[Print version of this program]
International Schiller Institute Conference
Nov. 25-26, 2017, Bad Soden/Taunus, Germany
Preliminary Conference Program
MUSICAL OPENING: Mo Li Hua (Jasmin Flower),Chinese Folk Song (Arr. Benjamin Lylloff)
Schiller Institute Chorus; 1st Violin: Caroline Hartmann; 2nd Violin: Odile Mojon; Viola: Claudio Celani; ’Cello: Athil Hamdan; Conductor: Benjamin Lylloff
• The New Silk Road, a New Model for International Relations
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President and Founder, Schiller Institute
PANEL I: The Earth’s Next 50 Years
• KEYNOTE: President Xi’s Perspective for the Year 2050 and the Perspective of African Development
Prof. He Wenping, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Director of African Studies, Beijing
• Integration of Egypt’s Transportation Plans 2030 with the New Silk Road Project
Dr. Saad Mohamed Mahmoud Elgioshy, former Transport Minister, Egypt
• The Trump Administration—Impending Economic Policies and Media Discord
George Lombardi, former Social Media Consultant to President Trump
• A Future for Europe After the Euro
Marco Zanni, Member of the Economic and Monetary Committee, European Parliament
PANEL II: The Need for Europe to Cooperate With China in the Industrialization of Africa and the Middle East; Transaqua as the Rosetta Stone of the Continent’s Transformation
• Extending the New Silk Road to Southwest Asia and Africa: A Vision of an Economic Renaissance
Hussein Askary, Schiller Institute, Southwest Asia Coordinator, Stockholm
• Italy-China Alliance for Transaqua
Franco Persio Bocchetto, Foreign Director, Bonifica S.p.A., Italy
• The Need for Europe to Cooperate with China in the Industrialization of Africa
Mehreteab Mulugeta Haile, General Consul of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Frankfurt am Main
• Egypt’s 2030 Mega-Projects: Investment Opportunities for Intermodal and Multimodal Connectivity
Mrs. Moni Abdullah, Executive Manager of Pyramids International, Cairo
8 P.M. Classical Concert
SUNDAY, NOV. 26, 2017
Note: Panels III and IV will be covered in the Dec. 8 issue of EIR.
PANEL III: Europe as the Continent of Poets, Thinkers, and Inventors, or Sidelined at the Rear of Strategic Developments? An Optimistic Vision for the Future of Europe
• KEYNOTE: What Europe Should Contribute to the New World Paradigm
Jacques Cheminade, former Presidential Candidate, France
• China’s Initiative: From the Doom of Self-Destruction, to Prosperity and Progress: A View from Ukraine
Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, Doctor of Economics, MP (1994-2002), Chairwoman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine
• One Belt, One Road—An Opportunity for Development in the Western Balkans
Dr. Jasminka Simic, Author and Journalist, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Editor-Journalist of the Radio-Television of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
• Bulgaria’s Contribution to the B&R Initiative in the Context of the Geopolitical State of the Balkans
Prof. Mariana Tian, Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
MUSICAL OPENING: Franz Schubert: "Ganymed" (Text: Goethe)
Leena Malkki, Sweden, Soprano; Werner Hartmann, Piano
• New Horizons for Cyprus
Kathryn Alexander Theodotou, Principal of Highgate Hill Solicitors in London and of Alexandrou Theodotou LLC in Cyprus, Chair of Anglo-Hellenic and Cypriot Law Association
• China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Its Long-Term Impact on African Countries
Dr. (Cand.) Alexander Demissie, Founding Director, The China Africa Advisory
PANEL IV: The System We Live in is Not Earthbound—Future Technologies and Scientific Breakthroughs (Transportation, Thermonuclear Fusion, International Cooperation in Space Research)
• KEYNOTE: The Scientific Method of LaRouche
Jason Ross, Science Advisor, Schiller Institute, U.S.A.
• Energy Transition—from Bad to Worse
Prof. Dr. Helmut Alt, University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule), Aachen
• Current Situation of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor in China
Wentao Guo, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland