, 259 million prescriptions were written for narcotic opioids (e.g., OxyContin), which is more than enough to give every American adult his or her own bottle of pills.
The powerful anti-anxiety and anti-panic drug Xanax today ranks #1 as the most prescribed psychiatric drug in America. As of 2015, doctors were writing nearly 50 million prescriptions for Xanax every year—that’s more than one Xanax prescription every second.
The drugging begins at an early age. In the age group 0-5 years, 200,000 are already on ADHD drugs, 110,000 are on anti-depressants, and 725,000 are on anti-anxiety drugs. Over one million children are on drugs by the time of their sixth birthday. An astounding 20% of high school-age boys—ages 14-17—in the United States have been diagnosed with ADHD, and 10% of high school-age girls have likewise been diagnosed.
These are powerful drugs. During the last thirty years Dr. Peter Breggin has authored a series of books, including Toxic Psychiatry; Talking Back to Prozac; Talking Back to Ritalin; and Medication Madness. In his work, Dr. Breggin had documented a widespread deterioration of mental functioning in the users of these drugs. He has described a condition which he calls Medication Spellbinding, wherein severe mental impairment occurs without the drug user noticing it. The same could certainly be said for marijuana users.
Obama the Drug Pusher
In October 2009, Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden issued a memorandum to federal prosecutors, directing them that they should not enforce federal anti-drug laws (the Controlled Substances Act) against individuals or institutions which are in “clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana.” Thus, Barack Obama became the first U.S. President to accept the definition of marijuana, a Schedule I controlled substance, as a “medicine.”
![]() C-SPAN
David W. Ogden, Assistant Attorney General, 2009.
This federal endorsement of marijuana was taken a step further in 2013 when Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole issued a memo to federal prosecutors in all fifty states declaring that the Obama Administration would not challenge laws legalizing marijuana in Colorado, Washington, or any other state which chose to violate federal drug laws.
![]() U.S. Department of Justice
Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole, on May 31, 2011.
In March 2015, following the legalization of marijuana in Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and Colorado, Barack Obama conducted an interview with Vice News. He stated that he was “encouraged” by recent actions at the state level to give greater access to marijuana. This Presidential endorsement, combined with federal non-enforcement of the nation’s anti-drug laws has resulted in four additional states—California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada—legalizing marijuana within the last twenty-four months.
As this article is being written, Barack Obama, together with his wife Michelle and his bizarre political bedfellow Valery Jarrett, have established a headquarters in Washington, D.C. from which to organize an effort to block and destroy President Donald Trump. This unholy trio are linked in their efforts with Nazi-sympathizer George Soros, the billionaire who is now personally bankrolling the attempt to create a “color revolution” in the United States by deploying thousands of deluded foot soldiers into the streets of American cities in violent anti-Trump demonstrations.
Since 1994, George Soros has spent more than $200 million of his own money to legalize drugs in the United States. During the last twenty years, almost every state ballot initiative for drug legalization or “decriminalization” has been financed by Soros, some almost entirely by him, and Soros has not limited his efforts to marijuana legalization. He has also spoken out—and financed ballot initiatives—for the decriminalization of all “hard drugs,” including heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines.
![]() World Economic Forum/ Michele Limina
George Soros at the World Economic Forum, Jan. 23, 2015.
In a December 2015 interview with the Russia-24 TV channel, Viktor Ivanov, the head of the Russian anti-drug agency FSKN, charged that Soros’ efforts for drug legalization in the United States, was developed for export to foreign countries, particularly intended to effect drug legalization in Mexico and other Latin American nations, where propaganda is being spread by Soros-controlled NGOs.
What Obama Has Wrought
Between 2009 and 2016, under Barack Obama:
- Marijuana use went up 100%,
- Methamphetamine use increased 62%,
- Heroin use increased 200%.
According to a report issued by the CDC, in 2012 the number of people using heroin for the first time was 156,000, nearly double the number of people in 2006. This increase has been driven largely by young adults aged 18-25.
On Feb. 23, 2017, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) released data showing that overdose-related deaths increased from 38,329 in 2010 to 52,404 by 2015, a 27% increase in five years. At the same time heroin-related deaths quadrupled, going from 3,036 in 2010 to 12,989 in 2015 all of this under the Obama regime.
Numerous studies have documented that this frightening explosion of drug usage correlates directly to states that have legalized the Obama-approved “medical” use of marijuana. A 2014 report titled “The Effect of Medical Marijuana Laws on Marijuana, Alcohol, and Hard Drug Use,” documents a 27% increase for marijuana use in states that have legalized medical marijuana.
