This transcript appears in the August 2, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Calls for LaRouche’s Exoneration: Three Prominent Figures—
Italy, U.S., France
The following are three statements from senior political figures who are very publicly demanding a broad international spotlight on the unjust criminal conviction and slander campaign run for many, many years against the creative genius, economist, and statesman, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Jacques Cheminade’s statement, an edited transcript of a video interview, is available here. That of James Jatras, also a video, is available here. Mr. Galloni’s statement has been translated from Italian. The full documentary on the LaRouche case is available here.

Nino Galloni
Nino Galloni is an Italian economist, former government official, and an attorney. He is President of the Centro Studi Monetari (Center for Monetary Studies) in Milan, Italy. The following statement by Mr. Galloni was published on July 25 under the headline, “Call for the Exoneration of the Great Economist Lyndon LaRouche,” in, a sovereignist blog founded by Prof. Antonio Maria Rinaldi.
Lyndon LaRouche was a great philosopher, politician and economist, who passed away last February. At the beginning of the 1980s, after having exposed the early decisive steps by British intelligence to back and promote Islamic fundamentalism, LaRouche was put on trial in his country, the U.S.A., accused of “conspiracy.” The trial turned out to be a farce, raising indignation among jurors and public opinion. Although at the end, the accusations were dropped [in mistrial], another trial was started soon after in a different venue, where the judges and jurors were known to be more manipulable. Virtually the same accusations. Everything has been documented.
With the proceedings conducted in an irregular way, LaRouche ended up in prison for five years, until President Bill Clinton personally acted to have him freed. During his prison years, and continuing after, LaRouche studied, wrote and published fundamental works that were translated into many languages, and created a political movement with solid roots, including in Europe.
James Jatras
James Jatras is a former U.S. diplomat and foreign service officer who served from the late 1970s to the mid-1980s. After that, for over 17 years, he was the senior foreign policy analyst for the U.S. Senate Republican leadership, retiring from public service to work in media and government relations in the private sector. He is a political analyst, primarily in foreign policy issues.
I’ve been aware of Mr. LaRouche and his ideas for well over 30 years. I can’t say I was necessarily all that focussed on them, but I first learned of them back in the 1980s. But I have to confess that at that time, when he was—I think the right word is “persecuted”—he and his associates were targetted and persecuted by elements of the U.S. government. At the time, I really didn’t take as much notice as I probably should have.
Since that time, however, I think it’s become quite clear, especially when you look at the way Donald Trump has been targetted by the very same, deep state mechanism—when I say deep state, this means, organs of both the U.S. government and the British government, particularly MI6, and also other foreign governments as well, that we saw in the whole Russiagate scam. Retrospectively, it became apparent to me how much similarity there is in these two cases.
Here is somebody, Lyndon LaRouche, who was challenging this deep state entity, this oligarchy that controls our country, and was proposing real solutions to the problems that afflict ordinary Americans, like better use of credit and things that made our country great in the 19th century. He was challenging and opposing what amounts to really an anti-constitutional conspiracy.
For that, Mr. LaRouche and his associates were targetted, persecuted, and sent to prison in what amounted to kangaroo trials in federal and state courts. The lead figure in doing all that, by the way, was Robert Mueller, a name that should sound very familiar to most Americans today, particularly to Trump supporters—the same Robert Mueller who has been behind, this so-far-unsuccessful effort to bring down President Trump. We’ll have to see what happens now that the matter has gone to the House of Representatives.
That’s why I signed a petition for the President to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche. I hope he focusses on the fact that the same gang that tried to get him, is the one that sent Mr. LaRouche and a number of his associates to prison. I hope he is willing to use all of his legal authority to bring about Lyndon LaRouche’s exoneration.
I’ll add to that. I can say that the people whom I have come to know, who went to prison with Mr. LaRouche, are all very fine people. It just shocks the conscience that some of these people were sent to prison for much longer terms than—let’s face it—than Jeffrey Epstein will ever see, inside a jail cell.
So, I do hope that the President focusses on LaRouche’s exoneration. I hope that his supporters will do whatever they can to bring this to his attention. I know that Roger Stone, for example, is aware of Mr. LaRouche’s case. Stone has been friendly with Mr. Trump in the past. Obviously, he’s being targetted by this same criminal conspiracy apparatus.
I think the exoneration of Mr. LaRouche is important to the peace of the world. Take a look, for example, at the kind of Eurasian integration that’s going on with the Belt and Road Initiative—building, really, on ideas Mr. LaRouche put forward over 30 years ago!
And when I think about American foreign policy that’s based on—if you’re one of our satellites, we give you a bag of cash and a box of condoms; but if you’re one of the countries that doesn’t want to be one of our satellites, you get bombs and sanctions—that’s the kind of foreign policy that we’ve had the last few decades, especially since the end of the first Cold War. That policy is threatening the world with utter devastation, with a new world war, that could end life on this planet.
I don’t think that’s what Mr. Trump wants. I don’t know why he has people in his administration who want to go down the same old dangerous path to what could only be a devastating end. During his campaign in 2016, he ran against all of that. Every once in a while, he hypes up. Sometimes you’ve got to think there’s a little, tiny candidate Trump 2016 inside President Donald Trump, who’s fighting to get back out and do the kind of things he’s talked about.
It’s absolutely imperative that we stop these futile confrontations, as we have seen recently with Venezuela, Iran, Russia, and China. We need to think about the kind of things happening in Eurasia, with integration, with building infrastructure, which could be extended, as Mr. LaRouche proposed decades ago, through the Bering Strait. Why aren’t we building that kind infrastructure and integration, here, within our own hemisphere, instead of trying to challenge the Russians and the Chinese and Iranians, or whoever, back on their home turf?
There are all sorts of things that, I think in his heart of hearts, the President wants to do, that are not only the right thing and the essential thing for our country and for the world, but actually, upon examination, reflect ideas that have been connected to Mr. LaRouche for many, many years. I hope he does focus on the political persecution that took place, the culprits behind it, starting with Robert Mueller, and will come to the conclusion that this injustice needs to be corrected for Mr. LaRouche and for his associates.
There’s a saying that existed in the Soviet Union back in Stalin’s time, from the NKVD, the secret police: “You give us the man, we’ll give you the case.” It’s the exact inversion of what real law enforcement is, where you have a crime, then you try to find out who committed the crime. Instead, you say, we want to get this guy, what can we get on him? What can we find on him? And if we can’t find anything he actually did, we’ll make it up. And that’s unfortunately what has been exposed in the political attack on Donald Trump: They targetted him, they want to bring him down by any means possible, by fair means or foul.
I think the past two and more years of this attack has been a real eye-opener for a lot of Americans, who formerly took for granted the idea that we’re a country with the rule of law—a free country, with a free media, and all that sort of thing. Many Americans have been shocked and dismayed, but also inspired to action by the fact that they now realize that that’s not really true. What’s being perpetrated against President Trump is not the rule of law, it’s the perversion of the rule of law.
This again brings us back to the case of Lyndon LaRouche and his associates who were persecuted by the establishment, by the deep state, back in the 1980s. In those days—Ronald Reagan was in the White House, and people, especially people on the conservative side of the spectrum, thought, well, gee, America’s back, it’s morning in America, again; everything is right in the world, and we can trust our law enforcement authorities, we can trust our media to cover the news and cover the facts of criminal allegations in a trial against somebody fairly.
I think it’s now occurred to many people, only very recently—belatedly, much later than it should have,—that none of that is true. My hope is that having come to that realization, people will now understand that there is a struggle going on for the very soul of our country, for the future of our country, and really, for the world; that we urgently require a much more realistic view of the way too many law enforcement officials behave, in many cases, and how these media people, who have been spoon-feeding us lies all the time, are at the very heart of what was done to Mr. LaRouche and his associates back in the 1980s.
That’s another reason why President Trump really needs to act on this, because doing so will shatter some of the illusions that some people may still have about the kind of country we’re living in. When they tell us, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,” we have to pull that curtain back, and see what was really done, and say “No!” and then begin to set things right.
