This article appears in the April 27, 2018 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
South Africa’s Zuma Indicts British Empire in TV Address
[Print version of this article]
April 22—South African leader Jacob Zuma exposed the long history of British imperial warfare against the people of South Africa, in an hour-long address to a “Blacks in Dialogue” event in Braamfontein, Johannesburg on April 21. It was carried live by ANN7 television and then posted on the ANN7 website. Zuma’s public attack on the British is unprecedented in South Africa. The event was sponsored by Black First Land First (BLF).
The theme of former President Zuma’s address was the need for political unity to get Black majority control of the economy, especially the land. Zuma spent the first 30 minutes just on the British wars, massacres, and punitive expeditions against South Africans throughout the 19th century, which only ended in 1906, when the British machine-gunned 800 Zulus trapped in the Mome Gorge in the Bambatha Rebellion. Between 3,000 and 4,000 Africans died at the hands of the British in that 1906 war alone. Zuma went on to note the exclusion of Africans from any role in government and administration when the Union of South Africa was formed in 1910, and the continuing dispossession of Africans’ land thereafter.
He stated that the British also could not accept the existence of the two Afrikaner republics, the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek of Paul Kruger and the Oranje Vrijstaat, which led to British aggression in the two Anglo-Boer wars.
Zuma called for expropriation, without compensation, of the land seized under the 1913 Native Land Act, which then left Black Africans with only 7% of the land for 80% the country’s population.
The leader of LaRouche South Africa, R.P. Tsokolibane, has long specified that the President of South Africa must sustain a public attack on the British Empire to enable the people of the country to understand what is holding South Africa down.
The video: