This article appears in the November 12, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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CLINTEL Message to National Politicians and World Leaders
The following “Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders at COP26” was issued Nov. 2 by CLINTEL (Climate Intelligence) for widespread international circulation.
Hard facts show that global warming is NOT catastrophic, and therefore, there is NO climate crisis. Stop your fear-mongering messages. Fear leads always to wrong decisions and above all, it destroys the minds of our youth. Instead, inspire them with a positive outlook!
The big climate picture tells us that the past has always shown cold and warm periods; the current global warming period is nothing unusual and a welcome recovery from the Little Ice Age. Enjoy today’s relatively benign climate! Sometime in the near future we will again move to a colder phase.
The big climate picture also tells us that extreme weather, consisting of heat waves and cold fronts, droughts and floods, hurricanes and blizzards, etc. is an integral part of the Earth’s climate. Stop cherry-picking weather events that suit your fear-mongering agenda!
Already for many decades, real-world observations show that IPCC’s climate models seriously misrepresent unbiased science. The reality is that changes in the CO2 emissions have a negligible impact on the Earth’s weather and climate. The reality is also that sea-level rise has been stable and small for centuries.
CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth. It also benefits agriculture, increasing crop yields worldwide (see Figure 1), enabling us to address global hunger.

Stop slavishly following the Paris Climate Accord of 2015. It is fear-based and will only impoverish world nations. Instead, develop concrete climate adaptation plans, in collaboration with the regions. Global mitigation policies cost an exorbitant amount of money and they have never saved one life. National adaptation plans work, whatever the causes of climate change may be (see Figure 2).
Wind and solar energy can play only a small part in the energy transition. Use clean fossil fuel power for the increasing energy needs, particularly in developing countries. Meanwhile, cooperate worldwide to develop the nuclear power plants of the future, together with new storage and transportation technologies. It will result in prosperity for all.
Please spread this one pager in your own network. If you would like to translate it, please contact us at A pdf of the one-pager can be downloaded here.
Please see also CLINTEL’s World Climate Declaration (WCD) here. If you would like to sign our World Climate Declaration, go here.
CLINTEL is independent from governments and independent from companies. We therefore need support from the public! Consider becoming a Friend of CLINTEL or making a one-time donation.
On behalf of the CLINTEL ambassadors and its WCD signees, I am