This article appears in the November 22, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Schiller Institute Conference
November 16-17, 2019
The Future of Humanity as a
Creative Species in the Universe
Saturday, November 16
Panel 1: Time of Strategic Upheaval: Will Europe
Be Able to Help Shape the New Paradigm?
We Can Shape a New Era of Mankind!
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Chairwoman of the Schiller Institute
The Potential of the New Silk Road for Europe
Wang Weidong, Minister Counselor, Director of the Commerce and Trade Department at the Chinese Embassy in Germany
LaRouche’s Science of Physical Economy as the Key to Solving the Problems of the World, Eurasia, and Ukraine
Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, economist, Leader of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Former Member of Parliament, Ukraine
Russia in the Chinese “One Belt One Road” Initiative: Possibilities and Prospects
Professor Andrei Ostrovskii, Deputy Director of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
The Italy-Tunisia and Italy-Albania Bridges: Connecting the Belt and Road Corridors
Prof. Enzo Siviero, Director, eCampus University, Italy; Vice President, Réseau Méditerranéen des Écoles d’Ingénieurs
Developing Relations between Greece and the Belt & Road
Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos, Ambassador ad honorem, Greece, former Secretary General of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Pragmatism Against Ideologies
Col. Alain Corvez, ret., Consultant in international strategy, France
Panel 2: The Fundamental Scientific Issues of the Future and the New Space Silk Road
Can Europe Play a Key Role in Science?
Jacques Cheminade, President of Solidarité et Progrès, former Presidential Candidate, France
The Moon Village: Next Step Toward a New Era for Mankind
Sébastien Drochon, Space Policy Director, French Schiller Institute
LaRouche’s Discoveries: Educating a New Generation
Megan Beets and Jason Ross, LaRouche science team
In Defense of African Sovereignty
Henda Diogène Senny, President of the Pan-African League - Umoja
A Tribute to Lyndon LaRouche
Works of Beethoven, Schubert, and Schumann
Sunday, November 17
Panel 3: Who is Lyndon LaRouche?
The Power of Reason: The Living Legacy of Lyndon LaRouche
Dennis Small, Ibero-America Coordinator, Schiller Institute
LaRouche and Science
Josef MikloŠko, Former Deputy Prime Minister, Czech and Slovak Federative Republic
The Man Who Should Have Been President of the United States
Theo Mitchell, former South Carolina State Senator, USA
Fatherland, Nation and State as Seen by Progressive Catholics and by Lyndon LaRouche
Nino Galloni, former Director General of the Budget and Labor Ministries, Italy
The Importance of Lyndon LaRouche’s Ideas for the Arab World
Hussein Askary, Southwest Asia Coordinator for the Schiller Institute
LaRouche, a ‘Florentine’ Mind
Claudio Giudici, Chairman, Uritaxi (National Taxi Trade-Union), Florence, Italy
The Struggle of Lyndon LaRouche for Peace and Development in Lebanon and the Middle East
Prof. Bassam El-Hachem, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon
Where Is America Headed? The LaRouche Solution as the Way out of Chaos
Harley Schlanger, former spokesman for Lyndon LaRouche; Board Member of the Schiller Institute
Panel 4: Beauty and Classical Art as Mankind’s Vocation: The Cultural Silk Road
The Necessity of a Classical Renaissance for the Youth of the World
Diane Sare, Director of the Manhattan Chorus Project
LaRouche and the Unity of Art and Science
Antonella Banaudi, Soprano and singing teacher; expert on the Verdi tuning
True Freedom Through True Art: The Negro Spiritual’s Unique Contribution to Classical Literacy in America
Elvira Green, Mezzo-soprano, 30-year member of the Metropolitan Opera; Founder of the Spiritual Renaissance Singers of Greensboro, North Carolina, USA
Panels 1 and 2 are published in this issue; panels 3 and 4 appear in EIR’s next issue.