This article appears in the November 26, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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International Briefs
COP26 CEO Fights Back Tears as He Admits Failure
Described as “fighting back tears,” Alok Sharma, British Minister of State at the Cabinet Office and president of the Glasgow climate conference, admitted Nov. 14 that the royals and their billionaires and bankers failed to lock major nations into the suicide pact that is the abandonment of fossil fuels and fertilizers, whether they’re still allowed to “discuss” nuclear power or not. “May I just say to all delegates,” said Sharma as the “FLOP26” ended, “I apologize for the way this process has unfolded and I am deeply sorry. I also understand the deep disappointment, but I think, as you have noted, it’s also vital that we protect this package.” The Biden Administration’s special presidential envoy for climate, John Kerry, put in his two cents: “It’s not what we want but we’ll have to take it.”
That leaves to the international alliance against so-called “carbon” investments, of central bankers, private megabankers, and financial investors, headed by Mark Carney, Sir Michael Bloomberg and, implicitly, HRH Prince Charles, the ongoing task of “shifting the trillions” and enforcing economic suicide on nations and peoples. No need to “hyperinflate” their importance; they are doing it themselves.
New Delhi’s Environment Minister Explains Why India Refused Suicide
Intervening into an “informal stocktaking plenary” led by British COP26 President Alok Sharma Nov. 13, India’s Minister of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Bhupender Yadav, ripped into the demand that developing countries commit to eliminating the use of coal and immediately stop subsidizing any fossil fuel. His position was echoed by China, South Africa, Nigeria, Iran, Venezuela and Cuba, among others, the Times of India reported.
“Fossil fuels and their use have enabled the path for the world to attain a high level of wealth and wellbeing,” Yadav said. “How can anyone expect that developing countries can make promises about phasing out fossil fuel subsidies? Developing countries have still to deal with their development agendas and poverty eradication. Towards this end, subsidies provide much needed social security and support.”
As an example, he cited India’s program to provide subsidies to low-income households for the use of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG, such as propane), which he said, “has been a great help in almost eliminating biomass burning for cooking, and has improved health of women and in reducing indoor air pollution.”
Nigerian VP: ‘Banning Fossil Fuel Investments Would Crush Africa’
Adding another voice to the African chorus denouncing the Green Reset—that is, Mark Carney’s drive to “red-line” the developing world by refusing credit for projects, and even offering payoffs to commit to never develop one’s nation—is Nigeria’s Vice President Yemi Osinbajo. In an article published in Foreign Affairs Aug. 31, Osinbajo wrote that “wealthy nations” cutting investment avenues for carbon-based energy sources in Africa—especially after having profited from them for decades—“will do little to limit carbon emissions globally but much to hurt the continent’s economic prospects. Right now, Africa is starved for energy … energy use and emissions are so low in sub-Saharan Africa that even tripling electricity consumption through natural gas—which no one is proposing—would add just 0.6 percent to global emissions.”
Nigeria, rich in petroleum and natural gas, is being forced to deny itself the benefit of its own resources, Osinbajo says, because the only investments being financed are for (interruptible) solar and wind. “For countries such as my own, Nigeria, which is rich in natural resources but still energy poor, the transition must not come at the expense of affordable and reliable energy for people, cities, and industry.”
Russian Ambassador to U.S. Sees Positive Signs in Strategic Dialogue
Anatoly Antonov, Russia’s ambassador in Washington, gave a very upbeat assessment Nov. 17 of discussions between the U.S. and Russia since the June summit between President Joe Biden and President Vladimir Putin. “Above all, there are positive developments in the sphere of strategic stability. Also, following the Geneva summit, a joint statement of the Presidents was approved that confirmed the adherence to the principle that there are no winners in a nuclear war and it never should be launched,” he was quoted by TASS. “The document recorded an intention to begin focused and intensive bilateral dialogue in this sphere. Currently, both sides have an understanding on holding the next meeting [between Presidents Putin and Biden] in the near future. At the same time, it is too early to talk about any specifics.”
