This article appears in the November 13, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
His Royal Highness’ ‘Great Reset’: The Evil Green Dictatorship
[Print version of this article]
Nov. 7—In early June, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and HRH Charles, Prince of Wales, launched the Great Reset initiative, aimed at promoting policies to tighten elitist global financial and economic control—presented as a way to rebuild from the pandemic. On June 3, the keynote speech was given by Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Other speakers included the chief executives of Microsoft, BP, and Mastercard.
Since then, the WEF platform has conducted a series of Great Reset conferences, involving hundreds of speakers, to promote their “rebuilding” theme, while in fact, spelling out specifics of their worldwide Green New Deal—cutting power, industry, agriculture, infrastructure, and other means of life, wrapped up as commitments to goals of Zero Emissions and “new systems.”
All the while this evil campaign is underway, some have mischaracterized the Great Reset threat as a “global health dictatorship.” Some clarification on that is in order, given below.
It must be noted at the outset that the Great Reset is just a pandemic-period continuation of the pre-COVID-19 green, anti-development perspective of banker elites centered in London/Wall Street networks, and Prince Charles in particular, who, after all, is a close collaborator of Klaus Schwab, founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum. The WEF supports Charles’ Sustainable Markets Council for developing ways to decarbonize the world. Charles gave the keynote on a green future at the 2020 WEF Davos meeting in January. In September, at the time of the UN General Assembly in New York, the WEF held a forum on “Realizing a ‘Great Reset’ for Sustainable Development,” where Charles held forth on how the scale of the Great Reset requires a worldwide green “Marshall-like plan” to decarbonize the behavior of consumers, businesses, agriculture, investors, and all.
The enforcement arm of this is Green Finance, and among its principal figures is Mark Carney, another pal of HRH Charles. Carney was Governor of the Bank of England (2013-2020), and is on the Foundation Board of the WEF. In 2018, on Charles’ 70th birthday, Carney gave a speech in which he said that, “His Royal Highness has provided inspirational leadership” for decades, on the need for a green horizon.
Today Carney—besides doing private banking in his home country of Canada—serves as UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance. After the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, an agreement for reducing human existence in the false name of saving the planet from emissions-death, Carney and his banker and billionaire cronies, including Michael Bloomberg, set up a new association to restrict credit so that it goes for only select green purposes, and not for high-tech energy, industry, agriculture, and infrastructure. It is the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure.
On November 9, Carney will be on the opening panel of a WEF Great Reset event titled, “Green Horizon Summit—The Pivotal Role of Finance.” It runs through November 11, and is co-sponsored by the City of London Corporation, in collaboration with the Green Finance Institute and the WEF. Other speakers on the first panel, which is titled, “Cartography of Post-COVID-19 Green Growth,” include Christine Lagarde, Chairman of the European Central Bank; Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England; and the IMF’s Georgieva again. On November 10, Bill Gates will speak, along with Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock.
Just as the Great Reset features bankers and billionaires, in their own name, issuing their dictates on what they say is permissible to happen under their green rules, so other leading cartel and financial figures are active in many economic sectors for the Reset. For example, at a Great Reset summit on “Bold Actions for Food as a Force for Good,” November 23-24 (online), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is a co-sponsor of a panel asserting the perspective that, unless their activity is limited, humans degrade the Earth. The panel is titled, “Boosting Nature—Positive Production.” This conference is the public relations side of WWF activity around the world, in league, for example, with Cargill—the huge agro-commodities cartel, McDonalds, and others, to dictate how food is produced.
Three Pillars of the Great Reset
In her June 3 speech at the launch of the Great Reset, Ms. Georgieva stressed three pillars of the initiative. She said, “From the perspective of the IMF, we have seen a massive injection of fiscal stimulus to help countries deal with this crisis, and to shift gears for growth to return, it is of paramount importance that this growth should lead to a greener, smarter, fairer world in the future [emphasis in the WEF transcript]. She ended her remarks saying, “And I want to say—loud and clear—the best memorial we can build to those who have lost their lives in the pandemic is to build a world that is greener, smarter, and fairer. ...”
Translated into reality:
With “greener growth,” the intent is to bail out the bankrupt financial system with measures creating a Green Bubble generated by massive government spending for an “energy transition” into a “carbon-free” economy. The blueprint for that is the Green Deal policy of the European Commission. Mark Carney is its champion.
Under “smarter growth,” special emphasis is given to the digital economy, and overcoming the digital divide among countries in the world. Digital technologies, although important, cannot replace energy, transport, industrial and agriculture improvements, and other basic infrastructure, without which economic growth is impossible, but which the Great Reset ignores.
The third pillar, “fairer growth,” emphasizes the “expansion of social programs.” Behind the nice words, however, is the intention to manage increased poverty with handouts, rather than eliminating poverty worldwide.
In sum, the Great Reset is just a newer version of the Keynesian policy adopted by Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler’s Finance Minister, to streamline the financial system in such a way as to bail out the assets of the super-rich, ruin the middle class, and destroy the poor. As John Maynard Keynes specified in the German edition of his work in 1936, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, such policies are best implemented by authoritarian regimes.
Missing the Target
Rather than exposing and rejecting this evil policy in those terms, some have adopted a distorted version of the Great Reset, claiming that it aims at a “health dictatorship” run by Bill Gates and the Chinese, to force vaccination on the population and threaten with expropriation those who refuse.
While trans-Atlantic governments have failed to control the pandemic, and are restricting liberties in order to stay in power, it is dangerously misguided to present mandatory vaccination as part of a health dictatorship. Vaccination is an achievement of humanity. It existed well before Bill Gates, and to oppose it because of Bill Gates is like being against motorways because Hitler built them. The no-vax movement is a product of the same “factory of irrationality” that has produced radical movements to stop global warming and other imagined threats.