This transcript appears in the August 7, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
The Battle Before Us
The following is an edited transcript of a presentation delivered on July 28.

July 28—The press conference last week with Bill Binney, former NSA Technical Director, certainly upped the ante, but the enemy is also upping the ante. I think the other more substantive reason that the globalists, and in particular the British, are accelerating their drive to create extraordinary conflict between the United States, on the one hand, and Russia and China on the other, is that in probably two months, there is the potential of a summit meeting, which if we do our job, could be the first step in ending the British empire and the British imperial system.
In the beginning of January, Russian President Vladimir Putin put forward a proposal for a summit of the permanent five members of the UN Security Council. As of now, including as of a discussion between President Putin and President Trump last week, the agenda for that summit is under discussion. In other words, we could have, sitting in the same room, in about two months, President Trump, President Putin, China’s President Xi, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and President Macron of France.
As Lyndon LaRouche declared over twenty years ago, the combination of the United States, Russia and China is the indispensable combination needed, having the power—the economic power, the geographical power, and the military power—if those three nations were to come to an accord on shutting down the current bankrupt financial system and announcing the initial steps for a new one, a new Bretton Woods. And that would be it for the British Imperial system. That would be it for globalization.
That British Imperial power is willing to risk the danger of confrontation between the United States, Russia, and China. Donald Trump doesn’t want war. A lot of people in his administration, whether they want war or not, they certainly want conflict. So as long as Donald Trump is President, I don’t think we will have war by design. But under these kinds of circumstances, there are those in China and Russia who are making parallels between the period between World War I and World War II which could lead to global conflict.
I want to take a minute to walk people through the actual causes of the wars in the 20th century, and frankly almost every other war, to understand why the globalists—why the enemy—is so terrified of a combination of the leaders of these nations, especially the United States, Russia and China, coming together with an economic policy based on the principles Lyndon LaRouche fought for his whole life, and which was developed out of the American System which was created by our founding fathers, in particular Alexander Hamilton.
Every war in the past hundred and thirty years has been a result of the British Empire’s fear that the ideas of Alexander Hamilton, of the American Revolution and the American economic system could become the basis for sovereign nations to establish policies that would ensure economic development and peace, that would allow nations to protect and defend their people and their economies from our common enemy, which is this financial parasite. At the time of the American Revolution, this parasite was known as the British East India Company and the Dutch East India Company.
Today, it takes the form of a conglomeration of very powerful international financial institutions—the central banks, the major financial investment houses in the world, groups like BlackRock, the largest hedge fund in the world, which unfortunately is managing the disbursement of funds to businesses in the United States during the COVID-19 crisis. But that is the British Imperial system. It has used its control of money and it has used the instigation of wars over the past two hundred years, to destroy any nation or combination of nations that might adopt American System policies, especially those nations that might come together in an alliance to adopt these policies such that the British Imperial system could be dismantled and defeated once and forever.
The American System of Development
I want to return to Bill Binney for a moment because it was about a week ago that he was in a discussion in a town hall meeting and he made a comparison of the crisis of today to President Abraham Lincoln’s address at the Gettysburg battlefield. Binney raised the question of whether “a nation of, by, and for the people” was going to survive. I think that’s extremely important, for people to take their minds back to the United States at the time of the Civil War and what Abraham Lincoln was combatting and what he was able to accomplish.

Lincoln understood that the issue of the Civil War was not slavery. He understood very clearly—Frederick Douglass recognized this as well—that if we did not preserve the Union you would never get rid of slavery. First and foremost, it was necessary to defend and save the Union, to defend and save and protect the Constitution of the United States, the constitutional institutions of the United States. Lincoln fought in that way and we won!
It was nothing less than a miracle that the United States came out of the Civil War not only intact, but strengthened. During the Civil War, Lincoln began a revival of the American System of political economy. He launched the transcontinental railroad; he launched the land grant colleges; he established the greenback, which was a way of using federally directed credit—bypassing the grip of the private speculators—and pumping credit directly into key areas of the economy. Lincoln did all this in the midst of a civil war!
Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, but despite that, the policies that he set in motion created an economic powerhouse, later advanced by President Ulysses Grant and then by President William McKinley. The United States became the envy of the world, with its industrial revolution, railroad building, and infrastructure policies. People wanted to replicate the American System, and in some cases we sent engineers and economists to other countries; in other cases, they came to the United States.

