This article appears in the September 13, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Psychedelics, Climate Change & How the British Wage War
[Print version of this article]
Sept. 7—In May of 2019, the city of Denver, Colorado legalized the personal possession and use of so-called Magic Mushrooms, the fungi which contain the hallucinogenic agent psilocybin. Several weeks later the city of Oakland, California did likewise. It is worth noting that both of these actions took place within states that had previously legalized the possession and use of marijuana. “Decriminalize Nature,” the organization responsible for the Oakland vote, announced on July 16 that efforts are now underway by the zombie-soldiers of the pro-drug lobby to introduce legislation in more than 100 additional cities and states to legalize psilocybin and other hallucinogenic drugs. The Denver group, named the Society for Psychedelic Outreach, Reform, and Education (SPORE), has announced a similar organizing agenda, including a federal lobbying strategy.
Then, on August 16, 2019, came the pronouncement from Gail Bradbrook, the co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, extolling the virtues of hallucinogenic drugs and crediting her personal use of them with having opened her eyes to the necessity for imposing a global regime of depopulation, deindustrialization and genocide. In her own words, she states:
There was a moment during my Iboga[fn_1] experience where I lay down and a voice that felt very external to me said “Gail, you create your own reality.” It spoke three times. It sounds so simple but right there and then I thought “OK then, I’ll be happy.” That was the essence of my entire experience, after which I could literally feel my brain being rewired. When I got home I ended a marriage and separated my family. . . . When I arrived back to the UK I was introduced to Roger Hallam and together we began to create the movement that would become Extinction Rebellion.
The link between Dope, Inc. and the climate change fanatics is so direct and so pervasive that any attempt to debate the “merits” of the claims made by Extinction Rebellion, FridaysforFuture and similar outfits is absurd on the face of it. We are dealing with people who have had their cognitive reasoning severely impaired, if not destroyed. Bradbrook and her ilk are the Living Dead expendables of the British oligarchy—the lab rats who proclaim, “We have been liberated.” Their job is to recruit others—particularly among the young—to a crusade against human civilization. As part of this, the drive to popularize, legitimize and legalize the use of hallucinogenic drugs is now being drastically geared up. This is not something on the fringe that “we don’t have to worry about.” This is the 21st century version of Dope, Inc.
* * * *
What follows is a story of days gone by. It is not, however, a “trip down memory lane.” Its nature is more of the form of a long nightmare, an imposed suffocating reality of dark-age irrationalism. Parts of it are so macabre that it might provoke even unintentional laughter. But it all happened. It starts at the beginning of the last century, skips to the post-World War II years, and then reaches its destination in 1967, in San Francisco’s Summer of Love. It is a long narrative—and one in which all of us have been the victims. Victims, however, can choose not to be victims. They can define the principles they hold most dear; and they can devise a war-winning strategy to create a new pro-human future. Today, this is up to us.
For the last 50 years, we have been on the losing end of a war. In one sense the battle has been breathtaking in scope, but at the same time the crucial issue of contention is very simple: What is Human Nature, and what Principles shall govern Human Society? Most people don’t give much serious thought to such matters, but the British oligarchy does. For them, this is a primary concern; it is, in fact, the battleground they have always understood to be most critical.
I. The Empire’s Dilemma
In 1901 Herbert George (H.G.) Wells defined what he perceived as the greatest existential threat facing the British Empire. That year Wells authored and published a non-fiction book titled Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life. A brief quote from that work gives the gist of Wells’ concern:
From the very dawn of history until the first beginnings of mechanism in the eighteenth century, the simple scheme of orders was the universal organization of all but savage humanity, and the chief substance of history until these later years has been in essence the perpetual endeavor of specific social systems of this type to attain in every region the locally suitable permanent form, in face of those two inveterate enemies of human stability, innovation, and that secular increase in population that security permits.
Now almost suddenly the circling has ceased, and we find ourselves breaking away. Correlated with the sudden development of mechanical forces that first began to be socially perceptible in the middle eighteenth century, has been the appearance of great masses of population, having quite novel functions and relations in the social body, and together with this appearance such a suppression, curtailment, and modification of the older classes, as to point to an entire disintegration of that system. The facies of the social fabric has changed, and—as I hope to make clear—is still changing. . . .
If the great material developments of the nineteenth century had been final, if they had, indeed, constituted merely a revolution and not an absolute release from the fixed conditions about which human affairs circled, we might even now be settling accounts with our Merovingians as the socialists desire. But these developments were not final, and one sees no hint as yet of any coming finality. Invention runs free and our state is under its dominion. The novel is continually struggling to establish itself at the relative or absolute expense of the old. The statesman’s conception of social organization is no longer stability but growth. And so long as material progress continues, this tribute must continue to be paid.
Wells understood that the British Empire, as it had existed under Queen Victoria and into the Edwardian Era, could not continue in its present form. Scientific progress, the growth in population and the cognitive uplifting of the population was shattering the old order. Wells hated the United States, but for him the greatest threat was not geopolitical, i.e., that the growing economic and scientific power of an America or a Germany would threaten the British Empire. Rather, what Wells addressed as the primary threat was the way in which the unleashing of science and creativity had affected the population, how it threatened the most basic cultural underpinnings of oligarchical rule.
It is useful, in this regard, to point out that in 1900, between 30 and 40 percent of the British population were “in service” to the British aristocracy, including the upstairs/downstairs phenomenon where servants greatly outnumbered their masters, but also including groundskeepers, agricultural laborers, and other participants in a modern parody of feudalism, where one is “born into” one’s station. This is the system—including identical methods imposed in India and other British colonies—that Wells identifies as the oligarchical, “universal organization.”
Of course, Wells speaks only half-truths and outright lies. Nowhere does he name the principles motivating the American Revolution and the profound advances in human productivity made possible by the economic initiatives of Alexander Hamilton and Abraham Lincoln. Nor does he identify the 15th century Renaissance as the impetus for this advance in human civilization. On these matters he is silent, but his intended audience among the upper echelons of the British elite were only too aware of where the threat came from.
Wells—The Underling
In dealing with an individual such as Wells, or in a somewhat different way with Bertrand Russell, it is important not to overemphasize their stature or role. They were malleable underlings to imperial masters. Wells should be viewed as akin to Rudyard Kipling’s Gunga Din, or the classic British valet, a “gentleman’s gentleman,” whose loyalty to the British class system is more fierce than his master’s. Despite his membership in the Coefficients Club, where he rubbed shoulders with Halford John Mackinder, Alfred Milner, Bertrand Russell and Sir Edward Grey, Wells was always a mere useful tool, never an equal to his oligarchical patrons.
