This article appears in the September 2, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Mass Leaflet Drives Sare’s Campaign To Replace Schumer in U.S. Senate
[Print version of this article]

Aug. 27—In contrast to New York Sen. Charles “Chuck” Schumer’s typically nasty tricks—now suppressing any attention to the U.S. Senate race in New York, hoping that even Democrats will not notice that he is up for re-election in the 2022 “midterms”—challenger Diane Sare, officially certified as the LaRouche Party candidate, is building up the clout to replace him. Diane, by her personality and decades of collaboration with economist, statesman and former Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, is igniting explosive sparks of citizen engagement in her campaign. And, because her campaign educates Americans on workable solutions to the global financial crisis and to the danger of nuclear war, she has also attracted high-level nationwide and international attention.
This week, Sare is recruiting voters by manning a booth at the annual Great New York State Fair in Syracuse, a well-known 13-day event that gathers hundreds of thousands of people. On the first day, the traffic surrounding her tables and outspoken posters was so dense, Fair managers had to ask her to move so people could enter. As visitors elected to stop at her table, waiting for them were boxes of Diane’s Aug. 16 campaign statement, a call to action titled “Stop the City of London’s and Wall Street’s Fascist Coup: Russia, China, India and the Farmers and Truckers of the World Are Your Allies.” One-quarter million copies, unlike anything else people are hearing about the elections, are coming off the printing presses. As people spoke with Diane at the Fair, 7,000 copies were grabbed by volunteers.
Power of the Free Press
Diane also has a monthly newspaper called The New Federalist, distributed by networks of campaign volunteers across the state, and hosts a weekly Internet program, “New York Symposium” with experts on New York, national, international issues.
The pungent Aug. 16 statement opens:
The August 8 FBI raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate has sparked indignation across the so-called “political spectrum.” Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has moved to impeach Attorney General Merrick Garland, and former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has correctly pointed out that unless there’s a very compelling reason for this apparent violation of due process, the January 6 investigation will lose all credibility. (Did it ever have any?)
Sare then walks the potential campaign recruit through the global economic and military crises facing the nation. She identifies the solutions that are available as a result of the life’s work of LaRouche, who was attacked by the same corrupt branches of the Department of Justice that have just carried out the unconstitutional raid on former President Trump. Sare worked intensively with LaRouche for more than three decades.

A large number of people signed up with the campaign at the Fair. According to Sare, more than a dozen local elected officials, including city council members, school principals, and school board members left their contact information and took leaflets to get out. Across the nation, these are the people who are being left to handle the brutal effects of the economic and strategic crisis underway, with the state and national governments abandoning them. Meanwhile Washington officials and governors’ offices shrug off the depth of breakdown hitting the economy, mimic media propaganda, and respond with indifference to the despair in communities throughout the nation. Sare also had many discussions with skilled blue-collar workers on the infrastructure plans that would help revive the economy of the state; and with youth, who were intrigued by the LaRouche movement’s insistence that the United States must build NAWAPA, the North American Water and Power Alliance, to finally solve the drought/flood problems that plague this nation.
Schumer in on Foreign Attack
“Chuck” Schumer is not only playing another nasty game, insisting he will be automatically re-elected so there is no reason for him to campaign. He is not only refusing to debate Diane Sare, who has challenged him to open dialogue, but refuses to talk publicly to Republican candidate Joe Pinion. Something far more sinister is afoot.
As documented in EIR, Schumer has, through his role in the Senate, acted to secure U.S. financing for the police-state apparatus in Ukraine, known as the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD). That CCD recently listed Diane Sare as one of 72 internationally prominent people whom the Zelensky apparatus in Ukraine has branded “Russian propagandists,” and “information terrorists.” In turning a blind eye to the inclusion of his campaign rival’s name on this Ukrainian “hit-list,” Schumer basically approves the use of threats to interfere in the New York election, from a foreign organization documented to be associated with assassination hit squads while also financed by U.S. government funds.
In angry response to Schumer’s violation of the Constitution, two other prominent Americans who were included on the Ukrainian hit-list have expressed their unequivocal support for Diane Sare to become the next Senator from New York. Retired Marine and top Iraq weapons inspector Scott Ritter expressed his support for her during a joint interview with Sare conducted by Albany, New York podcaster Cynthia Pooler; and Col. Richard H. Black (ret.), a former member of the Virginia Senate and General Assembly, said of Sare in his recent interview with EIR, printed in this issue:
I do know that Diane Sare is on the hit list. I’ve listened to her discuss this issue in an interview with Scott Ritter. She is an amazingly bright, informed, articulate, appealing candidate. I can’t imagine anyone being a better representative of the American people than Diane Sare. She would certainly have my vote if I were in New York…. Here we have a senatorial candidate in New York, and you’ve got Chuck Schumer in a position where he’s funding Homeland Security, which attempted to create a Disinformation Governance Board modeled on Ukraine’s CCD for the United States. I’m sure that he’s quite comfortable with the idea of a Disinformation Board, because there’s a lot of “disinformation” about him that he’d like to suppress!