One of the singular moments was the 1876 Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia. People from all over the world, including heads of state, came to that exhibition. Each state of the Union had its own pavilion, showcasing its most important industrial and technological breakthroughs. People looked at this and said we want to have the policy that allowed you to do this. That policy, encapsulated and advanced in LaRouche’s Four Laws, involves the primary conception that the primary asset to grow in an economy is not money, but human creativity, increasing productivity, and thereby increasing that economy’s ability to sustain more people at an increasingly better standard of living.
That is the essence of the American System. It used a Hamiltonian national bank to direct the credit where it was needed; it used greenbacks during the Lincoln Administration to direct credit; it used the Reconstruction Finance Corporation under Franklin Roosevelt to direct credit. We could use the Defense Production Act today as a sort of temporary first step. We could use the International Development Finance Corporation which, Trump said, in an executive order, could be used to make loans, not only internationally, which was the original intent, but you can make loans here in the United States to fight the pandemic and rebuild our economy. These are institutions of the American System, which has as its purpose increasing the general welfare of the nation and its posterity, which means durable, tangible scientific and physical economic growth.
The Power of Creative Citizens
It is truly amazing the extent to which other countries not only wanted to model themselves on the American System, but did adopt and implement that system. Take even one of these countries and look at the history of its American System policies. Whether it be Germany, France, Russia, Japan, and a little bit later, at the turn of the century, China under the influence of Sun Yat Sen, all these nations explicitly went to the writings and ideas of Alexander Hamilton, and of Abraham Lincoln’s economic advisor Henry C. Carey.
The American System policies were the policies that guided each one of these countries into a semblance of a modern economy. Sun Yat Sen, the father of modern China from the beginning of the 20th century, was an explicit, conscious Hamiltonian. Americans need to study his life and works. His Three Principles of the People were based on Lincoln’s “Of, By, and For the People.” How did he find out about this? He was raised by Christian missionaries in Hawaii. That’s how. Similarly, for years, the economic adviser to the last Czar of Russia—who was overthrown, I suspect, in a British operation—was Count Sergei Witte, an explicit, conscious Hamiltonian.
Put yourself in the shoes of an imperial elite. How have you ruled for centuries? And in fact, for millennia? Go back to the days of the Roman Empire, go back to Persia, go back to Sparta, go back to Babylon. Rule by keeping the population backward and stupid. Rule by having them fight each other. Little in the way of new wealth is created. Instead, wars are conducted to invade other lands to steal that which has been created there. Power is maintained through an enforced backwardness of your population, the power to loot and steal and, of course, the military power that goes with that.
Stop and think for a moment what challenges that method of rule. What if a population becomes educated? What happens when a population is armed with the knowledge of that which differentiates them from the beasts? Certainly, the question of slavery is a classic question of the British Empire, or any imperial system. A few weeks ago, we had a wonderful discussion with Bob Ingraham, on the fact that slavery is a function of empire. It is not a function of white racist founding fathers in the United States. What challenges that empire is a population confident in the uniqueness and dignity and power of the human mind to understand universal principles, to act on those principles, to improve dominion over Nature and to wittingly provide a better future for its children and their grandchildren—and their nations and their societies and their civilizations.
That is the essence of the American System. The American System is not a recipe of a national bank, Glass-Steagall, a credit system, and then some nice big projects. That is not the American System. At the core of the American System is the fundamental distinction between man in the image of a creator—however man may worship that creator—and man as an animal.
The only way the British imperial system is able to rule is by keeping people in a state of mind as if they were animals—not being able to think through universal principles, not being able to understand what actions need to be taken to make a better future. People want to have a better future for their children and grandchildren, but we’ve failed pretty miserably for the past 45 years. Unlike when I grew up, when most of us assumed our children would have a better life than we did; that’s no longer the case. And that was even before the pandemic hit.
People have not mastered the ideas whereby they can make their decisions and knowably and successfully ensure the outcome in the future they desire. That really is the essence of the American System. That power to think is what the British really fear. That’s why every empire is afraid of this. And that’s why we have had 130 years of almost perpetual war on this planet, run by the British Empire to prevent nations from carrying out the kinds of economic and cultural policies—and for that matter foreign policies—which would allow them to become strong and prosperous. The main weapon the British have used for the past 130 years has been war.
British Manipulations
Before the outbreak of World War I, Japan was pitted against China. Russia was pitted against Japan. Then there was the outbreak of World War I, in which the nations of Europe that were going with the American System, Russia and Germany, were pitted against each other, with the British playing the critical role in the background.