As Lyndon LaRouche once put it:
H.G. Wells has notable importance for our understanding the strategic, political, economic, and moral crisis now enveloping this planet. An unlikely candidate for fame and influence? He was, admittedly, like fellow Fabian tribesman George Bernard Shaw, essentially a shallow poseur, in the literal sense of the Latin derivation of “vanity”: a miserable, invidious, misanthropic wretch, a picaresque eternal lout of immense vanity, of a personal character to be compared, and that not too favorably, with the popular image of a “mafia boss.” He was, in short, exactly the sort of lackey the British oligarchy would employ and cultivate to do a particularly nasty bit of thuggery. . . .
What moves a [Bertrand] Russell, is not the desire to exploit, as much as it is to have the status of an exploiter. What moves a Wells, or a Henry A. Kissinger, is, similarly, the passion to be a lackey, rather than live in a world where lackeys do not enjoy the privileges accompanying patronage by an oligarchy. There is, as the cases of the public sexual advocacies of both Russell and Wells attest, something Freudian, or similarly debased, in the proximate motivations of these despicable types of Englishman—and others like them. Indeed, the entirety of empiricism’s history, is a history of degraded eroticism. Not merely strange sexual appetites, although those abounded; but, erotic in the more inclusive sense of placing the sense-perceptual experience of intense pleasure-pain at the highest rank of motivating passion. . . .
Russell’s expressions of hatred against the United States, like his mass-homicidal threats against darker-skinned “more prolific races,” are already beyond the bounds of toleration; the man was a conscienceless beast. Yet, even Russell’s anti-American rants do not approach the virulence and pervasiveness of Wells’ expressed hatred against everything American. Only a low-life lackey could muster such public displays of obsessive hatred against his master’s opponent as Wells does.[fn_2]
Wells’ father worked as a domestic gardener, a shopkeeper and professional cricketer; his mother as a domestic servant (in service). In his autobiography Wells describes the misery and poverty of his youth. Then, at the age of 18, while studying at the Normal School of Science, he was noticed by Thomas Henry Huxley, himself a commoner who had risen to such lofty posts as the President of the British Royal Society and member of the King’s Privy Council.
Huxley would become Wells’ lifelong patron, and it was via Huxley (“Darwin’s bulldog”) that Wells adopted a passionate devotion to Malthusianism, which continued through the entirety of his career. Wells’ writings drip with contempt for the “multitude” of humanity, particularly the darker-skinned races.
Imperial Intentions
Wells’ outlook is vividly presented in Chapter 9: “The Faith, Morals, and Public Policy of the New Republic,” of his Anticipations.
This present time is essentially the opening phase of a period of ethical reconstruction, a reconstruction of which the New Republic will possess the matured result. Throughout the nineteenth century there has been such a shattering and recasting of fundamental ideas, of the preliminaries to ethical propositions, as the world has never seen before.
The first chapter in the history of this intellectual development, its definite and formal opening, coincides with the opening of the nineteenth century and the publication of Malthus’s Essay on Population. Malthus is one of those cardinal figures in intellectual history who state definitely for all time, things apparent enough after their formulation, but never effectively conceded before. He brought clearly and emphatically into the sphere of discussion a vitally important issue that had always been shirked and tabooed heretofore, the fundamental fact that the main mass of the business of human life centres about reproduction. . . .
Probably no more shattering book than the Essay on Population has ever been, or ever will be, written. It was aimed at the facile Liberalism of the Deists and Atheists of the eighteenth century; it made as clear as daylight that all forms of social reconstruction, all dreams of earthly golden ages must be either futile or insincere or both, until the problems of human increase were manfully faced. . . .
It has become apparent that whole masses of human population are, as a whole, inferior in their claim upon the future, to other masses, that they cannot be given opportunities or trusted with power as the superior peoples are trusted, that their characteristic weaknesses are contagious and detrimental in the civilizing fabric, and that their range of incapacity tempts and demoralizes the strong. To give them equality is to sink to their level, to protect and cherish them is to be swamped in their fecundity. . . .
Now there has come a new view of man’s place in the scheme of time and space, a new illumination . . . with the new light there has come the time for new methods; the time of lanterns, the time of deductions from arbitrary first principles is over. The act of faith is no longer to follow your lantern, but to put it down. We can see about us, and by the landscape we must go.
Much of what Wells presents in Anticipations would be repeated four years later in his A Modern Utopia, but it is in that latter work where Wells insists on the futility of top-down control of the population and examines the preferred method of “self-regulation,” i.e., voluntary enslavement to oligarchical axioms.
Defining the New Battleground
The cultural transformation proposed by Wells was not simply an assault on the “the way” people think but on the very nature of human thought and the human identity itself. This is a war to control human culture, and this has defined the battleground for more than 100 years. In this regard, the role of Bertrand Russell and his collaborators is also of vital importance. Much of that story is beyond the scope of this present article, but it is critical to note that after World War II, in the concerted drive to spread the use of hallucinogenic drugs by British Intelligence, we find a convergence of the Russell-spawned “cybernetics” and “information theory” crowd with oligarchical pro-drug elements of the British psychiatric establishment, united in a drive to eliminate creativity from human culture.
The role of the psychiatric profession in this assault on human reason was key to the intended transformation. With the takeover of the London Tavistock Clinic in 1932 by John Rawlings Rees, and continuing through World War II, dozens of mental butchers were in the vanguard of insisting that human beings are driven entirely by irrational passions and bestial impulses. The Socratic method of hypothesis and lawful creative reason as the basis for human thought was discarded—a taboo subject. Paralleling this onslaught came the claim by Norbert Wiener and others among the cybernetics crowd that the human mind is essentially a logical machine and that all thought and emotion can be reduced to linear electrical and chemical interactions in the brain. These were not contradictory arguments but only two sides of the same coin—human reason does not exist.
II. War on America
With the death of Franklin Roosevelt, the immediate task facing the British oligarchy was to reverse the FDR paradigm of anti-colonial peace and economic development, while simultaneously launching initiatives to undermine the optimism which characterized the American population. What became the cold war, together with the McCarthyite witch-hunts initiated that process, and it was within the context of the brutal shocks of the cold war that the first LSD experiments were begun.
Much has been said and written about the CIA’s role in this, including operations Artichoke and MK-ULTRA, but those who fixate on a “CIA conspiracy” miss the point. There are hundreds of web sites devoted to the CIA and drugs, all basically saying that the CIA’s MK-ULTRA was a cold war program aimed against the Soviet Union. Probably many CIA officials at the time also believed this, but that is not what was really going on. The CIA personnel were simply underlings, working—knowingly or not—for a higher, more perverse power. From the beginning this was a “Made in Britain” operation. By 1945 Franklin Roosevelt was dead, and the Truman administration was slavishly pro-British. This was the beginning of the “Special Relationship,” and with the creation of the NATO alliance and “Five Eyes” intelligence integration, the United States was drawn into an intimate intelligence and military partnership with the British Empire.
