This article appears in the September 23, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Schiller Institute International Online Conference
Inspiring Humanity To Survive the
Greatest Crisis in World History
September 10-11, 2022
Saturday, September 10
Panel 1
How to Inspire Humanity to Survive the Greatest Crisis in World History
Opening Music: J.S. Bach’s Magnificat, first movement, performed by the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus and Orchestra.
Dennis Speed (moderator): Opening Remarks
Lyndon LaRouche, video excerpt from a speech to an EIR seminar on African Development, June 18, 1997: “We Must Choose a New Road”
Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder, the Schiller Institute: Keynote Address, “Universal History Must Not End in a Tragedy”
Jozef Mikloško (Slovak Republic), Former Vice Premier, Czechoslovakia: “Lyndon LaRouche: What It Is To Fight for Truth and Justice”
Ding Yifan (China), Deputy Director, Research Institute of World Development, China Development Research Center: “Reading His Work, Some New Concepts Just Struck Me”
Prof. Georgy Toloraya (Russian Federation), Deputy Chairman of the Board, Russian National Committee on BRICS Research: “How We Managed To Bring the World to the Edge”
Ray McGovern (U.S.), Former Senior Analyst, U.S. Central intelligence Agency (CIA); Founding Member, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS): “Never Give Up”
Dr. Clifford Kiracofe (U.S.), Former Senior Staff Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; President, Washington Institute for Peace and Development: “America Alone in a Changing World?”
Panel 2
Defend the Right To Deliberate!
Speak Out Against Blacklists and the Suppression of the Search for Truth
Harley Schlanger (moderator): Opening Remarks
Diane Sare (U.S.), Candidate for United States Senate, 2022 (N.Y.), LaRouche Party: Keynote Address: “The Best of All Possible Worlds”
Gretchen Small (U.S.), Executive Intelligence Review: “Shut Down Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation, Global NATO’s Thought Police!”
Col. Richard H. Black (ret.) (U.S.), Former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon and former Virginia State Senator: “Forbid Unlawful Efforts To Silence American Citizens”
Dr. George Koo, Retired Business Consultant; Chairman, Burlingame Foundation: “America Must End Funding a Hit List”
James Jatras (U.S.), Former diplomat and former Advisor, U.S. Senate Republican Leadership: “Schiller Institute: Lightning Rod To Meet Perilous Times”
David T. Pyne (U.S.), Deputy Director of National Operations for the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security: “How Is Promoting a Realistic Peace Plan a ‘War Crime’?”
Igor Lopatonok (U.S.), Director and Author of documentary Ukraine on Fire: “Shut Down the Nazi Kill List: It Is Not Just in Ukraine”
Bradley Blankenship (U.S.), Journalist who writes for Xinhua and RT, “A Young U.S. Journalist’s View of America’s Criminal War Policy and the Attempt To Silence Me”
Eva Karene Bartlett (U.S/Canada), Journalist, “Myrotvorets Is a Threat to Journalists Everywhere”
Mira Terada (Russian Federation), Foundation to Battle Injustice, “The Initiative To Demand the UN Act to Defend Journalists from the Illegal Actions of Myrotvorets”
Sunday, September 11
Panel 3
Presenting the ‘LaRouche Library’—LaRouche in Dialogue with the Nations of the World
Moderator: Dennis Small (U.S.), Advisory Committee, LaRouche Legacy Foundation
Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Board of Directors, LaRouche Legacy Foundation: Keynote Address
Video Presentation: “LaRouche in Dialogue with the Nations of the World,” Peru, Poland, India, China, Russia, Brazil, UAE
John Sigerson (U.S.), Project Director, LaRouche Legacy Foundation: “A Tour of the Digital LaRouche Library”
Gretchen Small (U.S.), President, LaRouche Legacy Foundation: “Upcoming: Vol. II of the Collected Works of Lyndon LaRouche”
Panel 4
The Art of Optimism:
Using the Classical Principle
To Change the World
Music: “Abscheulicher! Komm Hoffnung,” from Beethoven’s Opera Fidelio, performed by Alyson Spina, soprano, accompanied by David Maiullo, piano.
Jason Ross (moderator): Opening Remarks
Dennis Speed (U.S.), the Schiller Institute: Keynote Address: “Leibniz and America: The Best of All Possible Revolutions”
Megan Dobrodt (U.S.), U.S. President, the Schiller Institute: “LaRouche’s Principle of the Human Mind: Kepler and Our Harmonic Universe”
Jacques Cheminade (France), President, Solidarité et Progrès and former Presidential Candidate: “Optimism, To Recover from our Mortal Illness”
Anastasia Battle (U.S.), Editor, Leonore magazine: “Beyond Ideology”