This article appears in the April 23, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this article]
Panel 1
Reversing the Cultural Wasteland—The Urgency
of a New Renaissance, Creating a Planetary Culture Worthy of the Dignity of Humanity
Jason Ross
Moderator’s Conference Opening Remarks

Greetings! It gives me great joy to welcome you to this March 2021 conference of the Schiller Institute and the International Caucus of Labor Committees—”World at a Crossroad: Two Months into the New U.S. Administration.”
I’m Jason Ross, your host for this panel, a science advisor to the Schiller Institute and a member of the board of directors of The LaRouche Organization.
This weekend’s conference occurs at a truly tumultuous time in the world and just after a meeting among representatives of the United States and China, two countries whose bilateral relationship is perhaps the most important in shaping the world.
Will unnecessary, counterproductive conflict that is not in the self-interest of either country be allowed to gain the upper hand? Or will a new paradigm of relations among nations and people take hold, offering the prospects of peace through development?
And why is this conflict developing? If the entire world were to submit to the unscientific (or anti-scientific) outlook of the Green New Deal and the dictatorial Great Reset, would conflict be necessary to hold mankind back? Or would poverty and gnawing hunger do the trick? Citizens of all nations of the world must address themselves to these questions and others, and all can play a role in determining the outcome of the present crisis.
This conference is composed of four panels, and each will offer at least one discussion period where viewers, like you, can participate in the discussion. To do that, please send your questions, your thoughts, your input to us at
This first three-hour panel, “Reversing the Cultural Wasteland—The Urgency of a New Renaissance, Creating a Planetary Culture Worthy of the Dignity of Humanity,” will be keynoted by the founder of the Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp-LaRouche.
To set the stage for the quality of thought suited to tackle the complex problems we will discuss over this weekend, we will begin with a musical selection. This is the 4th movement of Beethoven’s Violin Sonata Opus 96, performed at a September 9, 1987 concert in honor of Lyndon LaRouche’s 65th birthday, at the Cusanus Haus in Bernkastel-Kues, Germany. We may hear later about the importance of Nicholas of Cusa in creating the Renaissance. The performers are Norbert Brainin on violin, and Carlo Levi Minzi on the piano.
The performance is available here.