This article appears in the October 30, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
While Biden Crime Family Wants More Payoffs,
Trump Builds Nation, Ready To Dump ‘Green Steal’
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Oct. 22—At a White House press briefing on July 14, 2020, President Trump commented:
When I first saw the Green New Deal, I thought it was a joke. I said, “This will never go anywhere.” Now they’re trying to impose it. This will destroy our country and make us non-competitive with other countries.
In fact, the threat is actually much worse. Look at the hollowed-out economy that the nation and President Trump have inherited from Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and their bankster friends in the City of London, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and the regular attendees at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Obama/Biden/Harris would steal even more. Real economic progress rests on technologically progressive alterations of nature, based on discovery of new scientific principles. With that in mind, forget about money. Let’s look at the interventions into the physical economy that the President has made in his first term.
Trump: The Best ‘Democrat’ Since JFK
Despite the resounding economic success of the FDR economic recovery program that began in 1933, and despite JFK’s successful Apollo program that took us to the Moon, most economists and politicians today understand very little about how and why crash programs work as economic drivers—or, what even qualifies as a crash program. After 50 years, President Donald Trump has revived precisely this “Apollo spirit” in science, both to crush COVID-19 and take mankind back to the Moon and beyond. It is the method which produces vast new discoveries in basic science and new technologies because the mandate of the mission requires discovery itself. In the Apollo program, for example, almost all of the necessary discoveries made to facilitate getting to the Moon, were completely unknown at the beginning of the mission.
Look at Project Warp Speed, the crash project that the President has mobilized to develop vaccines and antivirals to defeat COVID-19. Even the New York Times has been forced to admit that it has substantially altered expectations. The cavalry is coming in the form of vaccines and antivirals, and the pandemic will end, much, much sooner than their methodologically challenged statistical models predicted, or their Malthusian mass death desires demanded. President Trump knows about crash programs and acted on that knowledge. The concept is simply beyond the mental powers of a Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, who govern as if following a paint-by-the-numbers scheme dictated by their oligarchical controllers.
Look at the Artemis program. For the first time since Apollo, Americans are going back to the Moon to colonize and industrialize it, using it as the jumping off point for a voyage to Mars. How much will be discovered in the process? Fusion power, the promised, unlimited energy resource of the future, which the Artemis program is advancing for propulsion in space in particular, and which will give us the capability to green all of Earth’s deserts, is just part of the future this program builds for future generations. Obama and Biden killed manned space exploration. We became dependent on Russia for even going to the International Space Station. Obama once remarked that quite simply, we “don’t need no fancy fusion energy.”
Over the next four years we will make the U.S. the manufacturing superpower of the world. America will land the first woman on the Moon, and the United States will be the first nation to land an astronaut on Mars.