To understand the LSD operation you must cast your view higher up the oligarchical ladder than the late-to-the-party CIA. Look to those who had a greater appreciation of Grand Strategy and a truly bestial view of human nature. Look to the families who have ruled an Empire for centuries and have perfected methods of how to control populations. Look to the Empire that had waged two drug wars against China and imposed marijuana on huge sections of India. Look to H.G. Wells prescriptions of how to control and manipulate human culture.
The first usage of LSD in America occurred in 1949 at the Boston Psychopathic Hospital. That batch of LSD had been brought over from Switzerland by Dr. Otto Kauders, an Austrian psychiatrist who later became a leading figure with the American Mental Health Foundation. Following that incident—and very rapidly—a combination of military and intelligence agencies, psychiatric facilities, and Anglophile families within the U.S. establishment launched a massive LSD drugging campaign. Hundreds of thousands of doses of LSD were purchased from the Swiss pharmaceutical firm Sandoz, where the drug had been invented in 1943. Huge grants were forthcoming to teams of doctors at Boston Psychopathic, Mt. Sinai Hospital and Columbia University in New York, the University of Rochester, the University of Illinois Medical School, the notorious National Institute of Mental Health-sponsored Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky, Louis Jolyon West’s group at the University of Oklahoma and many other locations.
This was a massive, almost instantaneous, onslaught, and it continued into the 1960s. By 1965, hundreds of universities, laboratories, prisons, clinics, safe-houses and military bases had administered LSD, either voluntarily or involuntarily, to hundreds of thousands of American citizens.
Almost all of the funding for this came from the CIA, the U.S. Army and other military intelligence agencies, a large portion of which was secretly laundered through the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation. The Macy Foundation’s chief LSD executive, Harold Abramson, was a psychiatric researcher at Columbia University, and it was Abramson who gave LSD for the first time to British anthropologist Gregory Bateson, the husband of Margaret Mead. Bateson then became MK-ULTRA’s agent at the Palo Alto, California, Veterans’ facility where, beginning in the late 1950s, he ran the program to conduct LSD experiments on dozens of individuals, including Beat poet Alan Ginsburg and future psychedelic author Ken Kesey.
Today, there is a myth that the LSD spooks of the 1950s never expected or desired the use of the drug among the general population. Essentially, what is asserted is that LSD “escaped from the laboratory.” The acid-heads of the 1960s have their own version of this myth. In 1980, John Lennon said, “We must always remember to thank the CIA. They invented LSD to control people, and what they did was give us freedom.” Such is what massive drug consumption does to an individual’s cognitive functioning. In reality, the early LSD experiments were always intended as the precursor to the mass drugging of the population.
A classic example of how this worked is the case of Robert Gordon Wasson, a Vice-President of J.P. Morgan and Co., the Morgan bank. In 1956 Wasson and his wife took an extended trip to Mexico to study the use of psilocybin by indigenous villagers in primitive locations. The Wassons not only studied the drug rituals, they partook of the drug themselves. Upon Wasson’s return to the U.S., Life magazine,—then the most popular family magazine in America—in its May 13, 1957 issue published a glowing feature article on Wasson’s trip and drug-taking, titled “Seeking the Magic Mushroom.” Overnight, tens of millions of high-school and college-age Americans were made aware of this exotic new “high.” Both the publisher of Life Henry Luce and his wife Clare Boothe Luce were avid cold warriors, counting among their close friends CIA Director Allen Dulles. They were also both habitual users of LSD and supported many of the key researchers in the field. It later was revealed that Wasson’s entire Mexican trip was funded by the CIA.
The British Mother
In 1948, one year prior to the arrival of LSD in America, Britain’s National Association for Mental Health gathered world psychiatric and psychological leaders together at an International Congress on Mental Health at Britain’s Ministry of Health in London. Out of this meeting the World Federation for Mental Health was founded. A major sponsor of the event was the Bank of England’s Montagu Norman. His wife Lady Norman was named to the executive board. Lady Norman personally chose as president of the World Federation the head of the London Tavistock Institute, Brig. Gen. Dr. John Rawlings Rees.
At roughly the same time, a New York agent of Montagu Norman, Clarence G. Michalis, was made chairman of the board of the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation. That foundation, in turn, would finance much of the subsequent mass drugging that the World Federation and Tavistock would prescribe for the United States. The Macy Foundation’s chief medical officer, Dr. Frank Fremont-Smith, would become the co-director of the World Federation with John Rawlings Rees.
During those same post-War years, both UNESCO and the World Health Organization (WHO) were created under United Nations auspices. The first Director-General of WHO was Brock Chisholm, a Canadian who had been trained as a psychiatrist at the Tavistock Psychiatric Clinic in London. The first Director of UNESCO was Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous. Julian also served as President of the British Eugenics Society, and in 1961 he would join with Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld of the Netherlands and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, to found the World Wildlife Fund, the first mass-based environmentalist group. During the 1950s, UNESCO and WHO would both work closely with the Tavistock Institute and the World Federation for Mental Health to carry out psychological warfare against the American population.
Snapshots From the Edge
Let us consider a few of the individuals who made this all happen. To conserve space, this is a short list, and dozens of others could be named. One thing that jumps out is the role of British psychiatrists, almost all with connections to the London Tavistock Institute. These were the earliest LSD experimenters, and they recruited many others in the psychiatric profession, including in America. Bear in mind that all of the individuals and their programs were operated, funded, and under the supervision of an apparatus which included the Tavistock Institute, the World Federation for Mental Health, the CIA and the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation. Almost all of these individuals used LSD themselves.
Ronald Sandison—a British psychiatrist, Sandison was one of the first to use LSD in his practice. In 1952 he was given 100 vials of LSD by its discoverer Albert Hoffmann in Switzerland. He began immediately giving it to patients at Powick Hospital in Worcester, England, eventually building an LSD clinic. His work became the model for many who followed.
Dr. Ewen Cameron—a psychiatrist trained at the Royal Mental Hospital in Glasgow who became President of both the American Psychiatric Association and the Canadian Psychiatric Association. He founded the Canadian branch of his friend John R. Rees’ World Federation for Mental Health. In the 1950s he conducted extensive LSD testing at Allan Memorial Hospital in Montreal. Cameron’s methods were extremely brutal, involving dosing patients with LSD and then administering electric shock, violent interrogations and even psychosurgery. His closest advisor in this project was the British psychiatrist William Walters Sargant, who had pioneered in the development of many of these barbaric techniques.
