This article appears in the March 29, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Exonerate Lyndon LaRouche!
March 21, 2019
President Donald J. Trump
The White House Washington, D.C.
Mr. President,
I have been writing to you in the last two years, the first time on September 12, 2017, in defense of Christopher Columbus, whose statues were being destroyed or threatened in many American cities. Thanks to your intervention, the common cultural heritage between my country, Italy, and the United States, and which goes back to the Italian Renaissance, was safeguarded.
I wrote to you again last November 16, with a letter asking you to keep your election promise to reinstate Glass-Steagall and “make not only America great again, but also the whole world,” which has been signed by 217 members of the Italian and European Parliament and other elected officials and important representatives from all over Europe. Glass-Steagall is in the government program of the Giuseppe Conte government in Italy, and Premier Conte mentioned it during his inauguration speech at the Italian Parliament as the key to protecting savings and making investments in the real economy possible.
Today I am writing to you on another very important matter, for Italy and for the United States: the exoneration of the American economist and scientist Lyndon H. LaRouche, who died on February 12, aged 96. I had the honor and pleasure of working with Mr. LaRouche for 35 years, and to organize important conferences for him in Italy, including a 1988 conference in Milan on the Verdi musical tuning, and again in Busseto, the birth town of Giuseppe Verdi, in 1997, during which he was a speaker together with famous Verdi singers Piero Cappuccilli (baritone) and Carlo Bergonzi (tenor).
In 2007 and again in 2009, Mr. LaRouche was officially invited by the Italian Parliament, both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, and addressed the Defense Committee at the Italian Senate, and the Finance Committee at the Chamber of Deputies. He warned them of the danger of a financial blowout because central banks in the U.S. and Europe were feeding the financial bubble (derivatives and other toxic waste) which did explode in 2008. At that time, he also gave a conference with Giulio Tremonti, later Finance Minister in the Italian government, on the urgency of a New Bretton Woods and of a new Glass-Steagall Act. When the crisis started in 2008, many Italian members of Parliament told me that “LaRouche had always been to the point in his forecasts and his proposals; we should have listened to him.”
When he was railroaded and jailed in 1989—by the same British-allied networks, including William Weld and Robert Mueller, who are now conducting a witch hunt against you with the aim to destroy your Presidency one way or another—80 members of the Italian Parliament wrote to President Clinton asking him to free LaRouche from jail. And the then Parole Commission granted LaRouche parole.
Yet, he has never been fully exonerated. Had his ideas and proposals been realized at that time, we would not be in such a difficult economic and strategic situation today.
I therefore call on you, Mr. President, to exonerate LaRouche, also for the sake of my country, Italy, which always looked with the greatest respect to him and his ideas.
The Jan. 27, 1989 Jailing of Lyndon LaRouche
Defined an Era, Which Now Must End
Sign the Petition to Exonerate LaRouche at