The Belt And Road Initiative,
the World Land-Bridge, and Corresponding
Ideas in Western and Chinese Culture
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On April 13 and 14, the Schiller Institute, in cooperation with the China Energy Fund Committee and the Foundation for the Revival of Classical Culture, held an international conference in Manhattan, on the theme of the Belt and Road Initiative, the World Land-Bridge, and corresponding ideas in Western and Chinese culture. This conference and an associated evening concert brought together well over 200 participants, including high-level representatives of crucial nations, including:
• Dr. Patrick Ho of the China Energy Fund Committee,
• Mme. Meifang Zhang, the Deputy Consul General of the People’s Republic of China, in New York,
• Mr. Petr Ilyichev, the Chargé d’Affaires of the Permanent Mission to the United Nations of the Russian Federation, and
• Mr. Faiyaz Kazi, Counselor to the Permanent Mission to the United Nations of Bangladesh.
The conference was opened by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institutes, accompanied by presentations by top representatives of China and Russia. These presentations marked the stark contrast in outlook between the potential for the tremendous economic growth and cooperation of the World Land-Bridge concept, as led up to now by China, and the contrasting drive for war coming from the British Empire.
The Chinese and Russian representatives were greeted very warmly by the assembled audience, showing the potential for the better America to ally with these great nations. This opening panel was covered in the previous, April 21 issue of EIR.
A panel of presentations on the development aspects of the Belt and Road Initiative followed. These included:
• A discussion of Lyndon LaRouche’s economic concepts as applied to infrastructure as a platform,
• The programs for integrating the Americas into the Belt and Road Initiative,
• The stunning success China has had in becoming the world’s leader in high-speed rail,
• The potential for southern Asian integration with the example of Bangladesh, the most densely populated nation on the globe,
• The energy requirements for full development,
• The long-term maintenance and physical sustainability needs for a project of such immense scale and duration, and
The need for an outlook toward space infrastructure as a driver for mankind as a whole.
These presentations fleshed out and further developed the concepts presented in the opening of the conference. The potential is real, and the benefits are absolutely tremendous, if we throw off the British yoke and cooperate for mutual benefit. This second conference panel will be reported in the coming, May 5 issue of EIR.
The third panel took on the deeper issue of the dialogue of cultures on the highest level. What are the greatest ideas of western and Chinese civilizations, which can serve as a basis for the most elevated dialogue? Reports on the third panel follow here, along with other, complementary articles on the same broad theme.
A half-hour summary video of the conference can be found at:
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