What was the outgrowth of World War I? This is something President Putin recently identified in the article he wrote on the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. The outgrowth of World War I was the Versailles Treaty which imposed upon Germany unpayable war reparations that destroyed the nation of Germany and fueled the rise of what became the fascist movement. And Putin was very explicit that the Versailles reparations were one of the major contributing reasons for the rise of Hitler and ultimately World War II.
Putin also identified the support for fascist ideologies among the aristocrats and political establishments in the west. World War II, perhaps, didn’t turn out quite the way the British elites intended, but ultimately it served its purpose, because it ensured that otherwise natural allies ended up fighting each other again, and that nations that had been at the forefront of American System ideas came under attack or were pitted against each other. Remember the nations that were going with the American system: Russia, Germany, Japan, China—among the major ones.
What happened immediately after World War II? President Franklin Roosevelt intended for the major powers, the United States, Russia, and China, to come together as sovereign nations, despite our differences, our different political systems. China was still in flux, Russia was communist, but Roosevelt believed, correctly, that these nations could come together against the common enemy, namely the British imperial system.
But Roosevelt died. The Bretton Woods system that was set up had enough of Roosevelt’s original intention in it that it served the world, at least the northern hemisphere, well, until 1971. It protected the economic sovereignty of nations. In Europe, in Japan, in the western hemisphere, there was real growth. But not in the former colonial countries because that is the part of Roosevelt’s dream that was cut short by his death in 1945. But you see in Roosevelt’s vision again what the enemy is afraid of. They are afraid of any combination of sovereign nations coming together to develop themselves using American System policies.
LaRouche Revives America’s Mission
The consciousness of this intention went to sleep for a couple of decades after World War II, except in the mind of one person, namely Lyndon LaRouche. Perhaps there are others, but we know the history of Lyndon LaRouche best. At the end of World War II, LaRouche adopted a personal mission to finish the job that Roosevelt had intended, to defeat the empires and pursue policies of genuine economic development. He devoted his life to studying, to devising, to putting forward policies for nations, especially our own, but perhaps equally so for many nations.
How do you take these principles and put them to work in an economic system, such that each nation is protected from these financial parasites, such that each nation is organized around these principles of economic development and the lifting up of all of its people—not “equalization” by shoving everybody down to the same level, but by making the pie grow and lifting up all people?
This is why LaRouche was so seriously targeted, by the FBI, by the CIA, by British Intelligence, by Henry Kissinger, by Robert Mueller, throughout his life, because he was reviving something that was very very dangerous to the oligarchy: A conception of Man and economic policies that can finally defeat the British imperial system.
We don’t have to go through the history of every war. Simply think about the British geopolitical machinations for 130 years, all in fear of the American System, which was put on even more scientific terms by Lyndon LaRouche. That is why the British Empire will be so reckless as to inflame tensions between the superpowers that could lead to thermonuclear war. This is where the war danger comes from, not by a conscious intention of the leaders of those countries, even though we do have problems here in the United States.
How can we stop this? There’s no use going around saying “Don’t go to war.” That doesn’t work, never has. War is stopped by understanding who is provoking it and what they fear and making that understanding widely known. The warmongers fear that their economic and financial power will be taken away on an international scale by LaRouche’s New Bretton Woods international agreement, and be taken away here, in the U.S.A., by Donald Trump going forward with a version of LaRouche’s Four Laws: a huge infrastructure program, moving on Glass-Steagall, as he discussed in the election campaign, and an even bigger space program than we already have, or a more elaborated one. This is what they’re afraid of.
Unless people have a clear understanding of who the enemy is, we are in trouble. Your enemy is not some woolly-headed socialist, or the even more dangerous delusion of thinking your enemy is China or Russia. Your real enemy is sitting in the shadows, as it has been for over 100 years, pulling the puppet strings to try and maintain its power over this planet. And its power at this point demands the destruction of nations, the massive destruction of populations. Famine and disease are doing a very good job of this right now in terms of depopulation.
So, the question of how we fight and who we fight is not to simply “hold the current ground.” The question is, are we finally going to achieve what our Founding Fathers intended, not just for this nation, but for every nation on this planet, and defeat the evil of empire once and for all? Or are they going to drag mankind into a horror beyond anything ever seen before? In political terms all one has to do is imagine a Joe Biden-Susan Rice administration as one example of the nightmare. But the way to defeat this is not to think in terms of electoral calendars or partisan politics, per se, but rather on the field of battle as we’ve defined it here.