Dr. Humphrey Osmond—a British psychiatrist, originally based at the National Hospital, Queens Square, London. It was there he began experimenting with mescaline. He later moved to Canada. It was Osmond who first gave mescaline to Aldous Huxley in 1953.
Dr. Gregory Bateson—a UK Cambridge University-trained anthropologist, and friend of Aldous Huxley from the 1920s. Bateson was deeply involved in both the LSD and Cybernetics sides of the anti-cognitive British warfare. He also worked closely with Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, the MK-ULTRA supervisor of operations in California. Bateson ran the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Hospital LSD experiments from 1950 through 1962.
Dr. Robert Felix—a psychiatrist who became the first Director of the National Institute of Mental Health in 1949, Felix also served as the President of the American Psychiatric Association. His notoriety stems from his Directorship of the drug addiction center at the Federal Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky. This facility was part of the U.S. prison system where thousands of inmates were subjected to LSD treatment, in ways not very dissimilar from Cameron’s program in Montreal. It is useful to note that the drug addict and mentally ill author William S. Burroughs was a patient at this facility.
Dr. Sidney Cohen—a psychiatrist who was the editor of the Journal of Psychopharmacology and was Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCLA. He administered LSD to Gerald (Henry FitzGerald) Heard, the individual who is credited with introducing Aldous Huxley to mysticism and eastern religions. Cohen and Heard began working as a team, together administering LSD to dozens of Hollywood actors, as well as to Bill Wilson, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, who then attempted (unsuccessfully) to incorporate LSD into the A.A. program.
Aldous Huxley—an individual whose role as the “guru of hallucinogens” is greatly exaggerated, Huxley was a pathetic creature who turned himself into a human guinea pig and then embraced his own self-inflicted moral and mental prison.
Aldous, together with his brother Julian, were both taught privately by H.G. Wells while they were at Oxford University, and they imbibed Well’s warnings of the need for a cultural transformation to defeat the threat of science and human progress. Julian Huxley followed his grandfather Thomas’ path into Eugenics and Malthusianism. The near blind Aldous was always weaker, always less confident than his brother. Unlike Wells who devised scenarios for an oligarchical-controlled Utopia, Aldous yearned to live in such a Utopia.
Aldous was always closer to Bertrand Russell than H.G. Wells. After World War I, he became associated with the Bloomsbury Group and considered among his friends Bertrand Russell, John Maynard Keynes, D.H. Lawrence, Lytton Stratchy, T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf, and others. Among other pursuits, this collection was notorious for sexual promiscuity and partner swapping.
In 1953, Aldous was given mescaline by Humphrey Osmond, and the next year he authored his paean to hallucinogenic drugs Doors of Perception. Aldous, in turn, gave mescaline to the aforementioned Gregory Bateson, as well as to Alan Watts, the Zen Buddhist fanatic who founded Pacifica Radio. In the fall of 1960 Aldous became a visiting professor at Harvard University. There, accompanied by Osmond and Watts, he created a study group and recruited Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert to begin their LSD project.
The Cybernetic Connection
In 1942, the same Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation that would soon be up to its eyeballs in the MK-ULTRA mass drugging of the U.S. population, sponsored a by-invitation-only conference called the “Cerebral Inhibition Meeting.” This event would then initiate the ongoing Macy Cybernetics Conferences which would continue to convene annually until 1960. The organizer of the 1942 event (which was dubbed the “Man-Machine Project”) was Frank Fremont-Smith. Between 1946 and 1953 Fremont-Smith worked as Medical Director in the Macy Foundation, and he was also president of British General Rees’s World Federation of Mental Health. In 1959 Fremont-Smith, as head of the Macy Foundation, was the organizer of the first ever conference on LSD.
Among the select participants at the 1942 meeting were Gregory Bateson; his wife at the time, Margaret Mead; Arturo Rosenblueth (a close collaborator of Norbert Wiener); and Fremont-Smith himself. At the later annual Macy’s Conferences, Norbert Wiener would often attend. One of the more influential members was Claude Shannon, a champion of information theory. All of this was aimed at putting forth a mechanistic schema of the human mind, the denial of lawful cognitive functioning, and the rejection of the notion of a creative human identity.
Introducing the Shift in Cultural Paradigm
• 1961—Timothy Leary begins his (MK-ULTRA financed) Harvard LSD experiments. That same year the World Wildlife Fund is founded by Julian Huxley and Princes Philip and Bernhard.
• 1962—Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring is published. Named a Book-of-the-Month Club selection and heavily promoted by the New York Times and the New Yorker magazine, this sparks a small but growing environmentalist movement.
• 1964—Robert Hutchins’ Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions releases the “Triple Revolution” thesis, which states that human society is moving into a cybernetics revolution, and that the massive expansion of productive employment that had occurred under the (recently murdered) President Kennedy will soon come to an end.
• 1965—The Tavistock Institute affiliated Robert N. Rapoport authored the “Rapoport Report,” calling for a de-emphasis on science education, a reduction in the number of graduates with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Science and the gradual phasing out of teaching the Western Classics.
• 1966—Ken Kesey’s LSD “Trips Festival” takes place in San Francisco.
• 1967—The San Francisco Human Be-In, with Leary, Alpert, acid rock bands, followed by the Summer of Love with more than 100,000 participants.
• 1968—Paul Ehrlich publishes his Malthusian book, The Population Bomb, calling for the mass elimination of billions of human beings.
• 1969—400,000 youth gather at Woodstock, New York.
• 1970—The first Earth Day is celebrated, initiating a mass-based movement “in defense of the Earth.”
• 1972—The The Limits to Growth is published by the oligarchical Club of Rome, stating that all resources are finite and thus, continued human development is doomed. Also, in 1972, Henry Kissinger issues “National Security Study Memorandum 200,” calling for world-wide population reduction. That same year the last Apollo mission to Moon takes place, thus ending the mission that had been initiated by President Kennedy.
• 1974—John D. Rockefeller, Margaret Mead and others gather at the Bucharest UN Conference on World Population, calling for global genocide. In the United States High Times magazine is founded to lead the drive for drug legalization, and the Changing Images of Man is published by the Stanford Research Institute Center for the Study of Social Policy, proclaiming that the image of man and all of society must be changed from a belief in scientific and industrial progress to spiritualism.
This is the backdrop—a decade-and-a-half oligarchical drive to impose drugs, Malthusianism and de-population—within which all of the events of the 1960s played out. This was all-out cultural war. The question for the British was: “Can the spirit of the population be broken? Can people be won over to support, or at least tolerate, the complete abandonment of the human commitment to scientific progress? Can they be induced to forsake a self-identity located in invention, discovery and creative activity?”
III. The San Francisco Laboratory
How do you turn a population mad? How do you turn it against its own deeply-ingrained cultural values? It can’t be done with a simple snap of one’s fingers. It requires a sustained effort. One of the things that was discovered by Ewen Cameron and Robert Felix was that you could not completely break down an individual’s personality until you had administered daily doses of LSD for at least 60 to 80 days. So you have to create the conditions to do that on a larger scale. You create an extraordinarily heightened susceptibility to change. You offer rewards, particularly in the arena of sexual gratification. But you also need to provoke fear, insecurity, and to expose the subjects to powerful shocks. H.G. Wells would have no problem understanding this methodology.
We present here the story of one such experiment that took place in a laboratory without walls. Today, some might question the relevance of rehashing this seemingly dated material. Yet, understanding what was done at that time—and how it was done—gives important insights into the battle in progress today.
Much of a derogatory nature has been said about the “baby-boomer” generation, but it is important to remember that the baby-boomers were the children of the World War II generation. Their fathers and mothers had grown to maturity under Franklin Roosevelt, and had fought a war to defeat Fascism. The boomers themselves had passed from adolescence to young adulthood during the years of the Civil Rights Movement and the Kennedy space program. The seeds of cultural optimism were built-into the boomer generation. Granted, this tendency was weakened and corrupted by the events of the Truman and Eisenhower years—the McCarthyism, the conformity, and the escape to the pleasure-oriented suburbs—but it was still there, buried in the identity of that generation.
The experiment was to see if this cultural link could be broken, if optimism in a more productive future could be completely eradicated. In San Francisco, in the 1960s, a test population was gathered. Massive quantities of drugs were introduced. Great emotional and psychological shocks were delivered—and a great change took place.
The Drugs Arrive
San Francisco was the first city in the U.S. where the distribution of LSD to large numbers of the general public began. It started in a brothel. In 1955 the CIA’s Sidney Gottlieb deployed an individual named George Hunter White to San Francisco to initiate “LSD testing.” White proceeded to rent a safe house and employed a string of prostitutes to work out of it. In an operation, incredibly named “Midnight Climax,” the prostitutes would place LSD into the alcoholic drinks of the Johns. Hundreds were dosed in this way. Within a few years, White began to deploy his subordinates to begin drugging the general public. His agents would go to bars, nightclubs, sporting events, restaurants, tourist locations and slip LSD into food and drinks, or find other creative ways of dosing as many people as possible. White’s activities continued to 1963, by which time thousands of individuals had been given LSD.
Unlike the hundreds of LSD experiments elsewhere, which usually took place in clinics or hospitals, White’s operation bore no resemblance to a medical experiment. There was no clinical follow-up and the names of the victims were not even known. The idea was simply to drug as many people as possible.
By the late 1950s Gregory Bateson’s LSD work was in full swing at Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Hospital near Stanford University, and by the early 1960s several of his alumni, including Ken Kesey, were spreading LSD to tens of thousands more. The January 1966 “Trips Festival” at Fisherman’s Wharf established San Francisco as the hub of the new drug culture.
Then there is the case of Dr. Louis “Jolly” West. In the 1950s West was the head of the University of Oklahoma’s Dept. of Psychiatry. There, through the MK-ULTRA program, he ran one of the earliest and most extensive LSD programs. In 1966 West moved to the Haight-Ashbury district in San Francisco. Still working for MK-ULTRA, he ran a house where he continued to distribute LSD to as many individuals as possible, all the while reporting back to his superiors on the success of his “experiment.” West called this the “Haight-Ashbury Project.” Later, he would move on to become the Chairman of UCLA’s Department of Psychiatry and Director of the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute. In 1976, West resurfaced as a defense consultant in the Patty Hearst trial.
MK-ULTRA stringers were all over Haight-Ashbury during the Summer of Love, many working for West. A case in point is the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic. Established in 1967 by Dr. David Smith, the clinic contained an office staffed and run by Dr. West. Smith and West worked together to study the effects of long-term LSD use and the cultural changes it was producing, such as group marriage and spiritualistic practices. West would often supply LSD to the patients. One of their subjects was Charles Manson, who had been ordered by his parole officer to regularly attend the clinic. The fact that the clinic was a front for an intelligence operation was so blatant that even the drug-addicted head of the Diggers, Emmett Grogan, stated that “the patients were treated as ‘research subjects’ and the facility was used to support whatever medical innovations were new and appropriate to the agency.”
Leary and Hitchcock
In 1960, inspired by Life magazine’s coverage of R. Gordon Wasson’s psychedelic experiences, Timothy Leary traveled to Cuernavaca, Mexico and consumed psilocybin mushrooms for the first time. In the fall of that same year, Aldous Huxley, together with his drug supplier, MK-ULTRA’s Humphrey Osmond, met with Leary at Harvard and convinced him to launch what would become the Harvard Psilocybin Project. This Harvard Project, which, by 1961, included the use of LSD, lasted for three years.
In 1963, Leary was picked up by the CIA-connected Mellon family. Mellon heir Peggy Hitchcock, who had been a participant in Leary’s Harvard LSD trips, introduced Leary to her brother Billy. (Peggy would later marry Walter Bowart, the founder of the East Village Other in New York, the first major pro-LSD “underground newspaper” in the United States). Billy Mellon Hitchcock was a high-level broker at Lehman Brothers investment banking firm, and deeply connected to the intelligence community. Earlier, he had played a mysterious role in the British “Profumo affair.” He also handled the investments for the Meyer Lansky syndicate that ran the Fiduciary Trust Company (Nassau, Grand Bahamas), and was associated with the CIA front Castle Bank in the Bahamas. In addition he was a key player in lining up the initial funding for the intelligence and organized crime front Resorts International. In 1963, Hitchcock purchased a mansion in Millbrook, New York to house Leary, and this became the headquarters for their expanded LSD project.
Richard Helms, who then headed the CIA’s MK-ULTRA project was a sometimes guest at Millbrook, as were others with spook credentials. The intelligence community connection was out in the open. Additionally, hundreds of artists, journalists, academics, musicians and others made the pilgrimage and participated in LSD trips. Perhaps most important, it was at Millbrook that the apparatus for producing massive quantities of LSD was put in place, a necessary pre-requisite for the mass drugging of millions of Americans coast-to-coast.
