This article appears in the October 15, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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International Briefs
Royals’ Chatham House Says Military Will Enforce Green Dictatorship
In its latest tract on how to kill people and depopulate the globe, the British Crown’s premier policy-making think tank, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA)—known as Chatham House—on Sept. 29 published “Building Global Climate Security,” arguing that since climate change poses such a serious threat to global security, it will now be necessary to rethink “traditional security concepts,” and understand the “interconnected demands” of climate security, sustainable human development and “regenerative economic systems.”
The message here is that the military—the “security community”—is going to play a major role in enforcing green fascism and depopulation with all that this implies in terms of violating sovereignty and intervening in nations’ internal affairs to defend the environment. Remember “responsibility to protect”? Chatham House enthusiastically maintains that since there are growing demands to legally define “ecocide” as a crime under the International Criminal Court, having the armed forces on call to defend against ecocide “looks increasingly likely.”
Chatham House goes on to discuss how the leaders in climate change, like the Brits, EU, and NATO, could develop a “regenerative security” agenda, and set an “example for defense and security forces around the world.”
Sergei Glazyev: The Future Is Being Created via Eurasian Development
Interviewed by an editor of the Russian newspaper Zavtra on Aug. 18, Russian economist Sergei Glazyev spoke optimistically of the entirely new world economic order taking shape around the growing economic integration among the countries of Eurasia. He highlights the success of the Chinese model of development, in contrast with the disintegrating Western speculative financial system, whose imposition of “pure usury” is creating “genocide” in countries like Ukraine.
Glazyev is no mere commentator, but a man who understands that “ideas rule the world.” He is the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics for the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), the executive body of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)—the common market established by Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan—which is coordinating projects with the China-led Belt and Road Initiative. He is also very familiar with that “titan of thought” American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, and his “realistic school of economic thought,” as Glazyev describes him, having spoken many times with LaRouche and his wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche over the past two decades, both privately and publicly.
At World UN Food Summit, WFP Head Beasley Bucks Green Line To Save Lives
The UN World Food Systems Summit on Sept. 23 was a 13-hour marathon of some 215 speakers, making commitments in line with the Great Reset agenda of the billionaires of Davos, which would alter food and farm practices to be “nature-positive”—i.e., get rid of the useless eaters.
David Beasley, Executive Director of the World Food Program, however, was outspoken that our task is to stop conflict and hunger:
“There is $400 trillion worth of wealth on the Earth today, and the fact [is] that 9 million people die from hunger every year…. Shame on us. In the height of COVID, billionaires’ net worth increase was $5.2 billion per day. At the same time 24,000 people die per day from hunger. Shame on us. Every hour the net worth of billionaires during the height of COVID was a substantial $216 million per hour. Yet 1,000 people per hour were dying from hunger…. Shame on us.”
He continued: “We’ve had 4.7 million people die from COVID. At the same time, we had 16 million people die from hunger. We’ve got the expertise. We’ve got the determination.” The question is, “What are we going to do?”
He said we need to produce and deliver the food, and stop the conflicts that prevent people from having food. He made a call to action:
“As Rome-based agencies, we’re not just leaders, we’re cheerleaders to empower the private sector, inspire those in civil society and individuals to make certain that we love our neighbor as our equal so that a child in Niger is just as important as a child in New York. Imagine … children around the world dying unnecessarily.”
Russia and India Object to ‘Climate Security’ Debate at UN Security Council
U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken’s absurd remarks on Sept. 23, pressing the UN Security Council to take up the issue of climate change as the greatest threat to the planet, did not go unopposed.
“To view conflict in poorer parts of the world through the prism of climate change would only serve to present a lopsided narrative when the reasons for the conflict are to be found elsewhere,” an Indian official was quoted as saying by the Economic Times, the Indian daily.
First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian UN Mission Dmitry Polyanskiy said the U.S. was trying to “formalize the issue of climate change on the agenda of the Security Council.” TASS quoted him:
“We are convinced that insistent attempts to push the climate change issue at all costs into the UNSC agenda as a threat to international peace and security add an absolutely unnecessary political component to a discussion which is already very complex. Such an approach brings a risk of oversimplification, which may end up in elaboration of lopsided and ineffective solutions from the point of view of strengthening the global stability.”
‘Global Britain’ Offers To ‘Help’ Canada Counter Russia, China in the Arctic
“Global Britain” is now seeking an Arctic alliance with Canada. Gen. Sir Nick Carter, Chief of the UK Defense Staff, said in a Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) interview, taped prior to the Sept. 15 announcement of the AUKUS agreement, that his country is “keen to cooperate” and learn more about how to survive and fight in a cold, remote setting. Carter said Britain would also like to “cooperate in terms of helping Canada do what Canada needs to do as an Arctic country.”
In a report on the interview, CBC makes clear that the Arctic targets that Britain is aiming at are China, and, of course, Russia.
Record Cold in Antarctica, Record Formation of Ice
Even the Washington Post could not censor a recent finding that—lo and behold—the Antarctic is not only not warming, but is significantly cooling. Even more of a blow to the climate freaks who run the UN IPCC fake science, is this, which the Post reported on Oct. 1:
“The extreme cold over Antarctica helped push sea ice levels surrounding the continent to their fifth-highest level on record in August, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.”
China, 30 Other Nations, Again Demand End to All Unilateral Sanctions
Ambassador Zhang Jun, China’s Permanent Representative to the UN, issued a joint statement on Sept. 30 on behalf of 30 other nations and China, demanding an end to all “unilateral coercive measures,” saying they violate human rights, which is intolerable. The nations, named at the outset of the statement, wrote:
“As COVID-19 continues to impose severe impacts on economic and social development in all countries, especially in developing countries, we call on all member states to address the pandemic through a global response based on unity, solidarity and international cooperation.
“We reaffirm the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations as well as the duty of States to cooperate with one another in accordance with the Charter.
“We are concerned about the use of unilateral coercive measures against developing countries which run counter to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and International Law, multilateralism and the basic norms of international relations.
“We are deeply troubled by the negative consequences brought by unilateral coercive measures to targeted countries, which cause severe economic, social and humanitarian impact in these countries and severely hinder their effort for promoting and protecting human rights.”
Israel’s Military Intel Chief: Iran Still Two Years Away From a Nuclear Bomb
While politicians in Israel (and in the U.S., too) are claiming that Iran is months, maybe even only weeks away from having a nuclear bomb, the head of Israel’s Military Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Tamir Hayman, says that Iran, in fact, is a “long way” from a bomb. “There is an enriched amount [of uranium] in volumes that we have not seen before and it is disturbing. At the same time, in all other aspects of the Iranian nuclear project we see no progress,” Hayman said in an interview with Israel’s Walla! News, reported the Jerusalem Post.
“Not in the weapons project, [nor] in the financial area, not in any other sector. Therefore, the period of time that still remains of two years has not changed. Because even from the moment you have a breakout, there is still a long way to go before a bomb.”
Though the Post makes no reference to the Israeli politicians, Hayman’s view is clearly different from their alarmism.
“To the best of our knowledge, the directive has not changed, and they are not heading towards a breakout,” he said. “They are not heading towards a bomb right now. It may be in the distant future.”