This transcript appears in the November 29, 2019 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Remembrance of the Great
Humanist Thinker Lyndon LaRouche
[Print version of this transcript]
Mr. Al-Ghaffari is Chairman of the BRICS Development Network in Yemen. This is the edited translation of the transcript of his video message, sent from Yemen, to the Schiller Institute conference in Bad Soden, November 17, 2019.
Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Schiller Institute,
Thank you for inviting me to participate with you in this commemoration event in remembrance of the great humanist thinker Lyndon LaRouche.
You were with us when we issued the first statement denouncing the war of aggression against our country on March 26, 2015, in which we said the war is a threat against the BRICS.
You were also with us in conveying to the world the speech of our martyred President Saleh Al-Sammad at the Sab’een parade square, in which he saluted the BRICS nations on September 21, 2017.
Many times, have we received invitations from you to travel to attend your conferences, but the closing of the Sana’a International Airport has prevented us from joining you. It is now closed for the fourth year. My travels are not a priority, but that of the thousands and thousands of sick people are. They need to travel for treatment, and thousands have died already. Hundreds of thousands are waiting for the airport to open.
However, in spite of all the suffering, Sana’a raised the slogan of “one hand to defend the country and one hand to build it,” on March 26, 2018.
In spite of all the suffering, Sana’a is now witnessing an unprecedented state of internal security and safety, which, it can be argued, is the first element of credit worthiness.
From Sana’a, we, the “Youth Government” and the “Yemeni BRICS Network for Development,” presented the vision of the reconstruction of Yemen, Operation Felix, in collaboration with the international Schiller Institute for rebuilding Yemen and connecting it to the New Silk Road, and the Belt and Road. A beautiful and important picture of the deceased Lyndon LaRouche adorns that report.
LaRouche’s “Five Metrics of Progress” of the BRICS nations is being discussed in schools and universities in Sana’a by those who love and admire him.

Coordination with the BRICS nations was included in the Yemeni “National Vision 2030 for Building the Modern Yemeni Nation,” which was issued by the government, thanks to the efforts exerted by Minister of Foreign Affairs Hisham Sharaf; the veteran fighter for independence Dr. Saleh Sayil, Chairman of Political Committee and International Relations of the Shura Consultative Council; and Engineer Khaled Sharafuddin, Deputy Director of the Yemeni General Investment Authority. These issues were also taken up during our meeting in early September 2019 with the member of the Supreme Political Council, Mr. Mohammed Saleh Al-Nuaimi.
On October 16, Sana’a’s chief negotiator for the Yemeni peace process, Mr. Mohammed Abdul-Salam informed the Chinese Ambassador to our country, H.E. Mr. Kang Yong, about our country’s historical and strategic presence on the Silk Road, and now the Belt and Road Initiative. This has fulfilled the June 2016 promise by Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, to make Yemen a “pearl in the necklace of the new Silk Road.”
What I am saying here is not mere rhetoric, but a spirit of defiance, a spirit of optimism. A free spirit that wants to stand on its own freedom and its own currency.
This is what Lyndon LaRouche talked about in his last 60 years, that each nation must have its own sovereign currency. But then, all nations can meet around a basket of currencies under a new Bretton Woods System for building the World Land-Bridge.
We salute your gathering for the commemoration of the soul of Mr. Lyndon LaRouche, who, even if he is absent in person, is attached to the mind of anyone who read his thoughts. Although he is not here with us in person, he has left behind a great team. While we miss him saying, as he did before, that “this is the greatest event in the world today,” we are sure after his passing away, many great events in the world in the future will have written all over them “LaRouche was here!”