This article appears in the March 1, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this article]
Justice for the World: Why Donald Trump Must Exonerate Lyndon LaRouche Now
These are the remarks of Dennis Small, Ibero-American Desk editor of Executive Intelligence Review, to the Schiller Institute conference in Morristown, N.J., on Feb. 16, 2019. This is the speech as prepared for delivery, combined with additional material added at the time of delivery. Subheads have been added.
As the caboose of this panel, my remarks were designed to be short and they will be. I do want to say that the remarks I crafted for this presentation were done before Lyndon LaRouche passed away and I considered whether or not modifications were required. And, I decided it was not, because what I have to say applied then, and now, to the living Lyndon LaRouche—the one who is alive today.
Thirty years and three weeks ago, on January 27, 1989, Lyndon LaRouche was incarcerated to serve a fifteen-year sentence. He was released on probation after serving five years in federal prison, for crimes which he never committed, and which the corrupt prosecution knew perfectly well that he had not committed. A number of his associates were also sentenced to terms ranging up to 77 years, in a series of related federal and state prosecutions.
The intention of the British Empire and their American lickspittles who carried out that legal atrocity—which involved, in the memorable words of LaRouche’s appeal lawyer and former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, “a broader range of deliberate and systematic misconduct and abuse of power over a longer period of time in an effort to destroy a political movement and leader, than any other federal prosecution in my time or to my knowledge”—the intention was to kill LaRouche, to break and bankrupt his political movement, and to bury LaRouche’s ideas forever. They failed on all counts.
But what they did succeed in doing was to deprive America and the world of their most illustrious statesman and economist, the adoption of whose policies would have made the world an entirely different place today. The greatest travesty of justice was the one done against the peoples and the nations of the planet, and against the very concept of Man which has been the central commitment of LaRouche’s life’s work. It is that injustice which must now be undone if the planet is to survive.
Justice for the man means justice for his ideas. As LaRouche has frequently noted, great revolutionary discoveries don’t float anonymously in abstract space; they are associated with individual human beings—Cusa, Leibniz, Hamilton, LaRouche. They are the living soul of those personalities. As Cusa put it: “Mind is the same as the soul of a human being. Mind is a living substance. Its function in this body is to give it life, and because of this it is called soul. Mind is a substantial form or power.”
In his final public speech before his December 16, 1988 conviction, delivered scarcely one week earlier to a Food for Peace conference in Chicago, LaRouche was unswerving:
We’re speaking of the future of hundreds of billions of unborn souls, without whose success our lives mean nothing. If we fight so, if we fight with love of humanity, by thinking especially of those hundreds of billions of souls waiting to be born, and thinking also of those whose martyrdom and other sacrifice gave us what was our potential and our debt to them, respecting what we pass on to the future [we then] think of our lives not as things which are lived for pleasure in and of themselves, but as an opportunity to fulfill a purpose, a purpose which is reflected in what we bequeath to those hundreds of billions of souls waiting to be born, in their condition.
With that in mind, consider what the Earth’s Next 30 Years would have been like had LaRouche’s frame-up been defeated back in 1988.
The Damage
• Because LaRouche’s policies for replacing the deadly looting of Wall Street and the City of London—with a just New World Economic Order of universal, high tech development—were not implemented, hundreds of millions of people around the world remained in poverty and tens of millions perished unnecessarily. It has only been with China’s recent adoption of policies very similar to those proposed by LaRouche up to fifty years ago, that the genocide has stopped in at least large parts of the planet.
• Because LaRouche’s SDI policy, as adopted and proposed by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, was sabotaged and not carried out, the world today teeters at the edge of thermonuclear confrontation. Only a return to LaRouche’s original design of the SDI ballistic missile defense system, and today’s SDE, or Strategic Defense of the Earth—based on new physical principles and cooperation with Russia and China, not against them—only that can now pull us back from the brink.
• Because LaRouche’s proposal for cooperation between East and West after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany—famously forecast by LaRouche in October 1988—was rejected, and LaRouche was hauled off to jail scarcely three months later, Russia was ravaged and the West looted under Thatcher, Bush and Mitterrand. And a wave of permanent wars was unleashed, which is with us still today.
• Because LaRouche’s proposed war on drugs against London’s Dope, Inc. banking apparatus was never implemented, a drug epidemic today is poisoning our nation and the world.
• Because a corrupt FBI/Department of Justice apparatus, under British intelligence direction, got away with their legal atrocity against LaRouche, that same apparatus—in fact, many of the same individual players—are now deployed to carry out a de facto coup d’état against the President of the United States, who has himself vowed to put an end to the endless wars.
• And because LaRouche’s policies for generating a new Renaissance of classical culture and science were swept aside, we now stare into the pit of hell of a New Dark Age that is engulfing our youth in particular.
All of LaRouche’s policies flow from his abiding love of truth, love of humanity and love of a good fight.

Exonerate Him!
In a press conference held right after his conviction, LaRouche himself best summarized what was at stake:
My function is not to gain personal prestige for myself. I never cared for it, I never sought money, I never sought personal prestige. I have other things that are important to me, and that keep me happy. For example, tomorrow, I’m having a scientific seminar and I’m going to be very happy with that. My function is the service I have performed for the United States and civilization.
And in his allocution before Judge Albert Bryan prior to sentencing on Jan. 27, 1989, LaRouche began by stating: “The Court I am sure is not surprised that I know myself to be innocent of any wrongdoing in this matter. And the Court I think would also not be surprised to know that I view the jury’s verdict as equivalent to a presentment repealing or proposing to repeal the law of gravity in respect to the facts.” After then, pointing the finger directly at the British intelligence establishment that had ordered the railroad against him, LaRouche concluded with remarks that remain our clarion call today as we urge President Trump to at last exonerate Lyndon LaRouche:
This group of trials by shotgun methods is an attempt to eliminate me from the political scene. This has already done great damage to the United States. The time has come that this evil and reckless prosecution be brought to a halt before much greater damage is done to our United States.
The time, indeed, has come.
And I would like to conclude with a proposal, which I have discussed with Helga over the last day or two. Trying to think about what the British Empire would most fear, I think what we have to do, is publish the collected works of Lyndon LaRouche, now!
[The proposal was received with a standing ovation.]
After the conference, go home, clear off an entire bookshelf, not just one shelf, but probably the entire bookshelf. I don’t know how long and how big this is going to be, but whatever it is, it has to be done. And I suggest that among the many resolutions that come from within ourselves at this conference, that one of them be this. Because the way to do justice to LaRouche, is make sure that the ideas and the passion around which he built his life, and which he educated us to be able to carry out in his physical absence, but in the presence of his soul, of his mind, that we now carry that forward with the kind of commitment and passion which they require to achieve success.