This article appears in the November 19, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Gen. (ret.) Edwin De La Fuente Jería
Greetings From Bolivia
General (ret.) Edwin De La Fuente Jería, is the former Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Bolivia. This is the text of his greetings to Panel 1, “Can a Strategic Crisis Between the Major Powers Be Avoided?” of the Schiller Institute’s Nov. 13-14 Conference, “All Moral Resources of Humanity Have To Be Called Up: Mankind Must Be the Immortal Species!”
As a military man, who is today involved in the politics of my country, Bolivia, I find myself impressed as never before, with the activity of the Schiller Institute led by that great comrade-in-arms Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Her efforts to awaken the conscience of the world are laudable, and especially her concern for the enormous problems that threaten the planet’s security, which she describes with simplicity and clarity. She is following in the footsteps of her late husband, that strategic genius, Lyndon LaRouche, who contributed so much to world peace, and like the great economist that he was, gave us so much just by saying that the world economic system was at its end, and was a crime against the survival of the human race and therefore to world peace. There is no doubt that our “compañera” Helga is a worthy representative of her late husband, Lyndon.
This weekend’s videoconference and the discussion you will hold shouldn’t be missed, but they will also be unsettling, as world society has the responsibility of resolving the problems of hunger and misery in Afghanistan and Haiti, demanding that the Great Powers put a halt to the possible loss of thousands of citizens, primarily children, in those two countries—a crime of lese humanité. I believe that in these two days, we can remove many doubts, but more importantly learn about a positive economic policy in these moments of crisis….
I have been an admirer of the Schiller Institute and of Lyndon LaRouche from the time that I first had an opportunity to be nourished by their activities, studies, and research. But more than anything, what stood out to me was their concern for humanity, without distinction of class, race, or nationality—they were also harsh critics of the U.S. and its economic system, its policies, and especially its political actions in response to world problems. Today, Helga’s leadership continues to impress us, and force us to continue to listen and learn.
Thank you very much. I will certainly be present at the conference.