This article appears in the September 6, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
European Union Globalists
Pursue Regime Change in Italy
[Print version of this article]
Sept. 2—The globalists of the European Union are attempting to implement regime change in Italy. In May of 2018, the newly-elected Italian Parliament voted in a “government of change” composed of the populist parties “Lega” and “Five Stars” (Cinquestelle). After Brexit and then the election of Donald Trump, this was the third major signal that voters had rejected globalization. The two parties in the new government led by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte had both strong differences and strong common elements. They struck an agreement based on a deal: I let you implement elements of your program that I don’t like, and you do the same for me. This “yellow-green” government brought fresh air into the decaying European Union (EU), by its simultaneous rejection of austerity in economic policy, and of geopolitics in international affairs.
One of its major achievements was a Memorandum of Understanding with China, which gave Italy a leadership role in Europe with respect to China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Prime Minister Conte also got along very well both with Donald Trump and with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The EU, the European Commission, and Italy’s “partners,” especially the governments of France and Germany, immediately declared war against the new government and plotted to overthrow it. They ultimately succeeded, because, as often happens, they found a traitor.
The traitor was the Five Stars party. Although formally it was Lega head Matteo Salvini who launched the government crisis on Aug. 9, the Five Stars party had already been conducting back-door negotiations with the opposition Democratic Party (PD) for weeks. The conspiracy had become visible when the Five Stars gave the decisive votes in the European Parliament to elect Germany’s Ursula von der Leyen as the new President of the EU Commission on July 16. As their reward, the Five Stars obtained the position of Deputy Chairman of the European Parliament from David Sassoli, European Parliament Chairman and leading PD representative.
The platform for that deal was von der Leyen’s radical green agenda to totally “decarbonize” Europe by 2050.
Prominent Lega representative are speaking out now, and exposing that their Five Stars partners in the Italian government had turned against the Lega in this election campaign, at a level that was not compatible with a government partnership. Additionally, Five Stars leader Luigi Di Maio and others had accused the Lega of corruption, and of being akin to what they consider the hated old figures of Italy’s post-war establishment. In a speech in Parliament, Prime Minister Conte, who is nominally independent, but has been close to the Five Stars for years, went so far as to allude to the fake allegations of Lega receipt of illegal Russian money.
Deal to Decarbonize is EU-Led Genocide
Meanwhile, in the Italian government, the Five Stars were backing Finance Minister Giovanni Tria, a protégé of President Sergio Mattarella, in his decision to draft a deflationary budget, with no place for the Lega demands for more investments, tax cuts, and the famous “mini-BOT” proposal—monetization of outstanding debt to government vendors.
Perhaps the most serious issue was that the Conte government has been negotiating the reform of the European Stability Mechanism (EMS) with the EU Commission without briefing either Parliament or any Lega member of the government.
The EMS reform, together with the reform of the Stability Pact, is a crucial step in the globalist so-called “integration” of the European Union, towards a fully fledged European government with revenue and budget. The EMS is intended to become a fund which could back government debt, but under strict austerity conditions. So far, Italy has poured money into the EMS which was used to bail out the creditor banks (mainly French and German banks) of Greece, Ireland, and Spain. At the same time, Italy is forbidden to expand its budget to finance investments or social measures. The Lega no longer wants to play this game.
For all these reasons, plus the fact that Five Stars ministers had sabotaged infrastructure projects and the government’s own agreed migration policy, Salvini and the Lega leadership decided to initiate a government crisis rather than join in an austerity budget for 2020.
At that point, the other traitor went into action: former Prime Minister and former PD Secretary-General Matteo Renzi. Renzi did not betray a partner, but he has betrayed Italy by submitting to the EU’s supranational power all along—and for this reason he was voted out by the Italians. However, Renzi still controls the PD representatives in the Parliament, who were elected on his slate, and therefore retains political clout in Italy’s parliamentary system.
As Salvini pulled the plug on the Conte government and called for snap elections, Renzi came out proposing that the Five Stars flip their alliance and form a government with the PD. Renzi’s surge has seemingly sabotaged Salvini’s strategy of going for snap elections—at least so far. His offer has been accepted by the Five Stars leadership, which includes founders Beppe Grillo and Davide Casaleggio. The latter runs the Five Stars’ “Rousseau” digital platform and is seen as the real éminence grise of the movement.
As we go to print, it is not yet known whether outgoing Italian Prime Minister Conte will succeed in forming a new government based on a coalition of the Five Stars and the PD. Conte received a mandate for this from President Mattarella on August 29, but he has still to form a cabinet, which must be approved by the President; draft a semblance of a joint program; and go to Parliament for a vote of confidence. He may yet fail at any of these stages.
What is increasingly clear however, is the EU-steered conspiracy for regime change. If Italy goes to early elections, the Lega will become the largest party, and might even rule without coalition partners. This is a nightmare for the EU dinosaurs, who are complaining about lack of democracy in China, while they suppress democracy at home.
The Lega’s allegations of a coup steered by the EU were corroborated by an interview of EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger of Germany, who said the Commission will help the new government of Italy, if it comes into being. Speaking on Germany’s SWR regional public radio, August 30, Oettinger said that it is “a good development” if “a new, pro-Europe government” comes to power in Italy. This will marginalize Lega head and former Interior Minister Salvini, “a populist who does politics in a bathing suit.” Brussels is ready “to do everything to facilitate the work of the new Italian government, and to reward it,” he said.
An August 27 tweet by Donald Trump has been misinterpreted to mean that the U.S. President was blessing the projected Five Stars-PD coalition. He wrote:
Starting to look good for the highly respected Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, Giuseppe Conte. Represented Italy powerfully at the G-7. Loves his Country greatly & works well with the USA. A very talented man who will hopefully remain Prime Minister!
A New Paradigm Is Still Possible
Trump’s tweet was not support for that coalition, but more a statement of personal thanks to Conte. Conte, in fact, has been the only G7 leader—only recently joined by French President Emmanuel Macron—to support President Trump’s call for reintegrating Russia into the G7. Trump knows well that the new prospective government partner of the Five Stars has been his enemy ever since Renzi openly backed Hillary Clinton in the U.S. Presidential elections.
There is more: There are suspicions that under Renzi and his ally, former Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, Italian intelligence helped British intelligence in the Russiagate coup-attempt against Trump, as former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos has pointed out. Papadopoulos pointed to multiple agent Joseph Mifsud in this connection. President Trump is well aware of it also.
All options are still open. If a pro-EU government comes into being in Italy, it will be a disaster. But it won’t last long. Although the Five Stars-PD coalition has a solid majority on paper in the Chamber of Deputies, it does not have a majority in the Senate and will be forced to beg for votes among smaller parties. These will demand compensation. Furthermore, many in the Five Stars and PD parliamentary factions are getting queasy, and there may be surprises when it comes to a vote on issues entailing conflict.
Additionally, many Parliamentary committees are controlled by the Lega, which won’t give them up. Among these are the important House Budget Committee and the Senate Finance Committee, which could hinder or even block government economic policies.