This article appears in the May 4, 2018 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Wieczorek on Ballot as Independent for U.S. Congress in South Dakota
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May 1—Ron Wieczorek, a rancher from Davison County, South Dakota, is now on the ballot as an Independent for the November election for South Dakota’s one seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. Wieczorek filed with the Secretary of State’s office in Pierre on April 24. For several months, he has led an organizing campaign, gathering nearly 4,000 petition signatures with the help of volunteers, and rallying people to get active. He declared in a statement issued for the filing, “I have decided to run for U.S. Congress because I cannot sit idly by while our nation is destroyed. We are sitting on a financial bubble which is about to explode again. Our once productive economy has all but been destroyed by Wall Street’s implementation of a post-industrial society and the casino economy, creating a small class of the super-rich and the rest of us. Our infrastructure is crumbling and every financial scheme to repair it presently proposed involves robbing Peter to pay Paul.”
Wieczorek’s purpose and policies were quite accurately reported in the Pierre Capital Journal of April 24: “It’s a candidacy based in part on support for President Donald Trump, who Wieczorek says ‘has been trapped by partisan politics.’ Tuesday afternoon, in the Capitol just outside the Secretary of State’s office, he described himself this way: ‘I’m a Roosevelt Democrat and an Abraham Lincoln Republican. But neither party seems to know what that is anymore. That’s another reason I chose to run as an independent.’ ” In his campaign statement, he explained, “I choose to stand above the parties and campaign and fight on principle. If the silent Americans who unexpectedly elected Trump and want him to succeed, follow my stance and join me in campaigning on the principles of LaRouche’s Four Laws, we can actually cause the necessary changes in time to save our nation.”
Wieczorek showed the media the flier he has circulated in the thousands throughout the state, which features the “Four Laws” of emergency measures needed in the nation, outlined in 2014 by Lyndon LaRouche; charts showing the decline of the U.S. farm sector and general economy; and the reason why the United States should join up with China’s “Belt and Road” development drive and rebuild our continent. He asserted, “Our nation’s elites continue to involve us in purposeless wars, and would, presumably, annihilate the human race to save their system. Our schools long ago ceased to emphasize fundamental discovery, science, and engineering. The people of the 1930s sacrificed and boldly innovated to change a collapsing economic system at that time. They gave me a future. I am repaying that debt of sacrifice by running for Congress to give a future to my grandchildren.”
On a conference call with activists the night before his petition filing, Wieczorek thanked “everyone who put an effort into this campaign,” saying, “I have talked to thousands of people—maybe 3, 4, even 5,000 people—in the last two months alone.” The process, he said, has shown him that “there is a major improvement in the mindset of people in South Dakota.” He spoke of what he will do next: “I’d like to tour the entire state. During the petitioning phase of my campaign, we put out a flier and a card, with Lyndon LaRouche’s economic program and the major infrastructure projects we need, and we’ve touched on the necessity of classical education and music in our school system. We got out, I’m guessing, 5-7,000 of those fliers. We’re going to tweak that flier a bit, reprint it, and just keep on circulating it and talking to people.
“I’m looking at this now more as an educational process than an election process, because if we can’t educate the American people about what needs to be done, sending me to Washington or even winning the campaign isn’t going to solve the problem; but if we can get the people moving, and get them activated, then we can look for a win-win situation, where we’ll have a change in our national policy, to get this nation back on track, with Lyn’s programs and the American System.”
Wieczorek, with his wife Deanna, operates a Charolais breeding herd. He described the hard logistics during his petition drive. “Being out in the farm sector, it’s a little different from being in town—20 inches of snow, and we’re in the middle of calving season out here. But everything seems to have worked out. The good Lord must have sent some guardian angels to guard us—seems that way to me. My health—He’s preserved my health for some reason. At 75, I probably shouldn’t be doing this. But nobody else out here is doing it, and it needs to be done. So like they say, Moses didn’t go to work ’til he was 80.”
Wieczorek is well-known in the farm belt for his decades-long fight for sensible economic policies and principles. He ran three times for South Dakota’s Congressional seat in the 1990s (1992, 1994 and 1998), the last time garnering 23% of the Democratic Primary vote. Wieczorek has campaigned vigorously for the platform of development put forward by Lyndon LaRouche, who in 1992 won the North Dakota Democratic Primary for Presidential candidate. Then in 1996, LaRouche placed strongly in many Democratic Presidential primaries around the nation, with 34.5% in North Dakota that year, and significant votes in other farm states—12.7% in Oklahoma and 11.2 in Nebraska and Colorado. However, in 1999, the action LaRouche had warned against, was unfortunately taken by the Federal government: The 1933 Glass-Steagall Act was repealed. More and more “casino economics” came into play, destroying people’s lives, to the point of the present-day crisis.
On farm policy, Wieczorek stresses that the Glass-Steagall law should be re-instated, and speculation and trade practices based on a policy ruled by “somebody has to lose and somebody has to win” should stop. He told the Capital Journal that the “American political economic system that promoted production agriculture, and the uplifting of human beings with a classical education, teaching our young people how to solve problems in the school system, educating their subconscious, instead of turning them into fodder for these predatory capitalists as cheap labor,” is what has to be done.
He told the media and his supporters, “The President’s effort to change the established order has been hampered by an outrageous coup conducted by our elites, in conjunction with the British, to change the results of the 2016 election and maintain their system. I am dedicated to ending that coup.”