Since the 2012 outright legalization of marijuana in Colorado and Washington, attempts have been made to calculate the effects of legalization on drug usage (as well as in the six additional states that subsequently enacted marijuana legalization). Initial studies have shown a sharp increase in drug usage among the population. Millions of youth are now being told that marijuana is a “medicine,”—like the pills that mother takes for her “well-being”—or at the very least it is acceptable to use, now that it has been legalized. The societal and cultural barriers to drug usage are being removed.
![]() White House Photo
President Barak Obama
As for prescription drug use, under Obama, the overall use of psychiatric drugs to numb and pacify the population has increased dramatically. Since 2008, there has been an 87% increase in the use of anti-depressants; a 100% increase in children, under age 10, taking anti-psychotic medications, and a 40% increase in the number of girls being prescribed ADHD medications. There has been an explosion in the use of prescription opioids, accompanied by the development and marketing of new opioids, such as U-47700, which is eight times more potent than heroin. U-47700, or “pinky” as it is known, is now legal in 46 states and has been linked to many, many deaths. The United States makes up only 4.6% of the world’s population, but consumes 80% of its opioids.
II. Start from the Top
So, what is to be done?
The first step must be to recognize the paramount role of the major British and American banking institutions in the global drug trade. This role is not merely one of avaricious “money laundering.” The London and Wall Street apparatus is the command center for the intended drugging of the population, and none of the major drug cartels could function without the protection and support of Wall Street and the City of London.
In 2009, Antonio Maria Costa, then the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), identified the fact that the international banks had become “drug dependent.” He said:
In many instances, the money from drugs was the only liquid investment capital. In the second half of 2008, liquidity was the banking system’s main problem and hence liquid capital became an important factor. Inter-bank loans were funded by money that originated from the drugs trade and other illegal activities. . . There were signs that some banks were rescued that way.
Speaking in Washington, D.C. in 2011, Viktor Ivanov, the Director of the Russian Federal Narcotics Service, went even further:
Drug money and global drug trafficking are actually not just valuable elements of, but as donors of scarce liquidity, a vital and indispensable segment of the whole monetary system.
Ivanov went on to say that Russia and the United States must work in tandem to effect the
drastic transformation of the international financial system. . . . To a certain extent, we are observing a revival of the logic of the Glass-Steagall Act, adopted in the U.S. in 1933 at the height of the Great Depression, which separated the deposit and investment functions of banks.
However, he added, “restrictions to prevent the attraction of criminal money are required even more. In other words, liquidation of the financial bubble alone will not be enough. . . . The key way to liquidate global drug trafficking is to reformat the existing economy and shift to an economy that excludes criminal money” and moves instead “to an economy of development, in which decisions are based on development projects and long-term targeted credits.”
The first action which must be undertaken to combat the drug scourge is to enact into law the restoration of Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall legislation, along with accompanying actions which ruthlessly bring to an end the last two decades era of unregulated banking and financial speculation. The predatory practices of the “too-big-to-fail” banks in London and New York—the headquarters of Dope Inc.—have brought the trans-Atlantic financial system to ruin. The restoration of Glass-Steagall is essential for the creation of a Hamiltonian Credit System needed to finance a national economic recovery, but it will also have the salutary effect of destroying the financial operations and structures which control and bankroll the international drug trade.
The British Crown
In Dope, Inc., the British monarchy’s control over world-wide drug trafficking is fully documented, in an unbroken line, stretching back to the late 18th Century. As the book says, drug trafficking is the “biggest business in the world.” In 1978, the authors of Dope, Inc. estimated that the dollar amount of world-wide drug trafficking totaled about $200 billion. Eight years later, in the 1986 edition, that estimate was raised to $500-$700 billion.
Today, global drug proceeds are in the multiple trillions of dollars. All of this money is deposited within the major financial institutions of the trans-Atlantic banking system, with a major role being played by the completely unregulated “offshore” banks, located primarily in current or former British and Dutch colonies.
This transformation of Britain into the controller of the world’s largest drug cartel was signaled as early as 1776, when Adam Smith, in his Wealth of Nations, advocated a massive increase in opium production in India and sales into China, under the control of the East India Company. The direction and financing for this global drug empire was placed in the hands of British banks and trading companies such as Jardine-Matheson and the Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank. Many of the individuals who proved most resourceful in expanding the drug trade were knighted by Queen Victoria and her successors. The wealth of the City of London multiplied as the dead bodies of it’s victims crept into the millions.
This royal drug empire continued to operate openly well into the 20th Century. Between 1909 and 1914, four international conferences were held, all at American insistence, aimed at curbing the drug trade. All failed due to British opposition. In 1923, an American proposal was brought before the League of Nations to reduce worldwide opium production by 90%. It was killed by the British delegation.
During this period, the British were actually expanding their drug pushing. In 1927 official British government figures showed that in many of Britain’s Asian colonies, including Malaysia, Borneo and Sarawak, profits from the drug trade accounted for over 30-50% of the government’s revenues. In India, during the same period, Mahatma Gandhi was leading demonstrations against Britain’s plans to expand opium production. Throughout this whole period, the minutes of the Advisory Committee of the League’s Opium Commission document the British government’s continued role in the trafficking and distribution of opium and heroin. Most people think of the Opium Wars as a 19th Century occurrence, but as late as 1937, there were 70 million opium and heroin addicts in China, all being supplied by the British government, British banks, and British trading companies..
Today, the premier British drug bank, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, now known as HSBC, is still openly involved in drug financing. When it was caught red-handed in 2012 laundering billions of dollars for the Mexican and Colombian drug cartels, the Obama Administration ruled that under no circumstances would any HSBC official be criminally prosecuted for drug money laundering. On all matters related to drugs, banking, and war, Obama has always obeyed the Queen.
The words of Viktor Ivanov and Antonio Maria Costa should be taken to heart. Today, the entire bankrupt trans-Atlantic banking system is being propped up by drug money. For some, this is deliberate policy. For others they have simply become addicts who can’t exist without the drug cash.
III. Total War
As in the case of William T. Sherman, as he marched through Georgia freeing slaves and burning plantations, ours must be an approach of total war. Every resource must be mobilized. During the Battle of Stalingrad, as new Soviet tanks were being produced behind the lines, those tanks rolled out of the factories and drove straight to the battlefield, many arriving within 24 to 48 hours. A commitment to such a “full mobilization” is required today.
In this regard, at this point in our report, it is best to turn to the proposals made by Lyndon LaRouche in 1985.4 That speech is several pages long, so we will present here only brief excerpts. LaRouche begins,
It is clear to the governments fighting the international drug-traffickers, that the drug-traffic could never be defeated if each of our nations tried to fight this evil independently of the other nations of this Hemisphere. If the drug-traffickers’ laboratories are shut down in Colombia, new laboratories open up in Brazil. If the route into Florida and Georgia is attacked heavily enough, the drug-traffickers reopen routes into California, through Belize and Mexico. If Mexico shuts down drug-routes through its territory, the drug-traffickers will use Pacific routes into the U. S. states of Washington and Oregon, through the marijuana-traffickers of Hawaii. . . .
It is impossible to break the ominously increasing political power of the drug-traffickers in Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, and other countries, without capturing the billions of dollars of drug-revenues run through corrupt banking institutions. Without help of closer cooperation between the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, and other nations of this Hemisphere, neither the United States nor any of the other republics could defeat the monstrously powerful complex of criminal, financial, and political forces who are behind the international drug-traffic. The purpose of my remarks today, is to outline to you a proposed war-plan, for cooperative action against the international drug-traffickers, by the governments of this Hemisphere committed to that action.
LaRouche then goes on to enunciate a fifteen-point plan of action to win the War on Drugs. Here we highlight just a few of his proposals.
• The international drug traffic has become an evil and powerful government in its own right. It represents today a financial, political, and military power greater than that of entire nations within the Americas. It is a government which is making war against civilized nations, a government upon which we must declare war, a war which we must fight with the weapons of war, and a war which we must win in the same spirit the United States fought for the unconditional defeat of Nazism between 1941 and 1945. . .
• Law-enforcement methods must support the military side of the War on Drugs: a) Any person caught in trafficking of drugs, is to be classed as either a traitor in time of war, or as the foreign spy of an enemy power; b) Any person purchasing unlawful substances, or advocating the legalization of traffic in such substances, or advocating leniency in anti-drug military or law-enforcement policy toward the production or trafficking in drugs, is guilty of the crime of giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war. . .
• A treaty of alliance for conduct of war, should be established between the United States and the governments of Ibero-American states which join the War on Drugs alliance. . .
• Under the auspices of this treaty, provisions for actions of a joint military command should be elaborated. These provisions should define principles of common action, to the effect that necessary forms of joint military and law-enforcement action do not subvert the national sovereignty of any of the allied nations on whose territory military operations are conducted. . .
• Borders among the allied nations, and borders with other nations, must be virtually hermetically sealed against drug traffic across borders. All unlogged aircraft flying across borders or across the Caribbean waters, which fail to land according to instructions, are to be shot down by military action. A thorough search of all sea, truck, rail, and other transport, including inbound container traffic, is to be effected at all borders and other points of customs-inspection. Massive concentration with aid of military forces must be made in border-crossing areas, and along relevant arteries of internal highway and water-borne transport. . .
• A system of total regulation of financial institutions, to the effect of detecting deposits, outbound transfers, and inbound transfer of funds, which might be reasonably suspected of being funds secured from drug trafficking, must be established and maintained. . .
• All real estate, business enterprises, financial institutions, and personal funds, shown to be employed in the growing, processing, transport, or sale of unlawful drugs, should be taken into military custody immediately, and confiscated in the manner of military actions in time of war. . .
• The primary objective of the War on Drugs, is military in nature: to destroy the enemy quasi-state, the international drug trafficking interest, by destroying or confiscating that quasi-state’s economic and financial resources, by disbanding business and political associations associated with the drug trafficking interest, by confiscating the wealth accumulated through complicity with the drug traffickers’ operations, and by detaining, as “prisoners of war” or as traitors or spies, all persons aiding the drug trafficking interest. . .
• Special attention should be concentrated on those banks, insurance enterprises, and other business institutions which are in fact elements of an international financial cartel coordinating the flow of hundreds of billions annually of revenues from the international drug traffic. Such entities should be classed as outlaws according to the “crimes against humanity” doctrine elaborated at the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal, and all business relations with such entities should be prohibited according to the terms of prohibition against trading with the enemy in time of war. . .
• One of the worst problems we continue to face in combating drug trafficking, especially since political developments of the 1977-81 period, is the increasing corruption of governmental agencies and personnel, as well as influential political factions, by politically powerful financial interests associated with either the drug trafficking as such, or powerful financial and business interests associated with conduiting the revenues of the drug trafficking. For this and related reasons, ordinary law-enforcement methods of combating the drug traffic fail. In addition to corruption of governmental agencies, the drug traffickers are protected by the growth of powerful groups which advocate either legalization of the drug traffic, or which campaign more or less efficiently to prevent effective forms of enforcement of laws against the usage and trafficking in drugs. Investigation has shown that the associations engaged in such advocacy are political arms of the financial interests associated with the conduiting of revenues from the drug traffic, and that they are therefore to be treated in the manner Nazi-sympathizer operations were treated in the United States during World War II. . . .
• The War on Drugs should include agreed provisions for allotment of confiscated billions of dollars of assets of the drug trafficking interests to beneficial purposes of economic development, in basic economic infrastructure, agriculture, and goods-producing industry. These measures should apply the right of sovereign states to taking title of the foreign as well as domestic holdings of their nationals, respecting the lawful obligations of those nationals to the state. The fact that ill-gotten gains are transferred to accounts in foreign banks, or real estate holdings in foreign nations, does not place those holdings beyond reach of recovery by the state of that national.
This, then, is a War on Drugs, as defined by an old soldier, a patriotic veteran of World War II. It is a war intended to save not only America, but to help other nations such as Mexico and Colombia, working as partners with the United States, to free themselves from drug slavery. It is not a “war of words”: There will be casualties. It is not for the squeamish or faint-of-heart.
President Trump’s Feb. 9 Executive Order5
In his Executive Order, titled, Enforcing Federal Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Trafficking, President Trump begins by saying:
Transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including transnational drug cartels, have spread throughout the Nation, threatening the safety of the United States and its citizens. These organizations derive revenue through widespread illegal conduct, including acts of violence and abuse that exhibit a wanton disregard for human life. . .
These groups are drivers of crime, corruption, violence, and misery. In particular, the trafficking by cartels of controlled substances has triggered a resurgence in deadly drug abuse and a corresponding rise in violent crime related to drugs. Likewise, the trafficking and smuggling of human beings by transnational criminal groups, risks creating a humanitarian crisis. These crimes, along with many others, are enriching and empowering these organizations to the detriment of the American people.
A comprehensive and decisive approach is required to dismantle these organized crime syndicates and restore safety for the American people.
![]() C-SPAN
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly
From there, the President goes on to define a new policy, aimed at strengthening “enforcement of Federal law in order to thwart transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including criminal gangs, cartels, racketeering organizations, and other groups engaged in illicit activities that present a threat to public safety and national security, and that are related to, for example.”
This will include, “the illegal smuggling and trafficking of humans, drugs or other substances, wildlife, and weapons”; as well as corruption, fraud and financial crimes, including “the illegal concealment or transfer of proceeds derived from such illicit activities.”
He defines a policy to “ensure that Federal law enforcement agencies give a high priority and devote sufficient resources to efforts to identify, interdict, disrupt, and dismantle transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including through the investigation, apprehension, and prosecution of members of such organizations,” as well as to “enhance cooperation with foreign counterparts against transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations. . .,” to “pursue and support additional efforts to prevent the operational success of transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations within and beyond the United States, to include prosecution. . .,” and to “work to increase intelligence and law enforcement information sharing with foreign partners battling transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, and to enhance international operational capabilities and cooperation,” as well as to “assess Federal agencies’ allocation of monetary and personnel resources for identifying, interdicting, and dismantling transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations. . .,” and to “identify Federal agencies’ practices, any absence of practices, and funding needs that might hinder Federal efforts to effectively combat transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations. . .”
The Executive Order directs the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security to report back to the President within 120 days, and to submit a report “on transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including the extent of penetration of such organizations into the United States, and issue additional reports annually thereafter to describe the progress made in combating these criminal organizations, along with any recommended actions for dismantling them.”
![]() Eli Alford for the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys
Attorney General Jeff Sessions
It is very clear that this initial action taken by President Trump does not go as far as what Lyndon LaRouche proposed in 1985. Yet, it also must be understood, that everything contained in that Order, issued under the authority of President Trump, is fully coherent with LaRouche’s earlier proposal. This is the first step in the War.
IV. Victory
As Douglas MacArthur understood in Japan in 1945, to win the peace one must provide the people of a nation with a pathway to the future. Military victory must be followed by a long-term peace-winning vision.
On Nov. 29, 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte inaugurated the opening of the Mega Drug Abuse Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (Mega DATRC). Still incomplete, this facility when finished will be capable of housing 10,000 recovering drug addicts. In his Nov. 29 speech, President Duterte strongly reiterated his determination to win the drug war in the Philippines, and he stressed the importance of facilities such as Mega in furthering the reintegration of the victims of the drug cartels back into society.6
The tens of millions of drug users in the United States are the victims of Britain’s modern Opium War against the United States. By adopting the measures which LaRouche enunciated in 1985, together with enactment of Glass-Steagall legislation as well as strict enforcement of federal drug laws, the amount of drug consumption can be drastically curtailed. The availability of drugs will be sharply reduced, and the message that has been sent out by Barack Obama for the last eight years that “Drugs are OK” will be reversed. A contrary social dynamic will be created. The question then becomes how to move forward, how to create a better culture and a better society than that which currently exists.
How To Make the Victory Permanent: Taking A Page from Franklin Roosevelt
Between 1933 and 1937, four agencies created by Franklin Roosevelt—the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), and the Works Progress Administration (WPA)—created more than ten million jobs, primarily for young Americans. The primary goal was to “put people back to work,” but—beyond that urgent immediate need—it must also be stressed that many of these jobs created by FDR also involved building something which improved the nation:
- Bridges
- Schools
- Hospitals
- Dams
- Electrification.
A better future was being created, and the youth involved were part of this.
The effect of such a dynamic can not be underestimated.
During the recent Presidential campaign, Donald Trump spoke out often about his determination to rebuild America’s inner cities. He told one audience of African-American voters in Detroit, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58% of your youth are unemployed; what the hell do you have to lose?” He was ridiculed for making such statements and even, incredibly, called a racist by some in the media. Yet, it is precisely in the President’s enunciation of his intent to rescue inner city dwellers, that the revelation for a permanent victory in the drug war begins to become clear.
Imagine if the Trump Administration were to establish dozens—if not hundreds—of facilities modeled on the Philippine Mega facility of President Duterte, and if those facilities were linked to a Franklin Roosevelt jobs program for rebuilding America’s cities. Imagine if hundreds of thousands or even millions of such youth received training and were put to work rehabilitating and improving areas of the Bronx, Brooklyn, or the inner cities of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, and other major American metropolitan areas. What if the same thing were done in depressed rural areas. What would be the effect on the nation? The fleeting pleasures of drug intoxication might be replaced by tangible progress which promises a better future.
