This article appears in the June 3, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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International Briefs
The Lies Are Exposed: The Ukrainian Military Is Riddled with Nazis
The surrender of Azov Regiment and other Ukrainian military to Russia at Mariupol has blown up the big lie that Kyiv’s government, being the world’s greatest democracy, doesn’t have a Nazi problem. In videos posted by RT and Novosti, the surrendered soldiers display without shame the tattoos of their Nazi heroes. RT’s embedded reporter in Mariupol describes the captured Ukrainian soldiers’ “fetishism” with Nazi paraphernalia, even SS uniforms from the 1940s, 1940s’ photos showing the SS death’s head, and then their own tattoos of the same. Many of the “heroes,” were adorned head to toe with likenesses of Hitler and Ukrainian wartime Nazi SS partner Stepan Bandera, and with swastikas and the Sonnenrad (“Sun Wheel” or “Black Sun” symbol worn by some SS units during World War II).
Virtually all of the United States Congress and officials of the Biden Administration honor the Nazis of Ukraine as heroes and denounce reports of their Nazi affinities as “Russian propaganda.” But the videos show enough Hitler and Bandera tattoos, Black Suns, Wolfsangeln and other such emblems to make the case.
U.S., UK, and EU Set Up ‘Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group’
A May 25 joint statement from the United States, UK, and EU announced the formation of an “Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA) for Ukraine,” according to a press release on the UN OCHA website. The stated purpose was: “To further accountability for atrocity crimes in the context of Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine.” The release on the new entity quotes from the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Ukrainian General Prosecutor Iryna Venediktova. There will be “Mobile Justice Teams” set up to swoop in on any targeted site of an imputed crime.
These NATO powers have overridden the approach, and the institutions of the UN Security Council and of the UN Human Rights Council, which expelled Russia from membership. This latest move follows on last week’s announcement of a similar U.S. national entity. On May 17, the State Department announced it had created a “Conflict Observatory” to “analyze and preserve” evidence of Russian alleged wrongdoing. Collaborating partners will be the GIS data firm Esri, Yale University’s Humanitarian Research Lab, the Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative, and PlanetScape Ai. State expects international partners to join.
Chas Freeman Denounces Latest Biden ‘Misstatement’ about Taiwan
Veteran U.S. diplomat and China expert Chas Freeman, who served as the chief translator for Nixon’s 1972 trip to China, spoke out in response to President Joe Biden’s statement in Japan that America has “a commitment” to use force to defend Taiwan were Beijing to take military action against the island.
“The Chinese cannot ignore this statement, which is worse than a gaffe, because it provides China with a casus belli,” the former ambassador told the Asia Times.
“This is the fourth time this year that the White House has sought to walk back statements by the President committing the United States to go to war with China over Taiwan. Such walk-backs have zero credibility in Beijing, not least because they echo an apparent consensus in the Washington establishment that is reflected in defense budgets and force structure decisions.
“Biden’s pledge to defend Taiwan militarily contradicts the Taiwan Relations Act. Absent a vote in Congress to authorize war with China, he has no constitutional authority to make the commitment he just seemed to. But the Chinese are unlikely to be persuaded by constitutional niceties, especially given the rubber stamp Congress now puts on presidential war-making.”
Soros at Davos Insists, No Time for Endless War, Finish Putin Off Now
Speaking on the second day of the World Economic Forum 2022 meeting in Davos, Switzerland, George Soros explained that carbon is still the overriding enemy, and that the world cannot even afford dragging out a long conflict with Russia in Ukraine. Putin must be defeated immediately, so as to get back to the necessary “net-zero” decarbonization:
“While the war rages, the fight against climate change has to take second place. Yet the experts tell us that we have already fallen far behind, and climate change is on the verge of becoming irreversible. That could be the end of our civilization. Therefore, we must mobilize all our resources to bring the war to an early end. The best and perhaps only way to preserve our civilization is to defeat Putin as soon as possible. That’s the bottom line.”
