This article appears in the November 27, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Cusa’s ‘Coincidence of Opposites’
And the American Presidency
[Print version of this article]
Nov. 22—The world awaits the impending verdict as to whether the United States will survive the present crisis surrounding the American Presidency. Though that crisis occurs in the guise of the November 2020 elections, that is but its form. Its substance is: Does the elected President, or an unelected shadow government, speak on behalf of, and implement policy for the United States?
Electronic manipulation of the vote, utilizing sophisticated programming techniques pioneered two decades ago to change the outcome of elections in nations throughout the world (known as “Project Democracy,” among other names), was this time deployed, it is contended, in the United States itself. This was done against the impeached, but not ousted, President Donald Trump. These actions are probably being carried out by the very same forces that oppose Trump’s attempts to end American involvement in senselessly extended wars and conflict zones around the planet—what the President referred to in a Labor Day speech as “the military-industrial complex” that “loves wars.” Of course, British footprints were found, in the co-ownership of the Smartmatic voting machine company by Lord Mark Malloch “Moloch” Brown, a close business associate of George Soros and himself a prime instigator of “color revolutions” going back to 1986.
While this battle rages on, however, the reality of the increasing physical breakdown of the world’s economies, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, does not wait. New lockdowns are being announced throughout the entire trans-Atlantic sector. An impending catastrophe expresses itself most clearly in the threat that as many as 30 million people are in immediate danger of death by starvation, plus deaths caused by COVID-19, in the next three to six months. Already, more than 7 million have died, largely on the African continent, as of this writing, and that over just the past several months.
If the American Presidency, fortified by the image of the Presidency of 75 years ago—the wartime Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt—were to launch an “Against World Hunger, For World Health” campaign, through a combination of the World Food Program headed by David Beasley and a coalition of Russia, China, India, and many other nations, a new optimism would quickly spread throughout the planet, including the United States electorate.
A retired American general who has recently endorsed Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Call for the Formation of a Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites has proposed that the newest medical advancements in vaccinations be shared with all nations. He has proposed that the formidable logistical capabilities of the American, Russian, and Chinese militaries could deliver food, prevent spoilage, and supply clean water, power, and transportation where necessary, to achieve, in the short months ahead, the maximum preservation of human life, as well as provide the conditions for durable survival for tens of millions on the borderline of existence.
Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa (1402-1463), who used the idea of the coincidence of opposites (“Coincidentia Oppositorum”) to successfully, if briefly, bridge the contentious gap between the Western and Eastern Christian Churches, most notably at the 1439 Council of Florence, is the inspiration for this committee. Perpetual war, a “lose-lose” prospect, cannot be in the interest of any country, and is anathema to the very nature of the mission of the United States, as President Trump knows and believes. The advocates of perpetual war have used the Russiagate hoax for the past four years to prevent joint action between Russia and the United States—and China and the United States—to end war, and have, instead, successfully inflamed the world’s diplomatic situation, largely through the “almost human” antics of Secretaries of State John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, formerly of CIA.
If the United States, through its newly reorganized Department of Defense, pulls troops out of Southwest Asia, collaborates with Russia and China in ending world starvation, and jointly deploys breakthrough medical advances, cheaply, in a two-phased implementation of Operation Warp Speed intended to treat, where necessary, all of the world’s people endangered not only by COVID-19, but other possible mutations, then the world image of the American Presidency—leading the world in the way that FDR successfully led it to victory for all humanity 75 years ago—will be restored. A positive resolution of the present American constitutional crisis will be far more readily achieved, as such a “higher unity” transcends the opposites that only seem to divide an inescapably unified human race.
That campaign for a higher unity, worldwide, to end the triple plagues of war, hunger, and COVID, if launched as an initiative from the Oval Office, will reveal, as the electoral dispute continues, the true reason why the American Presidency has been criminally undermined by a treasonous faction inside the nation colluding with the Foreign Office of British Intelligence, for the past four years, and more.
Schiller Institute International Online Conference
December 12-13
Save the Date and Register Today!
The World after the U.S. Election:
Creating a World Based on Reason
The unprecedented battle over the recent U.S. election is not only a domestic American event, but an event of the highest international strategic importance. The world must understand: This battle is the choice between World War III or peace. The two days of dialogue and deliberation will include these panel discussions:
Panel I. “Hang Together, or Hang Separately”: Free and Sovereign Republics, or Digital Dictatorship?
Panel II. Escaping the Danger of World War III: A Strategic Order Based on the Common Aims of Mankind.
Panel III. Overcoming the World Health Crisis and the Hunger Pandemic: Thinking on the Level of the Coincidentia Oppositorum.
Panel IV. A Human Future for Youth: A Beethoven-Driven Renaissance of Classical Culture.