Even far greater challenges—and greater opportunities—could then be posed to young Americans. A true Hamiltonian economic policy will provide the means to take on stupendous projects, including a rapid return to space exploration, in partnership with other nations. An upward optimistic perspective can take hold. The potential for a profoundly positive change in culture would then become possible. Human minds begin to function again. Reason awakens. Cognition is improved.
There is no reason to incarcerate drug users. Again, they are the victims. Simply cut off their supply, and move as many of them as possible into an FDR economic recovery effort. This approach should also apply for many “lower level” individuals involved in the drug trade, if their crime is non-violent and their desire to escape the drug lifestyle is genuine. The only necessary caution is to avoid excessive leniency until the drug cartels are crushed.7 Forgiveness after a war is laudable; during the war it is suicidal.
For those with serious problems of addiction or severe psychological problems, rehabilitation clinics should be the first step. According to a report by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), almost 23 million Americans aged 12 and older need treatment for drug or alcohol use, but only 2.5 million have received treatment at a specialty facility.
For the controllers and the military command structure of Dope, Inc., no mercy must be permitted.
Leading bankers and financiers involved in drug money laundering or drug transactions, either directly or through connivance, should be stripped of their ill-gotten gains, prosecuted, and jailed. No one should be immune, including CEOs and others in executive positions. During their 2012 plea bargain, the top officials of HSBC openly admitted that they had knowingly laundered billions of dollars in drug money. Not one of them spent a day in jail.
All high level officials and major players in drug gangs and drug cartels should be similarly treated. This falls under the heading of “military procedures,” and it will necessitate cooperation with a variety of other nations.
Any state or local government official, elected official, or law enforcement official who defies federal law in regard to the War on Drugs, i.e., commits treason, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The issue of “states’ rights” was settled on the bloody battlefields of Gettysburg and Shiloh. The same approach might be necessary for some within the nation’s major news media.
Responsible individuals, again including top corporate officers within the Pharmaceutical industry, who have wittingly participated in the mass drugging of the American people, should be indicted and prosecuted. Procedures which govern the availability of powerful psychiatric drugs must be radically overhauled.
Such ruthless action will cripple the command structures of the enemy and destroy their ability to continue to operate. At the same time, it will accomplish a great shift in the morale of the American people. It is time to resurrect the methods of Ferdinand Pecora who jailed Wall Street bankers in the 1930s. If the CEOs of major financial institutions are marched in handcuffs off to prison, together with the leaders of the major drug cartels, everyone will know that this war is deadly serious.
In his 1985 Mexico City address, Lyndon LaRouche stated, “Special attention should be concentrated on those banks, insurance enterprises, and other business institutions which are in fact elements of an international financial cartel coordinating the flow of hundreds of billions annually of revenues from the international drug traffic. Such entities should be classed as outlaws according to the ‘crimes against humanity’ doctrine elaborated at the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal.”
What LaRouche said then was true, and it remains true today.
2. President Reagan’s War on Drugs was itself greatly influenced and strongly backed by Lyndon LaRouche, including the 1978 publication of Dope, Inc., the founding of the National Anti-Drug Coalition, which published the first edition of its War on Drugs magazine in June 1980, and the personal advisory role of Lyndon LaRouche to the Reagan Administration in the early 1980s. On March 9, 1985, LaRouche delivered a speech titled “A Proposed Multi-National Strategic Operation against the Drug Traffic for the Western Hemisphere,” to an anti-drug conference in Mexico City. More will be said about the content of that speech later in this report.
3. Many figures and statistics will be cited here. Every effort was made to verify their accuracy. Individual citations will not be given, but sources include the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the U.S. National Survey on Drug Use and Health, the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, and a variety of other government and private institutions.
4. See:
5. See:
6. The full speech may be viewed at
7. Some individuals attack anti-drug prosecutions, pointing to what has been done to young African-American males during the last 20 to 30 years. As of 2017, it is estimated that one-third of black male Americans will spend time in state or federal prison at some point in their lifetime—more than double the rate from the 1970s. The majority of these incarcerations are for drug-related convictions, and the effect this has had on black families and the black community is both well known and devastating. Yet, what is less well known is that only about 14% of those convictions involved violent or property crimes; the vast bulk were for drug possession or even such things as the possession of “drug paraphernalia.” These are precisely the type of people who should be directed toward a Duterte/FDR program.