After stating his belief that Putin thought the Ukraine operation was a failure and was supposedly ready to negotiate a ceasefire, and that Xi had failed in his “zero-COVID” strategy, Soros lamented that these mistaken leaders are somehow getting ahead: “Repressive regimes are now in the ascendant and open societies are under siege. Today China and Russia present the greatest threat to open society.”
German Lutherans Say NATO Confrontationism Is Leading to Nuclear War
The Wiesbaden-based Martin Niemöller Foundation, a senior institution of the Lutheran Church of Germany, has called for “immediate and serious” negotiations for a ceasefire in the Ukraine. Only a ceasefire would form the prerequisite for being able to conduct negotiations on a peace agreement and a future peace order, the foundation said in Wiesbaden May 27. The statement calls for solving the Ukraine issue in a broader context of East-West confidence-building and arms control agreements.
The foundation welcomed the proposal to convene the NATO-Russia Council by former Bundeswehr Inspector General, Gen. Harald Kujat (ret.), who is also former chairman of the NATO Military Committee. Withdrawing Russian troops while reducing sanctions could be the starting point for talks, General Kujat said.
Hopes for a military victory in Ukraine with the help of Western weapons, military training and logistics are ill-founded, the foundation said. “It would push militarily overpowered Russia into a corner that could tempt it into even more dangerous, possibly nuclear, escalation steps.” For that reason, the red lines on arms deliveries and military assistance should not be constantly moved forward, nor should the German armed forces be upgraded with €100 billion, the statement says:
“With a view to a future peace settlement, a policy must be conceived now that is guided by the principles of the sovereignty of all states and their ‘common security’ developed in the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE). We argue for a course correction in current war and security policy.”
Germany Shifts to Coal To Replace Russian Gas in Sanctions Paradox
Whereas the “Green Reset” remains on the agenda of the German Green Party and the government, the precarious situation that sanctions on energy imports from Russia have created for the country’s industry and citizens, is leading to plans to suspend the planned closure of coal power plants, and even to open those already closed. Behind the hypocrisy is an absolute determination to close all Germany’s nuclear power plants despite the serious failure of wind and solar installations to produce power as advertised.
Some 2.1 GW of coal-fired power capacity scheduled for October 2022 closure, and another 0.5 GW scheduled for 2023, will be kept operating instead. Another 4.3 GW will be kept on the grid until 2024 along with 1.6 GW of oil power capacity. Moreover, 1.9 GW of lignite coal power capacity already taken off the grid, will be reopened.
Even if the total exit from (Russian) gas made sense, reviving Germany’s nuclear power capacity would be the best option for efficiency and safety—but the government would rather use “dirty” options like coal and oil, to keep the date for the final exit from nuclear fixed at the end of this year and the supposed exit from coal as 2030.
Sergei Glazyev on ‘Eurasianism’ and a ‘New World Economic Order’
The economy today is becoming more and more humanitarian. This was stated May 26, during the thematic session, “Eurasianism as an Idea To Unite People: A Look into the Future” of the Eurasian Economic Forum 2022, by Eurasian Economic Commission Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics Sergey Glazyev. The meeting took place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, and online.
Despite the difficulties now, including “the threat of nationalism and Nazism,” Glazyev said the Eurasian Economic Union countries are building partnerships with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, building preferential trade regimes with India, creating free trade zones with Serbia and Iran, and have signed a large-scale agreement with China. “This is how the work is done to form a new world economic order.”
But according to Glazyev, there is not yet a realization that the new technological mode is different from the previous one, as the leading areas of the economy are health care, education, science, culture, and art:
“The economy today is becoming more and more humanitarian. We must admit that issues of humanitarian cooperation and culture are not given enough attention in our Eurasian construction. We are passionate about building a customs union, discussing customs tariffs, customs and technical regulation, and forming a common labor market. And at the same time, we constantly face problems of people’s correct perception of the idea of Eurasianism.”