This article appears in the June 11, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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International Briefs
British Empire’s MI6 Pushes Line that ‘Wuhan Lab’ Spread COVID
The May 30 Daily Mail reports that “British intelligence is working alongside their U.S. counterparts,” under the headline, “Wuhan Lab Leak Theory ‘Is Feasible’ Says British Intelligence as Evidence Mounts that COVID Was Engineered by Chinese Scientists.” U.S. President Joe Biden’s order for a 90-day Intelligence Community investigation admits that there is no new evidence that the COVID-19 virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab. The report is open to becoming another “WMD” hoax with no evidence, to add to the efforts to provoke a war.
Mike Robinson, editor of the UK Column website, reminded EIR that former MI6 Chief Richard Dearlove, a leader in the “Russiagate” coup attempt against President Trump, led the way in the Wuhan lab campaign last year, telling the Telegraph on June 3, 2020: “I do not think that this [pandemic] started as an accident.... It raises the issue, if China ever were to admit responsibility, does it pay reparations? I think it will make every country in the world rethink how it treats its relationship with China.” On July 12, 2020, he told Sky News: “I subscribe to the theory ... that it’s an engineered escapee from the Wuhan Institute [of Virology].”
Argentina’s Fernández Ready to Sign MOU with China To Join BRI
In a lengthy interview with the Spanish-language edition of China Today published May 18, Argentine Ambassador to China Sabino Vaca Narvaja underscored that while President Alberto Fernández was unable to travel to China in early May to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to join the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), he is absolutely committed to doing so as soon as conditions permit him to travel, or alternatively, to sign the MOU virtually during this year’s Belt and Road Forum.
China and Argentina, he said, are about to renew a five-year development perspective including 16 to 20 development projects worth $30 billion, to be presented soon to China’s National Development and Reform Commission and to the Argentine Foreign and Finance ministries. Those projects include railroad construction, telecommunications, energy—including a new nuclear power plant with China’s Hualong technology—science, and technology, “everything that has to do with bioceanic corridors ... and working on the possibility of improving our rail lines and highways to have access to both the Atlantic and Pacific.”
IEA Report Dictates Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050—or Else!
The Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) has just issued a Malthusian tract titled, :“A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector,” detailing exactly how the world can meet the COP26 net zero carbon emissions goal by 2050, right in line with the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset plan. The IEA describes itself as an “autonomous intergovernmental agency operating within the OECD framework,” but its director, Turkish economist Fatih Birol, is hardly independent. He is the head of the World Economic Forum’s Energy Advisory Board, in league with the imperial banksters seeking to reduce the world’s population. As the IEA press release announcing the report states, it was Britain’s COP26 presidency that requested the 224-page report in order to “inform the high-level negotiations that will take place at the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Climate Change Framework Convention in Glasgow in November.”
The report’s fundamental concern is that even if governments should fully achieve their pledges to reduce carbon emissions, they wouldn’t reach the goal of net zero emissions by 2050. It calls for a drastic increase in “renewables” and a further deadly reduction of fossil fuels.
Beijing Pledges Economic Support for Syria
China has pledged complete support to Syria following the May 26 Syrian presidential election which saw Bashar al Assad re-elected with 95% of the vote. “China strongly supports the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Syria, will provide all possible assistance in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, in revitalizing the country’s economy and improving the lives of the population, will help to ensure that the Sino-Syrian cooperation rises to a new level,” Xi Jinping said in a telegram to Assad, reported Sputnik on June 1, citing CCTV as its source.
The official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported on Xi’s telegram today: “In his cable, Chinese President hailed the deep-rooted relations of friendship between China and Syria, asserting that Syria was one of the pioneer Arab Countries that has established diplomatic relations with China.”
López Obrador Insists U.S. Stop Funding Bankers’ Election Coalition, Now!
On May 18, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador demanded the U.S. government respond to the May 7 diplomatic protest sent by the Mexican government over the State Department’s Agency for International Development (USAID) funding of “Mexicans against Corruption and Impunity” (MCCI). That “NGO” (its foreign governmental funding notwithstanding) is running the opposition to López Obrador’s government in the June 6 midterm Congressional elections, on behalf of the international financiers.
López Obrador increased the pressure in his May 20 morning press conference, denouncing the U.S. government for giving money to the opposition group: “That violates our Constitution. No foreign government can go around giving money to opposition groups, or to political groups in our country. I am awaiting an answer from the United States government....”
Cyber-Attack on Major Meat Packer JBS Creates Food Chaos
A cyber-attack on May 30 struck JBS, the world’s largest meat packer, headquartered in London and Brazil. The result included the shutdown of most or all of JBS’s 47 slaughtering, food-processing, and livestock operations in Australia, accounting for 20% of the beef processing there; and shutdowns of similar scale in North America, closing dozens of mega-meat processing facilities from Alberta to Colorado to Texas.
Bill Bullard, CEO of R-CALF USA, said today, “JBS controls 23% of all cattle slaughtered in the U.S. today ... and JBS, plus the next three largest packers, Tyson, Cargill and National Beef, control 85% of all fed cattle marketed in the U.S.” Bullard added, “The cattle industry is being vertically integrated. The beef cartels control the cattle where they enter the feedlots and that is how they control the price.” The U.S. has lost 83,000 cattle ranchers, 75%, in the last 25 years. Bullard has reported on this at Schiller Institute conferences over the past year.
The White House quickly blamed Moscow for harboring ransomware perpetrators, who have “likely” carried out this hit on JBS.
Peru Raises Its COVID-19 Death Toll, Making It World’s Worst per Million
Peru, one of the hardest hit nations in the world in terms of COVID deaths per million of population, has announced that it is revising its official death count, based on the recommendation of a panel of Peruvian and World Health Organization experts. Earlier estimates significantly understated the actual number of deaths.
Health Minister Óscar Ugarte said Peru would immediately implement the methodology recommended by the group in order “to have a daily figure which more closely reflects the reality of what is happening with the pandemic in our country.” The government further announced that it had raised the total death count from 69,342 to 180,764. That makes Peru the country with the highest coronavirus mortality per capita of any country, with 5,484 deaths per million inhabitants. Hungary is in a distant second place with 3,077 deaths per million.
This is not surprising to EIR and others who understand that COVID infections and deaths are vastly understated throughout the developing sector, including impoverished Africa and India—where experts estimate that both contagion and deaths are probably 5-10 times greater than officially reported.
Ivanov: A Peaceful World Starts with Accepting that Global War Is Unwinnable
Igor Ivanov, former Russian Foreign Minister (1998-2004), now president of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), offers useful insight into the urgency of President Vladimir Putin’s proposal for the five permanent leaders of the UN Security Council to meet as soon as possible, and insight into the essential condition for such a meeting to succeed in bringing the world back from the brink of global military catastrophe.
As of now, probably “as many as 600 diplomats have been expelled from their host countries” in the ongoing “ambassadorial war” between the West and Russia, he reports in his article, “Time for Diplomacy,” posted on the RIAC site on May 13. Yet, “by all accounts, the world is already at war. Call it what you want: psychological warfare, information warfare, ideological warfare, hybrid warfare, or any other name you care to come up with. The label itself is not important, while the increasingly real risk of military confrontation is.”
Unlike earlier times, he said, “today, there is no single country in the world that is capable of winning a regional confrontation, let alone a global war....”