Jacques Cheminade
Jacques Cheminade is Chairman of the Solidarité et Progrès political party in France. He has been a candidate for President of France three times: first in 1995, then in 2012, and finally in 2017.
I know better than almost anyone else what happened to Lyndon LaRouche in the United States, and what it means for the world. He was unjustly condemned and sentenced to prison in 1988-1989, where he spent five years of a 15-year sentence. This was an immense injustice, done to somebody who was innocent. But much more than that, was the purposeful result, the alienation from his ideas, which would otherwise have become generally accepted, greatly improving the fate of the entire world, a world much happier today, had his ideas prevailed.
He was so unjustly condemned, unjustly sentenced. I was personally present, just after my first Presidential election campaign, in hearings on the LaRouche case: The Independent Hearings to Investigate Misconduct by the U.S. Department of Justice, Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 1995.
Presiding over these august hearings were J.L. Chestnut, a renowned civil rights lawyer; and former Congressman James Mann. Witnesses included LaRouche’s attorney Odin Anderson, and Ramsey Clark, the former U.S. Attorney General in the 1960s, the father of the Voting Rights Act in the United States. Ramsey Clark, who represented LaRouche on appeal, explained why the Lyndon LaRouche case was the most abominable in the whole American political history that he knew of in his lifetime.
I listened very carefully—I had already known Lyndon LaRouche since 1974. As I listened very carefully to all the arguments, I became deeply convinced, first, that this was a deep shame for the American Department of Justice, for American civil rights, and as a whole, for the American system. Second, that had LaRouche’s policies prevailed, which he had discussed with such people such as Mexico’s President José López Portillo and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and other world leaders, the world would be so different and so much better today.
Why? Because LaRouche was always fighting for human creativity, for the advantage of the other. He was always fighting for a world where a community of development would prevail—common objectives, common aims, the common goals of all of humanity. This is what LaRouche all his life stood for, and he paid for it because his enemies were always after him from very early on.
I myself know it, because in 1983, the FBI and other American agencies asked representatives in Paris to go after me, being a friend of Lyndon LaRouche. They expected to get some dirt on me that could be used against Lyndon LaRouche in the United States. It did not work, but it continued all the time, and all my political career in France has been under constant pressure of disinformation and harassment by American media and American authorities trying to prevent a friend of Lyndon LaRouche, me, from inspiring power, if not assuming power, in France. So, this is the story of my life; it is the purpose of all my life.
When LaRouche was in prison, a few prominent people in France who represent the history of my country, stood in solidarity with me: the famous oncologist Georges Mathé; Marie-Madeleine Fourcade, the hero of the Resistance; and General Jean-Gabriel Revault d’Allonnes, who was close to Charles de Gaulle and to Marie-Charles Leclerc, the French heroes of World War II. All of these people, and many more, asked the United States government and the United States justice system to behave. They have not behaved. Today, it’s time that they do behave.
And it’s time that President Trump exonerate Lyndon LaRouche. It will be good for him, it will help him to be independent from all the people from the FBI and other sectors, for example Robert Mueller, who had earlier organized the case against Lyndon LaRouche and now has organized Russiagate against Trump. All these people would be put aside, and a policy of peace could be led in the spirit of Lyndon LaRouche.
For that, President Trump, in his small step going into North Korean territory, did something which is very symbolic and good. But much, much more is required: This means what Lyndon LaRouche called his “Four Laws,” and it means that the world moves to a credit system and not under the foot of a monetary system.
We must break with the Anglo-Dutch monetary system, we must break with Wall Street and all related financial interests, and go ahead with the common aims of humanity: This means a space policy with all the nations of world cooperating, not just a few; it means lifting all of Africa into a condition of an industrially and culturally advanced continent; and it means a future of community of common development in which humanity becomes a one.
That was the dream of Lyndon LaRouche: He fought for it, and I must say, during all his life, he had the courage to fight. So, I think if we have the same courage today, we shall overcome.