Where Did All the LSD Come From?
Prior to 1965 almost all of the LSD in the United States was supplied by the Sandoz corporation in Switzerland. The vast bulk—millions of doses—were purchased by the CIA and other intelligence agencies, and this, together with LSD manufactured for the CIA by Eli Lilly, was the LSD that was supplied to the hundreds of MK-ULTRA projects throughout the country. Then, in October, 1966 California made the sale and possession of LSD illegal, and in 1967 the U.S. government banned LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs nation-wide. Sandoz stopped all shipments of LSD to the United States.
If the LSD project were to continue, where was the needed supply of drugs to come from?
The answer was hatched at Millbrook, where two of Leary’s LSD trippers, Nicholas Sand and Tim Scully, were recruited by Billy Hitchcock to create LSD labs. Another recipient of Hitchcock’s money was Owsley Stanley III, who manufactured most of the LSD used in Ken Kesey’s “Acid Tests.” Hitchcock provided the funds for Stanley and Scully to establish an LSD lab in Point Richmond, California. Then in 1967 Nick Sand and Scully established an LSD lab in Windsor, California (just north of San Francisco), where they produced 3.6 million hits of LSD, which they dubbed “Orange Sunshine.” These operations were responsible for producing all of the LSD which flooded San Francisco in the Summer of Love and afterward. Orange Sunshine, reportedly, was also the drug of choice of the Manson Family.
The money for all of these operations came from Hitchcock.
Out of all of this emerged an organization named the Brotherhood of Eternal Love. It was created when an individual named John Griggs visited Leary and Hitchcock at Millbrook and participated in the LSD tripping. Griggs returned to California and created the Brotherhood in Laguna Beach. By 1967 the Brotherhood had become the largest traffickers of LSD, not just in California, but nation-wide. Scully and Sand were the suppliers of the LSD and Billy Hitchcock provided the funding. In 1967, Timothy Leary moved to Laguna Beach, and lived with the Brotherhood until January 21, 1970, when he was sentenced to ten years in prison for drug offenses.
From 1967 to 1972 the Brotherhood was the largest LSD drug cartel in the United States. It is estimated that at least 7 million young Americans took LSD during those years, almost all of which came from the Brotherhood. It was also deeply connected to U.S. intelligence agencies. In 1969 the Brotherhood was taken over by a very shady character named Ronald Stark. It was under Stark’s reign that the Brotherhood was transformed into an international drug-running operation, supplying LSD and other drugs in Europe, Asia and elsewhere. In 1979, after being indicted on drug charges in Bologna, Italy, Stark was able to have all charges dismissed when he presented the judge with evidence that he was a CIA agent.
The most bizarre episode in the short-lived history of the Brotherhood came in 1970, when they actually paid $25,000 to members of the Weathermen to break Timothy Leary out of prison. Leary was spirited away to a safe house in San Francisco where he met with Bernardine Dohrn, and a joint communiqué was issued hailing the revolutionary act. He was then smuggled out of the country to join Eldridge Cleaver in Algeria.
Inside the Rat’s Maze
Consider what was carried out in San Francisco during 1965-1968. Consider the intended effect. By the 1960s, R.D. Laing and others at London’s Tavistock Institute were proclaiming that “no criteria for sanity actually exists,” and that psychedelic drugs could be used to remake an individual’s concept of what is sane. The idea in San Francisco was to create an environment where traditional notions of sanity would no longer exist, to create an artificial reality where no outside influences could intervene.
To give a sense of this, consider the Haight-Ashbury district geographically. It is a very small area, yet in that restricted zone, the following existed:
Janis Joplin at 635 Ashbury St.
Country Joe and the Fish at 638 Ashbury St.
The Grateful Dead lived at 710 Ashbury St.
The Hell’s Angels at 719 Ashbury St.
The Jefferson Airplane were just across the Panhandle at 2400 Fulton St.
Charles Manson lived at 636 Cole St.
The Satanic Process Church of the Final Judgement, with which Manson was associated, was only two blocks away at 407 Cole St.
The Free Medical Clinic, where the CIA’s Jolly West operated, was at the corner of Haight and Clayton.
West’s crash-pad, where he deployed a team of underlings to dispense LSD was only a few blocks away.
The Psychedelic Shop was at 1535 Haight St.
The San Francisco Oracle newspaper was a block-and-a-half away at 1371 Haight St.
The Diggers Free Bakery was at 1350 Waller St., one block off Haight St.
The Avalon Ballroom, the Family Dog and the Fillmore West Auditorium launched psychedelic rock concerts with music and light shows that were deliberately designed to create a dissociative mental state. The Diggers and the S.F. Mime Troop filled the streets with absurdist theater and outlandish parades. The onetime burlesque queen Magnolia Thunderpussy sold erotic desserts at her 1398 Haight St. café. Spiritualism, meditation, so-called eastern-religions and other forms of “mind-expansion” were advertised on every street corner. For four years the neighborhood was drenched in Billy Mellon Hitchcock’s LSD.
This was all packed into a tiny neighborhood; it was concentrated, incessant, and it didn’t stop. The experiment was pushed to the breaking point to see if a radical transformation could be accomplished.
Fear and Shocks
Corrupt psychiatrists have devoted careers to investigate brainwashing techniques and how to manipulate and mold personalities. For San Francisco, first came the carrot: drugs, sex, and a new set of values—essentially an entire new identity; then came the stick: the inducement of shocks and fear, such that the personality is weakened and susceptible to suggestion. This use of weaponized terror was already underway—nation-wide—long before the Summer of Love. It began with the Cuban Missile Crisis and the assassination of John F. Kennedy, followed by the 1964-1967 inner city riots, and culminating with the assassinations of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr in 1968. Throughout all of this, the drumbeat of the seemingly never-ending war in Vietnam rolled on and on, and every evening the TV networks were kind enough to broadcast color images of that carnage into the living rooms of every American family.
In San Francisco, the psychological torture was taken to a much more intense level. First came the Zodiac killings where 37 people were randomly killed from 1966 to 1971. Then, before the 1970s were over, there occurred the Zebra killings, the bombings by the New World Liberation Front, the Symbionese Liberation Army, the People’s Temple, two assassination attempts against the President of the United States, the assassination of a Bay Area U.S. Congressman, and the assassination of the Mayor of San Francisco.
