This article appears in the December 10, 2021 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Andrey Kortunov
Director of the Russian International Affairs Council
These remarks are part of the article, “Summit for Democracy Attempts to Turn Multicolor Modern World into Black and White Division,” by Dr. Kortunov, released on November 22.
It goes without saying that the nations of the world should firmly oppose corruption, abuses of power by state authorities and gross violations of human rights. If the goal of the Summit for Democracy were to confront these evils on a global scale, there would be no need to make the event exclusive by inviting mostly US friends and allies. If the goal is to advertise the US political, social, and economic model, Washington should probably delay the summit and put its house in order first. If the goal is to isolate Beijing and Moscow in the world of politics, this is not likely to work well for the US. [back to text]