This article appears in the October 18, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
C40 Mayors’ Summit Calls for an Eco-Fascist Global Green New Deal
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Oct. 14—Driven by green billionaire Michael Bloomberg and the trainer and inciter of angry children, Al Gore, 80 mayors from around the world met in Copenhagen, Denmark, October 9-12 and presumptuously declared a global “climate emergency,” calling for a “Global Green New Deal.” The meeting, the C40 World Mayors Summit, demanded a reduction by half of CO2 emissions worldwide—which will necessitate mass shutdowns of fuel and energy companies and drastic reductions in what is now 60% of global energy and electricity production.
“Their call came in response to intergovernmental action being blocked by a minority of very powerful, science-denying governments, representing the interests of the fossil-fuel industry,” stated the C40 press release, continuing Bloomberg’s three years of attacks on the Trump Administration. The mayors called for cities to be in the vanguard of the drive for what the LaRouche movement and others have called “eco-fascism,” because leading national governments—with the U.S. at the top of the list—have refused to join the lemmings going over the cliff, including at the recently held UN Climate Action Summit in New York City on September 23, 2019. Twelve of the C40’s 94 member cities are in the United States, and the new chairman is the Democrat, Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles, California.
The big guns of the CO2 emission-reduction lobby were sounded in Copenhagen (except for poor poster-child Greta Thunberg, on tour in North America). The keynote speakers were Michael Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City, a driving force in the C40 and climate change lobby (see below); former U.S. Vice President Al Gore; and U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). In addition, UN Secretary-General António Guterres and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen spoke.
Al Gore claimed to have trained 25,000 climate activists to give climate emergency presentations. The furious Greta Thunberg tweeted last December that she was “honored” to have met with this “pioneer.” His harangue in Copenhagen showed his method: The former Vice President, once so wooden and emotionless that he was cartooned in the United States as “the cigar-store Indian,” now ranted, shouted, growled, grimaced, and paced the stage waving his arms for half an hour in a clearly affected fit of anger. Gore threw out apocalyptic climate change scenarios, all of which have been debunked in EIR’s special report “ ‘CO2 Reduction’ Is a Mass Murder Policy: Designed by Wall Street and the City of London.” He stated that that he wanted to “recruit” the mayors to summon the political will needed to push through his agenda.
On the other hand, the EIR report was personally handed to the C40 outgoing and incoming chairs, and several other mayors and deputy mayors just after the opening press conference.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), still smarting from her encounter with LaRouche PAC’s Jonathan Swift-style satire “Eat the Babies” intervention during a New York City town hall meeting, was most emotional when she spoke of herself as, “A woman whose dreams of motherhood now taste bittersweet, because of what I know about our children’s future.” She also claimed that Hurricane Maria, the storm two years ago which killed over 3,000 Puerto Ricans, including her grandfather in the aftermath, was a “climate change-powered storm.” The C40 mayors are now committed to a global version of her Green New Deal.
The Danish royal house also extended a royal stamp of approval, in that the Crown Prince and Princess hosted a dinner for the summit VIPs, despite Queen Margrethe II’s recent criticism of the Swedish Greta Thunberg’s climate “panic” reaction, during an interview with the Swedish newspaper Expressen.
The Green New Deal
The C40 mayors, representing 94 cities, claimed that to meet their declared global climate emergency, and keep the global temperature from rising more than the 1.5 degrees Centigrade limit of the Paris Agreement, they were:
committed to putting inclusive climate action at the center of all urban decision-making, to create thriving and equitable communities for everyone. . . . We will drive an urgent, fundamental and irreversible transfer of global resources away from fossil fuels and into action that averts the climate emergency, thereby building a green and fair ecological civilization.
In their promise to work closely with young people, the C40 essentially endorsed the British street-blocking and airport-shutting civil disobedience operation of the so-called Extinction Rebellion. The outgoing C40 chairman, Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo Aleu, said in an October 8 press release:
We are facing a climate emergency, and a growing number of people around the world, particularly young people, are treating it as such. Just last month 7.6 million climate protesters took to the streets of the world’s cities for one of the largest global protests, on any topic, ever. This week, Extinction Rebellion is building on that momentum with peaceful protest and nonviolent action. Time is running out, and we need action at an unprecedented scale. We are facing threats of climate breakdown—the response that we’re seeing from Extinction Rebellion and young climate strikers around the globe should come as no surprise. We share their concern for the future of humanity, and we must push forward with courage and ambition to change the status quo that has generated this crisis.
As part of, and augmenting, the mass climate change hysteria overtaking many young people during the past year, there was a special emphasis on youth participation at this year’s summit. During the opening press conference, Jamie Margolin, age 17, founder and Co-Executive Director of Zero Hour (USA), said:
What we need worldwide is more than sustainability, because we cannot sustain the destruction we are causing to the earth, or the capitalism making our leaders dizzy with fantasies of endless economic growth that is simply not possible on our Earth. We need the era of the Green New Deal, and it’s coming globally.
This was an almost exact repetition of Greta’s attack at the UN Climate Summit on the “fairy tales of eternal economic growth.”
Yet, who gives them the right to extinguish the hopes of millions of other young people, especially in the poor countries of the world, by denying them the very economic growth that forms the basis for our civilization to sustain more people, and each of them with a higher standard of living? Lyndon LaRouche’s science of physical economy makes this knowable and ever more possible. It is precisely by nourishing the cognitive ability of young people to discover new scientific principles and new technologies, which will lead to economic growth, rather than turning them against it, which will do nothing other than to lead to a new dark age.
In fact, Danish scientist Henrik Svensmark and his associates at Denmark’s Technical University’s National Space Institute (DTU Space) have been discovering the scientific principles relating to the connections between solar activity, galactic rays from supernovae, cloud formation, and the Earth’s temperature. This research has contributed to the understanding of many scientists who disagree with the climate-change lobby, because they believe that natural phenomena affect our climate much more than human activity, in the form of CO2 emissions.
Michael Bloomberg:
Financier for Climate Hysteria
C40 was founded in 2005 by Ken Livingstone, then the Mayor of London. Its current President is billionaire Michael Bloomberg, the former Mayor of New York City. Bloomberg Philanthropies is also one of the three strategic funders of C40. In 2011, he founded the “Beyond Coal” campaign, with the goal of shutting down at least one-third of U.S. coal plants. In June 2019, he founded, and chairs, the “Beyond Carbon” organization, to further push his anti-energy campaign.
In addition to his own anti-coal and anti-carbon campaigns, which have raised $1 trillion to threaten and lure local and state governments to get in line, Bloomberg is the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Climate Action. He is also in the forefront of climate “risk disclosure.” He is, and remains, Governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney’s founding chairman for the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, a hit squad established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), when Carney was FSB chairman, aimed against targeted corporations.
As EIR has exposed, the financiers want to get their fingers on the Green New Deal financing to hold their financial bubbles in the air a little bit longer, before they burst.
Simultaneous with the closing mayor and youth activist demonstration in front of Copenhagen City Hall, a Schiller Institute delegation brought the campaign against eco-fascism, and for Lyndon LaRouche’s exoneration, to the Danish parliament, during its yearly open house. They personally spoke to government ministers and parliamentarians from all but one of the current 12 parties in the Folketing, the Danish parliament, and distributed their latest newsletter, “The Financial World Wants to Save Itself with Eco-Fascism,” and Danish- and English-language material calling for LaRouche’s exoneration.
Information for this article was contributed by Marcia Merry Baker.