The story of the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) is so bizarre that it makes no sense unless one considers the intention to spread chaos. Created in 1971-1972 at the California Medical Facility at Vacaville (part of the California State Prison system, where widespread LSD experiments had been carried out), by a Berkeley linguistics professor with deep ties to the CIA, the SLA went on to carry out assassinations, bombings and bank robberies before most of its surviving members were captured 1975. With the kidnapping of Patty Hearst in February 1974, followed by the chaotic free distribution of food which the SLA forced the Hearst family to carry out, through Patty Hearst’s conversion to “Tania” and the Hibernia Bank robbery, San Franciscans could not escape the daily dramatics. They were jerked around on a daily basis, not knowing what to believe about what was going on.
The Zebra Murders took place between October 1973 and April 1974. Apparently, a group of disaffected Black Muslims took it into their heads to “kill whitey,” and over the course of 6 months they randomly murdered 23 people and injured many more, including the shooting of the future Mayor, Art Agnos. The city was gripped by panic; the mayor ordered the police to stop and frisk all “suspicious” black people, and in early 1974 the SLA issued a communiqué praising the revolutionary actions of their black brothers. Think of the Son of Sam murder spree and then multiply the fear and panic about ten times. That was the effect of the Zebra killings.
Between 1973 and 1978 the New World Liberation Front (NWLF) carried out more than 70 bombings in the San Francisco Bay Area. Politicians, electric power stations, oil companies and other diverse targets were bombed. In San Francisco, the homes of San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein, former Mayor Joseph Alioto, Supervisor Quentin Kopp and Supervisor John Barbagelata were all bombed. Shortly after the kidnapping of Patty Hearst, the Hearst Castle at San Simeon was bombed. The Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco was bombed. In 1983, a single individual was arrested for several of the bombings. The failure to identify any additional NWLF members, however, and the curious nature of the NWLF’s targets, raises the possibility that it was an intelligence operation all along, aimed at provoking terror.
In 1975, Jim Jones moved his People’s Temple from Mendocino County to 1859 Geary Blvd. in San Francisco, next door to the building that had housed the Zebra killers. Within months he was hosting a congregation of 5,000 people. Jones’ background in Indianapolis, Indiana and Ukiah, California is very shady and there are many indications that he was receiving political protection from high sources very early on. In San Francisco, Dianne Feinstein, Willie Brown, Harvey Milk, and Gov. Jerry Brown all visited the Temple. Angela Davis became a big supporter, as was Huey Newton and Congressman John Burton. There are reports that several SLA members attended services at the Temple (before moving to Los Angeles, the SLA hid out at 1827 Golden Gate Ave., only 2 to 3 blocks from the Temple). First Lady Rosalyn Carter met with Jones, as did Walter Mondale. When City Supervisor John Barbegelata spoke out against Jones, his home was bombed by the NWLF. In 1975 Jones organized massive vote fraud to elect George Moscone mayor, and this was repeated on a even a bigger scale in 1977. Moscone appointed Jones the chairman of the city’s Housing Commission (the largest landlord in the city). The November, 1978 Jonestown Massacre was a moral and psychic body blow to San Francisco inhabitants. Of the 918 who died, the majority were from San Francisco, and the next largest number came from Oakland. Then, only nine days later, Jones’ patron Mayor George Moscone, together with Supervisor Harvey Milk, the leading gay-rights activist in the city, were assassinated.
In the midst of this decade of chaos, there were also two assassination attempts against President Gerald Ford. On September 5, 1975, two weeks before Patricia Hearst was finally captured by the police, Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme attempted to shoot Ford in Sacramento. Fromme was a former North Beach stripper who was recruited by Church of Satan head Anton LaVey to perform nude in Satanic rituals. Through LaVey she met Charlie Manson and moved in with him during the Summer of Love at 636 Cole St. in Haight Ashbury. She later reported that she took LSD more than 300 times while with Manson in San Francisco. Seventeen days later, on Sept. 22, Sara Jane Moore shot at and attempted to kill Ford in front of the St. Francis Hotel, in Union Square, San Francisco. Moore was a known FBI informant. She was also a great admirer of the Symbionese Liberation Army and served as a volunteer in the SLA/Hearst food give-away program.
In 13 short years, from 1965 to 1978, the culture, the people and the morality of San Francisco were profoundly—almost unbelievably—transformed. Prior to 1964, for more than 50 years, the city usually had a Republican mayor, and the Democratic Party was dominated by Italian and Irish political machines tied to the conservative Roman Catholic Church. In the 2016 Presidential election, Donald Trump received 9 percent of the vote in San Francisco. In over half the city precincts he received 2 to 3 percent. No other major American city even comes close to those figures.
Out of all of this, the new culture was spread across the nation. By the time of Woodstock in 1969, hallucinogenic drugs and the drug culture were pervasive Atlantic to Pacific—as was intended all along. This process was also greatly enhanced by the demoralization brought on by the decade long war in Vietnam. According to U.S. Army figures, of the 2.6 million soldiers who served “in country” in Vietnam over half had smoked marijuana, 32 percent, more than 800,000, had used psychedelics and another 28 percent had used heroin or other opiates. Their misery would then contribute to the downturn of the nation.
IV. This Time: Let Us Win This Fight
For those who still consider all of this material to be “past history,” or who dismiss the question of hallucinogenic drugs as a peripheral issue, consider that according to a recent report by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, 25 percent of people from 18 to 26 years of age nation-wide have experimented with hallucinogens. That is a substantially higher percentage than what existed in 1968. Consider also that 11 states have already fully legalized marijuana and 33 states permit the “medical” use of marijuana, the latter fully coherent with the current onslaught to redefine hallucinogens as entheogens—medicinal substances which contain natural healing powers. The fact that this is a ludicrous argument is irrelevant. Marijuana has no medical use, yet it is called a medicine, a “natural herb.”
As for today’s American youth, they are in a very fragile and weakened condition. From their parents and grandparents they have inherited the amorality of the 1960s and 1970s, but none of the values and optimism of the World War II veterans. Today’s culture is atomized, existential and unmoored. Young people desperately want to discover a purpose for their existence. That is the nature of what it means to be young, and it is a great thing. But in our current environment youth are barraged with the message that their mission—that which will give their lives meaning—is to “Save the Earth,” that the human species itself is the enemy.
The Resurrection of Psychedelics
After LSD was classified as a Schedule I drug by the U.S. government in 1971, most clinical research into the “therapeutic” use of hallucinogens ceased. In our now drug-tolerant environment these efforts have been revived, led once again by the British and the psychiatric community, with big dollars backing this effort.
