This article appears in the December 18, 2020 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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International Schiller Institute Conference
December 12-13, 2020
The World after the U.S. Election:
Creating a World Based on Reason
PANEL 1 ‘Hang Together or Hang Separately’: Free and Sovereign Republics, or Digital Dictatorship?
Introduction to Conference
Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany)
Report from the International Investigative Commission on Truth in Elections
Marino Elsevyf (Dominican Republic), David Meiswinkle (U.S.)
The Crucifixion of Julian Assange, A Journalist Committed to Truth and Peace
Viktor Dedaj (France)
What Are the Principles and Facts Concerning the Recent U.S. Election?
Harley Schlanger (U.S.)
The British Empire’s Digital Dictatorship: Censorship and Mass Social Control
David Christie (U.S.)
PANEL 2 Escaping the Danger of World War III: A Strategic Order Based on the Common Aims of Mankind
Keynote: Cusa and Mankind the Immortal Species
Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany)
The Chinese Economic Model
Dr. Yan Wang (China)
China and the U.S.: Rivalry, Confrontation, or Cooperation
Marcelo Muñoz (Spain)
A Salutogenic Symphony with Ancient Chinese Philosophy—Harmony as Polyphonic Accord and Peace as Expressive Equilibrium: Can We Make It Work?
Dr. Ole Döring (Germany)
What Is at Stake in the Ongoing Renovation of Nuclear Doctrines and Ballistic Treaties: What Agenda for the European Countries in the Context of a Strategic Autonomy of Europe
Prof. Emmanuel Dupuy (France)
NATO Poses a Grave Threat to World Peace
Col. Richard H. Black (USA Ret.)
If We Listen to Hjalmar Schacht, Greta Thunberg Will Not Be Necessary
Paul Gallagher (U.S.)
Ordered Debt Cancellation: Historical Precedents and Present Relevance
Marc-Gabriel Draghi (France)
PANEL 3 Overcoming the World Health Crisis and the Hunger Pandemic: Thinking on the Level of the Coincidentia Oppositorum
Act in the Spirit of FDR, or Face the Worst Genocide in History
Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane (South Africa)
The Role of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites
Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany)
Carve a Stone of Hope Out of a Mountain of Despair
Dr. Joycelyn Elders, M.D. (U.S.)
The Role of the Military in Responding to Humanitarian Emergencies
Maj. Gen. Pete Clegg (USA Ret.)
Interfacing Rescue Missions with Civilian Communities
Walter Faggett, M.D. (U.S.)
Portable Urgent Care Facilities and Field-Useable Medical Equipment
Dr. Don Jones (U.S.)
Sub-Saharan Healthcare Programs and the Need for More Care, Research, and Training
Khadijah Lang, M.D. (U.S.)
Cusa’s Method: The Coincidence of Opposites
Jason Ross (U.S.), Daniel Burke (U.S.)
World Hunger, U.S. Food Insecurity and Healthcare
Virginia Caine, M.D. (U.S.)
Break Up the International Food Cartels To Feed All Humanity
Hon. Joe Maxwell (U.S.)
The Real Problem Is Information Suppression
Alim Muhammad, M.D. (U.S.)
PANEL 4 A Human Future for Youth: A Beethoven-Driven Renaissance of Classical Culture
The Necessity and Pathway of a New Classical Renaissance
Jacques Cheminade (France)
Bring Schiller and Beethoven to Today’s Youth
Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany)
Namenlose Freude
David Shavin (U.S.)
Romeo and Juliet in Your Society
José Vega (U.S.)
What Does It Take To Really Understand Beethoven?
John Sigerson (U.S.)
To Be Good? Or To Be Sublime?
Anastasia Battle (U.S.)
Central Bank Digital Currency: The Green Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Madison Hirst (U.S.)
Schiller in a Time of Pandemic
Carolina Domínguez (Mexico) and youth leaders from Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico