This article appears in the February 12, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
‘A Green Way of Development’ with Chinese Characteristics
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Feb. 3—As a civilizational state with a continuous history going back 5,000 years, China has today created its own definition of the “greening” of economic policy.
Far from the genocidal “Green Deal” policy that Prince Charles Windsor-Mountbatten and his central banker cohorts pushed at the recent World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, China’s policy of “a green way of development and life,” as President Xi Jinping calls it, is a policy of a very high energy-density expansion—of nuclear fission power, of the development of thorium-based reactors, and of the achievement of energy production through thermonuclear fusion power whose helium fuel will be mined on the Moon. As is well known, China has very well-defined, medium-term economic goals extending to the year 2035, as well as physical economic plans for the next 30 years, at the 100th anniversary of the “New China.” Note: All of the above-named energy sources are 100% emissions-free!
Along the road to full achievement of this massive expansion of energy production for families, agriculture, and industry, clean coal is currently playing and will continue to play a major role, as well as oil and gas. The “green way of development and life” also means an opportunity for China to take an aggressive approach to dealing with her significant air and water pollution problems, which had built up in the earlier years of unregulated cheap labor factories and heavy industry expansion.
Plentiful, Clean Energy for the World
With 49 nuclear (uranium) fission plants producing electricity domestically—and another 16 more currently under construction—China is collaborating worldwide with 11, mostly poor, countries to build nuclear fission plants in those countries. They include Argentina, South Africa, Kenya, Sudan, Armenia, Romania, and Egypt.
Professor Song Yuntao, Deputy Director of Tokamak Engineering and Design at the Chinese Institute of Plasma Physics in Hubei, says that although critics say that it can’t be done, he is confident that China will start generating power from an experimental thermonuclear fusion reactor (hydrogen) by around 2040. Just last month, China powered up its HL-2M fusion experimental fusion device, its most advanced research facility. The popular media reported:
The development of nuclear fusion energy is not only a way to solve China’s strategic energy needs, but also has great significance for the future sustainable development of China’s energy and national economy.
These developments are a glimpse of what China’s President Xi Jinping meant, speaking at the UN General Assembly in September 2020, when he called on all nations to “launch a green revolution and move faster to create a green way of development and life….” Although China’s stated aim is to shift its energy production profile to achieve what it calls “carbon neutrality” by 2060—a full 40 years from today—it is clear that China’s public policy is to achieve steeply rising energy use per capita in its domestic population, to achieve a steep increase in the average energy-flux density of its power sources, and to contribute to a global “green way of development” by extending the revolutions in nuclear science to the former—currently economically desperate—colonial sector.
China’s calculations for CO2 reduction pertain to economic activity within her own sovereign borders, and will not affect her programs of urgent fossil fuel plant construction in her many energy-starved Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) partner countries, each of which have their own energy plans. For the so-called developing countries, including China and India, there are no contractual requirements for CO2 reduction until nine years from today, in 2030.
China Goes Light: Helium Replaces Carbon
Although it is open to great debate among climate physicists as to whether climate is affected at all by human activity—as opposed to the activity of periodic changes in the intra-galactic impact of cosmic-ray flux hitting our Earth—China has agreed to shift what it calls its energy structure and its economic structure to reduce both CO2 emissions and real industrial pollutants of air and water. China plans to continue to increase CO2 emissions until 2030, and then to decrease emissions by 8-10% per year until reaching, in 2060, “carbon neutrality.”
Professor Song tells us that by that year of 2060, China will have already been producing, for a full 20 years, a portion of its electricity from hydrogen and helium! Carbon will be relegated to our lead pencils, and to our carbohydrate-infused stir-fried noodles! Among the steps China is taking to comply with “the green way of development” are the following:
1. An Atmospheric Physics Research Center has been established in Beijing to calculate changing carbon dioxide emissions.
2. Automobile transportation will be shifted voluntarily to hybrid and electric cars. This will be done through education and economic incentives.
3. Airports, railroad stations and ports will be streamlined for energy efficiency, and car traffic will be internet enhanced to reduce slow moving traffic and traffic jams.
4. Forest stock volume will be increased by 6 billion cubic meters from the 2005 level.
5. The “green water and blue sky project” seeks to purify water emitted from the steel-making process to allow that water “to meet the standard of keeping fish.”
6. Under construction is China’s thermal power molten salt experimental reactor, the TMSR-LF1 in Wuwei, Gansu Province. It will use abundant thorium as its fuel, is by design inherently ultra-safe and economical to construct, and can be used to produce hydrogen and for desalination of water, as well as for cheap electricity production.
‘Innovation Will Take a Higher Share’
At a briefing in Beijing last month outlining the economic principles of China’s forthcoming 14th Five Year Plan, leading government economist Dr. Xin Xiangyang said the following:
Now, China has transitioned into high-quality development and is focusing on optimizing the structure of the economy so that people will focus more on the outcome of development and quality…. If we read between the lines, we can see the numbers and quantities. [The objective] to become a leading innovative country means to become among the top three in the world. Innovation will take a higher share. A culturally strong country implies a culture industry of 10% of GDP.
The mariner’s compass for China’s energy policy is to propel China to realizing a moderate level of prosperity within the general population, and to achieving a leading role for the nation globally in science. China is not interested in being Number One. This is very difficult for many—otherwise intelligent—people in the West to understand.

Dr. Xing Jijun, an experienced diplomat from China’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), described China’s outlook at a Schiller Institute forum in New York in 2019. He explained to the American audience that, in science, China would prefer to be Number 2 or 3. He explained: if you’re Number 1, you are always fearful of losing your place. Instead, if you’re Number 2 or 3, you know in what direction you have to go—to “catch up!” He used the example of achieving a 5G network. Perhaps, China will get to 5G first. But then, Japan will make the breakthrough first to 6G … and then, the U.S. gets to 7G first.
Does that sound incredible? China has been making world breakthroughs in agriculture and industry for 4,000 years—ever since the invention of the weaving of beautiful, natural silk in that earliest period. Why did the “Silk Road” trade develop? The whole world wanted, and paid heartily for, that beautiful, durable silk! Today’s China has resumed that innovation-driven spirit and capability. From that vantage point, think of plasma physicist Prof. Song Yuntao’s forecast of vast electricity production from fusion energy starting in 2040—free from all emissions! Very credible.

China’s National Energy Administration reports the following plan:
1. By 2030, energy production nationwide will be 10% from nuclear fission power, 64.6% from clean coal, yielding an energy use per capita of 5,500 kWh.
2. By 2050, energy production will be 15% from nuclear fission and 50.5% from clean coal, with an increase in per capita energy use to 8,500 kWh. (See “Nuclear Power in China,” a report from the World Nuclear Association, updated in January, 2021.)
First Principles: Two Presidents Stand Out
While China is promising to significantly reduce all emissions from the use of fossil fuels, in the course of approximately the next half century, it is clear from the above facts that it will do so by simply shifting energy generation from the breaking of chemical bonds to the re-arranging of bonds within the atomic nucleus. The obvious fraud perpetrated by the pompous climate hysterics is self-revealed by the fact that this Zero Population Growth banking crowd bans the use of the many, many forms of emissions-free nuclear energy. China and Russia and all the nations of Africa simply will not submit to being murdered by that fraud!

Thus, the organizing meeting for a world central bankers’ “green” dictatorship, known as the World Economic Forum (WEF), January 25-29, was hit by a needed dose of reality with the major interventions by President Xi of China and President Putin of the Russian Federation. The British Royal family’s plan, known as the Green Deal or the “Great Reset,” was featured in that week-long indoctrination and bullying session. It was aimed especially at the nations of the global South. The plan is for global depopulation, and for the denying of life-supporting energy in the entire former colonial sector, all under the cynical guise of saving the planet from human activity.
Both President Xi and President Putin delivered extended strategic evaluations in their speeches. President Putin warned that “the so-called Washington Consensus” has been based on rules which were “often vulgar or dogmatic,” creating violent international instability with “private debt in conditions of deregulation.”
President Xi warned:
To build small circles or start a new Cold War, to reject, threaten or intimidate others, to willfully impose decoupling, supply disruption or sanctions, and to create isolation or estrangement will only push the world into division and even confrontation.
Comparing today’s situation to the 1930s which “led to the World War II catastrophe,” President Putin warned the assembled bankers and “green finance” ideologues:
There is a chance that we will face a formidable breakdown in global development, which will be fraught with a war of all against all, and an attempt to deal with contradictions through the appointment of internal and external enemies, and the destruction of not only traditional values such as the family, which we hold dear in Russia, but fundamental freedoms of choice and privacy.
Both Presidents made clear that the principle of each nation’s sovereign natural right to determine its own development, necessarily combined with its own advancing, energy-intensive scientific progress, is the foundation of humanity’s progress and of a durable peace. The cabal of Sir Michael Bloomberg, British banker Mark Carney (Order of Canada), and the mad greenie, Prince Charles Mountbatten-Windsor, were met with a formidable resistance from two immensely powerful civilizational states, states which have defined “a green way of development” derived from scientific principles.[fn_1]
[fn_1] For more extensive excerpts from the presentations of Presidents Xi and Putin to the Davos Agenda 2021, a forum of the World Economic Forum, see EIR, Vol. 48, No. 6, February 5, 2021, pages 5-13. [back to text for fn_1]