Britain Leads Aggression vs. Russia, Readies Special Forces for Ukraine
The Economist, the voice of the City of London, in an editorial Nov. 14, retailed all of the accusations made against both Russia and Belarus that have been made over the last couple of weeks: that Minsk and Moscow are responsible for the crisis on the Belarus-Poland border in order to sow disorder in the EU.
In an interview with BBC, outgoing UK Chief of the Defense Staff Gen. Sir Nick Carter, elaborated those alleged actions by Russia as coming from a “hybrid playbook where you link disinformation to destabilization and the idea of pushing migrants on to the European Union’s borders is a classic example of that sort of thing.”
Asked by Sky News Nov. 14 about the discredited “former” MI6 agent Christopher Steele and his belief that Moscow thinks it is at war with the UK and its allies, as reported by the Guardian, Carter said: “So, yes, in a way I think he’s right. The question, of course, is how you define war, and I, as a soldier, would tend to define war as the actual act of combat and fighting, and I don’t think they want that. I think they want to try and achieve their objective in rather more nuanced ways.”
Further revealing British war preparations, the Nov. 14 Daily Mirror reported that the British government is readying a task force of up to 600 special forces troops to deploy in Ukraine, allegedly to deter a Russian invasion. “The preparation comes after defense chiefs and the head of MI6 advised No. 10 that Russian President Vladimir Putin represents a clear and present danger to Ukraine and the West,” the Mirror reported.
UNICEF Update: Terrifying Face of Humanitarian Emergency in Afghanistan
In an update on the situation in Afghanistan, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) published a summary report that “between November 2021 and March 2022, further deterioration in food security is expected, with the number of people in need reaching 22.8 million. This marks a 37% increase in the number of Afghans facing acute hunger since the assessment issued in April 2021.” The agency has a more extensive 10-page report available here.
UNICEF reports there are 18.4 million people in need of humanitarian assistance; 18.8 million people who are food insecure; 9.7 million children in need of humanitarian assistance; and 682,981 internally displaced people since January 2021. The UNICEF summary report also notes the severe drought conditions throughout the country and emphasizes the coming difficulties as winter sets in.
Journalist Excoriates Billionaires Who Could End World Hunger, But Won’t
In an Oct. 31 article on her website,, “Billionaires Are Not Morally Qualified To Shape Human Civilization,” journalist Caitlin Johnstone denounces the “unfathomably wealthy class” of billionaires whose billions would allow them to help end world hunger, but who are so “emotionally and psychologically stunted” that they refuse to do so. Reporting the UN figure of an additional $30 billion a year that would be needed to end world hunger, Johnstone points out that according to the website, America’s billionaires have a combined net worth of $5.1 trillion—a 70% increase from their combined net worth of under $3 trillion at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. They only need to give just a portion of their vast wealth to ensure that everyone gets enough to eat. But they don’t.
She highlights the role of the World Economic Forum and its corporatist agenda, concluding appropriately that “nobody who chooses day-after-day to let millions of people die of starvation has any business making decisions which affect other people, much less decisions which affect everyone. The fact that the billionaire class and its lackeys make this depraved decision day in and day out permanently disqualifies them from any legitimate claim to having the empathy and compassion that would be required for such a job.” (Emphasis in original.)
Putin on TV: Migrant Crisis Comes from U.S. and European Wars in SW Asia
In a Nov. 13 interview with Pavel Zarubin, host of the Rossiya-1 TV channel’s “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” program, Russian President Vladimir Putin put the responsibility for the crisis on the West. “It is important to remember where the migration crises came from. Is it Belarus that discovered such problems? No, there are reasons that were created by the Western countries themselves, including European countries. They are both of military and economic nature,” he said, pointing to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Putin also stressed that Russia is not involved in the border crisis. “I want everyone to know that we have nothing to do with it,” he said. “Everyone is trying to impose responsibility on us for any reason and for no reason at all.”