The 5th International Conference on Psychedelic Consciousness, held at the University of Greenwich in London in August of this year, presented a bevy of speakers calling for a mass expansion of the use of hallucinogens. One was Gail Bradbrook, the founder of Extinction Rebellion. Another was Amanda Feilding, Countess of Wemyss and March and founder and director of the Beckley Foundation. The leading scientific advisor to the Beckley Foundation for many years was the psychiatrist Ronald Sandison, already mentioned in this report. Between 1952 and 1964 Sandison treated thousands of patients with LSD. Also speaking at this year’s conference was Edmond J. Safra, Chairman in Neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College, London. (It should be noted that among the 100 individuals who founded Extinction Rebellion, more than 30 are either psychiatrists or psychologists.)
In tandem with this conference, the British journal Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology published an article extolling the “spiritual” benefits of hallucinogens and calling for their use in treating patients suffering from depression.
In the United States, according to a report recently aired by the CBS affiliate in San Francisco, “a new generation of doctors and patients is exploring psychedelics as a therapeutic agent for a range of medical conditions and psychological traumas, including cancer patients and military troops suffering from [post-traumatic stress syndrome] PTSD.” This broadcast also stated that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now approved numerous pilot projects, including at UCLA, the NYU Langone Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University and many other locations, to study the use of psychedelics on patients with life-threatening conditions. The Johns Hopkins researchers have called upon the FDA to reclassify psilocybin from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule IV drug, making it a conventional prescription drug.
There is an avalanche of such propaganda now spewing forth. On Aug. 24, 2018, Scientific American ran an article titled, “Could Psychedelics Lead to Improved Antidepressant or Antianxiety Therapies?” The Jan. 31, 2019 issue of Forbes contained the piece, “Scientists Rethink Psychedelics as Attitudes Change Toward Formerly Illicit Drugs.”
The drive for acceptance and full legalization is in full swing.
The Shamans Speak
For the oligarchy, this so-called medical debate about hallucinogens is just a smokescreen. Their intention, as it has always been, is to change the culture, to change the Image of Man.
In the 1960s, Timothy Leary and his crowd proclaimed the mystical and “spiritual” properties of hallucinogens. Today, this approach has been revived, but it has been refined, so as to tie hallucinogens to a deep reverence for Mother Nature. “Entheogens” are heralded as “nature’s medicine,” with healing powers that will aid us in living in harmony with the Earth. For a generation that has been pre-conditioned to believe that everything “organic” is good, this strikes a resonant chord.
The term “Entheogen” was coined in 1979 by a group of ethnobotanists, including Carl A.P. Ruck, Richard Evans Schultes and R. Gordon Wasson (of “Seeking the Magic Mushroom” fame). The idea was to redefine hallucinogens from being a recreational drug to one of spiritual and sacred use, one with a deep connection to nature.
Essentially—as can be seen in the case of Gail Bradbrook—“Saving the Earth” has become superseded by the desire to “become one with nature.” Listen again to the words of Bradbrook:
There is widespread denial of the fact that we as humans are not at the top of a pyramid where we get to dictate the terms, we are part of a web of life. Even if we are able to find ways to survive on a severely depleted planet using technology, geo-engineering, vat grown food and artificially created oxygen, who will decide who gets access to these life-support systems? How many wars will be waged to decide where the resources go?
And—at the bottom of it all—how many of us will survive the heartbreak of witnessing the loss of so much biodiversity. Do we really want to live in a world without the wild beauty of nature?
And then there is Decriminalize Nature, the group responsible for the legalization of psilocybin in Oakland, CA. On their website, they declare as their Purpose Statement: “to decriminalize entheogenic plants, restore our root connection to nature, and improve human health and well-being,” and they go on to say, “It is time to end the war on entheogenic plants and fungi. Support the inalienable human right to develop our own relationship with nature.”
Ludicrous to most of us? Laughable? Perhaps. But for 16- to 26-year-olds, there is a lure, there is an attraction—an opportunity to make a difference, to “do something that will change the world,” to find some moral lifeboat that will make one’s life meaningful. In an environment where prospects seem dim and the culture seems ugly and meaningless, many will be tempted to walk through this door, held open for them by the British witch-doctors.
Wells Redux: Oligarchy’s Current Dilemma
Ladies and gentlemen, I am firmly of the view that the next 18 months will decide our ability to keep climate change to survivable levels and to restore nature to the equilibrium we need for our survival.
—Prince Charles, to a reception for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference at Clarence House, London, July 10, 2019
We are now at a moment where the British Empire has been forced to go “all-in,” to salvage their dying system. Beginning with the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21), they have declared war against the human species. They are determined to force through a global Malthusian agenda, and they are determined to do it now. The World Health Organization, which was created in 1948 by psychiatrists from the Tavistock Institute, earlier this year proclaimed Climate Change as the No. 1 world health threat.
The Bank of England and other British-allied financial circles are also demanding a “green agenda” in world banking and finance, a scenario where national sovereignty will be surrendered over banking and currency matters, and a ban on investments in advanced science and industry will be imposed, forcing nations into a devolutionary spiral of austerity, reductions of energy use and depopulation.
Most of the powerful pressure to impose this genocidal agenda will come top down, from the European Union, from the United Nations and from the City of London and Wall Street financial interests—with expected massive support from the establishment news media. Cowardly elected officials will also undoubtedly fall in line.
However—and this is a big however—to impose such an insane anti-human agenda, will require at least a modicum of popular support—bodies in the street demanding “Action Now!” The oligarchy requires a constituency which will demand, or at least tolerate, such suicidal policies. This leads us to the arena of cultural war, and this brings us back to how this article began.
The incessant pro-green barrage now underway actually signifies that Britain’s oligarchs are nervous, they are unsure that people, particularly in the United States, have been brought to the point of “drinking the Kool-Aid.” They are right to be nervous. The excitement which is spreading among growing numbers of youth about the Artemis Project and related efforts to spread human civilization into space is indicative of the oligarchy’s current dilemma.
The fight against this green insanity is ours to win. Pessimism among our ranks is just an excuse for cowardice. We understand the beauty, the power and the hope of the human species, and this is what we must convey—boldly and uncompromisingly—to today’s young people. Youth desire a future; let us show them the magnificence of what is possible. The British oligarchy wishes to engage in a cultural war? Fine. They have nothing to offer but a view of mankind as a pitiable wretch. We have the heritage of what human civilization has accomplished and what it is destined to accomplish in the future. We have the power of the human mind to create beauty and to transform the universe. This is, in fact, an unequal battle. Many wars against empire and oligarchy have been lost because they were fought at the wrong level.
The high ground belongs to us. Let us fight accordingly.
[fn_1]. A rainforest shrub which produces psychedelic effects when ingested. [back to text for fn_1]
[fn_2]. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., “The Wells of Doom,” EIR, Vol. 24, No. 51, Dec. 19, 1997. [back to text for fn_2]