New Advanced Infrastructure Platforms: Platforms for Economic Development
Look also at what President Trump has done in the area of infrastructure despite the resistance he has faced in Congress and from Wall Street. Consider the New Lock at the Soo Locks in Michigan, enabling ships to reliably travel between Lake Superior and the lower Great Lakes. Approximately 80 million tons of commercial commodities pass through the Soo Locks annually. The second phase of the billion-dollar Soo Locks expansion is now scheduled to start in the Spring of 2021. A 2015 Department of Homeland Security study on impacts of an unexpected Soo Locks closure showed that the deteriorating Soo Locks are a nationally critical infrastructure. On the verge of breakdown, the Great Lakes Navigation System is a critical node essential to U.S. manufacturing and National Security. There are many more examples.
The Trump Administration awarded $3.8 billion in BUILD grants and $3.4 billion in Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grants to communities across the country. Of that, they have awarded $2.9 billion to the so-called “fly-over states” and $960 million to Opportunity Zones. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is now investing $371 million to build and improve critical electric infrastructure across 11 states. Alterations to the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) aim to reduce approval time for highways alone by 70%.
President Trump has been clear that he wants to invest trillions of dollars more in productive national infrastructure, and is fighting budget-cutting “green scissors” Democrats and Republicans in Congress to get this done. Not enough? So true. But in a second term, following the late-economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche’s well-known proposal for a national bank and national credit, drawing on the examples of Lincoln’s Greenback policy and FDR’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Trump can launch a massive national infrastructure program—provided his supporters force the implementation of his intent by demanding it of Congress. The intent of Biden and Harris is completely different. They serve an elite intent on imposing the Green New Deal and further deindustrializing the United States. Their infrastructure consists of wind farms, solar panels, and retrofitted buildings.
All creation is a mine, and every man a miner.
For decades, our nation’s mining resources have been padlocked by so-called environmental regulations and other means, for the purpose of the Banksters’ gaming of global prices based on shortages, while consolidating resources into cartels they control. This is the Bush/Obama/Biden legacy.
Now, President Trump is intent on rebuilding our mining industry and cutting dependence of cartel-controlled supply chains, to in-turn build advanced domestic manufacturing and advanced energy technology. In 2019, the President invoked the Defense Production Act (DPA) to designate the entire supply chain for rare earths (e.g., for alloys and electronics) as “essential to the national defense” under the DPA, allowing for more funding in the rare earths space. And “there is more coming,” the President has said.
Rare earth elements (REE), which occur naturally, have unique properties that make them essential for certain new technologies. REEs include 17 elements—for example, cerium and yttrium—having similar chemical properties, which give them the ability to discharge and accept electrons, making them essential components for many modern-day electronic, optical, magnetic, and catalytic uses. Under Obama/Biden, the U.S. Geological Survey’s annual report on mineral production showed that U.S. manufacturing was not using any of the rare earth oxides that we produce, because what was coming out of the Mountain Pass project in California was being shipped to China. Now, there are a half-dozen rare earth mining projects in development, gaining new investment and also U.S. government support.

Following through, at a September 30 rally in Minnesota—a mining state, whose Iron Range is the source of 75% of total U.S. iron ore production—Trump announced a new Executive Order to expedite Federal permitting of mining projects. He told the people at the rally,
I took another historic step for your state when I signed an executive order providing billions of dollars to jump-start the production of critical and other minerals, which will create countless jobs and are so important for our country. A critical issue in this election is the future of the Minnesota Iron Range. You know what, that’s why I’m here.
The Duluth Complex alone holds the world’s second largest copper deposit (34% of U.S. resources), the third largest nickel deposit (95% of U.S. resources), and the second largest platinum-group metals deposit (75% of U.S. resources). Other untapped resources include titanium and manganese, the latter now almost entirely imported. According to the American Geosciences Institute, in 2018, the United States was completely dependent on imports for at least the following 18 mineral commodities: arsenic, asbestos, cesium, fluorspar, gallium, natural graphite, indium, manganese, natural sheet mica, nepheline syenite, niobium, rare earths, rubidium, scandium, strontium, tantalum, thorium, and vanadium.
For idle factories and idle workers profit no man.
Powering the Buildup
On September 28, 2018, President Trump signed the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act of 2017, intent on speeding the development of advanced reactors in the United States by eliminating several of the financial and technological barriers standing in the way of nuclear innovation. Going further, the Trump Administration, through the Department of Energy, has catalyzed the development of modular nuclear reactors such as that of NuScale Power, LLC, which can be mass produced, rapidly configured to specific requirements for energy and desalination, and exported to markets around the world. NuScale Power, the only company thus far to have Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval for its small modular reactor (SMR) design, has gotten a letter of intent from the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) for its readiness to support a potential South African contract for 12 NuScale modules for a 2,500 MW project in South Africa.

The Trump Administration had moved decisively to end the Obama Administration’s ban on financing nuclear power development projects abroad. Likewise, the development of SMRs is advancing for continuous, 24/7 energy in unmanned and manned space exploration.
President Trump has also moved to overhaul Obama-era regulations intended to shut down modern and clean coal-fired power plants, which must be online to ensure the rapid development of a U.S. manufacturing renaissance. As well, in 2019, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled a proposal that would limit the power of states to block pipelines and other energy projects. Currently, our nation does not have the electricity production capacity to power the U.S. industrial economy of even the 1970s, which the Trump Administration is working to address.
“We will make America into the manufacturing superpower of the world,” said President Trump on October 14, addressing the Economic Club of New York. President Trump is bent on moving mountains to do this, and one of those mountains is providing the level of energy necessary to fuel this manufacturing revival.
The Obama/Biden Horror Show
You can thank Wall Street and the City of London, along with George W. Bush and Barack Obama, for the wrecking of the U.S. economy. Now, Joe Biden has revealed “his” plan to “bring back” the U.S. economy, but it is more of the same. It would mean increased poverty and a greater hollowing-out of our producer capacities. It is essentially the Bernie Sanders-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) “Green New Deal”—which, in fact, is actually the City of London and Wall Street’s Green New Swindle.
Joe Biden will do to oil and natural gas what Obama did to coal. He would shutter entire sources of energy, to go backwards to a medieval era reliance on the wind and Sun, driving up energy prices and sinking the world further into misery. Biden also says he is going to enact $2 trillion in new taxes to buy hot-shot insulation for 2 million homes and 4 million other buildings, and put wind turbines and solar panels everywhere, along with “light rail” and bicycle lanes, and electric cars. Consider: this really amounts to paying people to dig holes and fill them in. How much can those jobs pay, really?

The swindle here is to con people into believing that service jobs can be substituted for productive jobs—productive jobs being those that make necessary, physical changes to nature for man. The source of this wealth, as physical economist Lyndon LaRouche developed the concept, is the unique, God-given creative powers in each individual. That creativity is applied in fields such as industry, mining, advanced manufacturing, and agriculture. It is driven by new scientific breakthroughs that increase the power of that very labor.
A healthy economy needs to have roughly 50% of the labor force employed as productive operatives, and about 5% employed in scientific and technological research and development, with the economy operating in a technologically progressive mode, producing the technologically-improving capital and consumer goods required by the domestic population, and available for export and trade. That requires major, ongoing cycles of physical capital investment, by which the economy is bootstrapped upwards. These are the investments that Wall Street and the British financial empire have not and will not make. They are committed to keeping their feudal power through green fascist impoverishment and stupefying people via education based solely on identity politics and an internet and social media regime which rewards irrationality, depravity, and stupidity.
In the Biden swindle, people are going to be employed in building up to 500,000 charging stations for the new electric cars they are going to be mandated to buy, in order to do away with oil and gasoline by 2035 at the latest. Biden further says he is going to “generate clean, American-made [sic] electricity to achieve a carbon pollution–free power sector by 2035.” But with wind and solar power, we are going to have less electric power, not more—unless we completely cover 100,000 square miles with nothing but solar panels and wind turbines and back-up gas-turbine electric plants. So, there won’t be enough power for those charging stations, as California is finding out right now—and we will have to use a lot less electricity for all other purposes.
In other words, this “growth” is cancerous growth, with products and jobs which do not even pay for themselves. There will be no gear-up of the energy production required for a manufacturing renaissance.

Overthrowing ‘The Tyranny of Money’
We have been living already with the hellish consequences of the Bush/Obama/Biden policies. Globalist policies of “financialization”—post-industrialization, “free trade,” and globalization—have created diseased and highly distorted conditions. Over the last generation, the energy and electricity consumption per capita and per square kilometer within the United States never accurately reflected the capital and consumer goods production processes which would sustain the U.S. economy and our citizens. Instead of capital intensive, technologically progressive, and high energy-flux dense modes of production within the United States, outsourcing to underdeveloped countries shifted production to lower technology, less capital intensive and lower energy-flux dense production—what is colloquially referred to as a cheap labor policy.
For a “quick buck,” the Davos crowd’s policies have not only exploited impoverished and desperate populations globally, but have also been detrimental to the majority inside the United States. The notions of a “consumer society” and a “services economy” have shown themselves to be economic disasters, leaving large sections of the U.S. territory and population in economic ruin.

Against that backdrop, think again about President Trump’s promise—again—on October 12, 2020:
Over the next four years we will make the U.S. the manufacturing superpower of the world. America will land the first woman on the Moon, and the United States will be the first nation to land an astronaut on Mars.
He is promising to kick over the Banksters’ entire scheme, which dates from August 15, 1971. That is why they have tried to make him the personification of evil; that is why they are spending their ill-gotten millions, in reality stolen from the poor, working, and middle classes, to buy your vote.
For more on the science of physical economy, see Ben Deniston’s six-part series, “Reversing the Devastation of Globalization.”