This article appears in the October 14, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Opposition to Global NATO Grows as
Ukraine’s Nazi Kill List Expands
[Print version of this article]
Oct. 8—Global NATO has increased the pace of its provocations against Russia, and against those seeking a peaceful resolution to the ever more bloody conflict occurring in Ukraine. More voices, but not yet enough, are speaking out. We expand here on our last report on September 18, “Exposure of Ukraine’s Nazi Kill List Is Breaking Through the Fog of War.” And readers are urge to consult the continuously updated full documentation on this “New Goebbels Propaganda Operation,” and the growing opposition to it, including EIR’s ongoing articles, press conferences and video releases by prominent individuals.
New CCD Hitlist Released Targeting Those Seeking Peace
The notorious Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), operating under Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s National Security and Defense Council, posted an expanded version of its hitlist against “Speakers Who Promote Narratives Consonant with Russian Propaganda,” on October 3. The first hitlist was released on July 14, 2022, the opening shot in Global NATO’s campaign to get anyone deviating from the approved narrative about the Ukraine-Russia conflict declared an “information terrorist” and tried as a “war criminal”—or to be killed by Nazi hit squads. At least five of those fingered in the CCD’s first list were also found to be included in the fascist Myrotvorets list of enemies to be “liquidated,” two of them (Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Schiller Institute spokesman Harley Schlanger) explicitly on the basis of their having been singled out on the CCD hitlist.
Number one on the CCD’s new list is Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche. This list now numbers 95 people, more than 30 of whom are Americans, and a head of state, Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda! At least 15 of those added are journalists of many nationalities—including Fox News’s Tucker Carlson. U.S. Senator Rand Paul and former Representative Tulsi Gabbard are still fingered by the CCD, as are U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare, House of Representatives candidate Geoff Young, Bundestag member Rolf Mützenich, six Members of the European Parliament, and the dozens of other prominent personalities who have spoken at various Schiller Institute conferences.
Under international fire, the CCD had removed the first, July 14 version of its list from its website on August 11. EIR warned, however, that the operation continued, and that being named on the CCD list poses a grave threat to the personal security of those named. On Sept. 2, EIR warned in its article, “Global NATO Orders a Hit on Advocates of Peace,” and the accompanying “Ukraine’s Deathlist Database:,” that “rapid, decisive international action is required to force the closure of the Center for Countering Disinformation,” providing extensive documentation that the CCD functions as a proxy for NATO, having been created and financed by the U.S. and U.K. governments, the NATO alliance, and the European Union, which continue to advise it in every step it takes.
With the support of the Schiller Institute, EIR sponsored a Sept. 7 press conference addressed by many of those named on the first CCD list, joined by others fingered on the Myrotvorets list. These activities put an international spotlight on the CCD’s intolerable threats.
The CCD spent the month of September working to get NATO alliance countries and their partners to enact laws to silence those named on its list, starting with its Sept. 1-2 international roundtable on “Combating Disinformation in the Conditions of Military Operations,” attended by representatives of 24 countries, including “senior experts” from NATO’s Strategic Communications Center of Excellence. Then, with the support of NATO StratCom, CCD Acting Director Andriy Shapovalov held meetings and gave speeches in several capitals of Europe, demanding that legislation be enacted making “information terrorism” an official crime.
Now, the CCD has re-posted and expanded its hitlist.
For those who may have believed, wishfully, that the CCD/Myrotvorets-proposed policies, threats, and outright murders were so outlandish that they would just go away on their own, must now face the fact that they were wrong. It is clear that shutting this operation down requires that all those targeted, and anyone seeking a serious policy debate on how to stop the deadly war, raise their voices together against this monstrous operation.
Congressman Denounces Ukraine CCD as McCarthyism
Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar, a Republican, has broken the congressional silence on the U.S. and NATO-backed Center for Countering Disinformation in Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council. In a hard-hitting tweet on Sept. 28, he charged: “Ukraine’s ‘Center for Countering Disinformation’ is U.S. taxpayer-funded McCarthyism. They label @TulsiGabbard & @RandPaul ‘information terrorists’ for opposing the war racket. Biden’s ‘Disinformation Board’ got shut down. So now he’s paying Ukraine for censorship and propaganda.”
Gosar later tweeted, “Ukraine must not join NATO. If they do, we may very well see a third world war ... the establishment right just voted to send another 12 billion to Ukraine? This is more America Last policy … I will vote NO on sending any money to Ukraine. I REFUSE to support more war, more interventionism, and more global alliances that hurt our country. ENOUGH sponsoring death and destruction. We should be peace making …”
For Survival of Ukraine and U.S., Negotiate
David T. Pyne, a journalist and military specialist, himself on the CCD list, on Oct. 4 issued a report, “Ukrainian Disinformation Agency Reissues Its Black List of 35 ‘High Profile’ Americans,” saying: “In the latest sign of their desperation, the U.S. State Department funded Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation ... published an updated black list of 35 ‘high-profile’ Americans whom they have publicly denounced as information terrorists subject to being tried as war criminals.” He further states, “This undeclared proxy war could provoke an unnecessary Third World War between NATO and Russia, which would quickly escalate to the nuclear level and could result in hundreds of millions of European and American deaths.” (Also see his column in Substack and his proposal, “A Ceasefire Can Ensure Ukrainian Independence,” on the National Interest.)
Rolling Stone: Roger Waters Says He Is On a Ukrainian Kill List
Under the above headline, the widely circulated American monthly magazine, Rolling Stone, published an interview Oct. 3 with 79-year old British rock star Roger Waters, who is now on both the Myrotvorets death list and the updated CCD list of so-called “information terrorists” for his outspoken opposition to NATO, the West’s policy of arming Ukraine to the teeth, and the “extreme nationalists” who have taken over Ukraine.
Rolling Stone interviewer James Ball was clearly shocked at Waters’s continued refusal to bow to the rabid anti-Russia narrative, but when he asked Waters if he really was denying all the accounts of “Russian war crimes,” Waters responded by pointing to Ukrainian government “kill lists”:
“Maybe … Don’t forget, I’m on a kill list that is supported by the Ukrainian government.… they’ve killed people recently.… But when they kill you, they write ‘liquidated’ across your picture. Well, I’m one of those f-ing pictures.
“And when I read stuff, … criticizing me … I always go and look and see where it came from. And it’s amazing how often when I’ve done the hunt and hunted it down, it is da, da,,” he said, referring to a hypothetical Ukrainian web address.
Waters’s charge rapidly became big news, picked up by other major mainstream media. He published a succinct summary of his own view for how to end the “slaughter” of both the Ukrainian and Russian peoples in this war, identifying the fascists (“extreme nationalists”) and Western warmongers as key problems, in an open letter to Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska on Sept. 4, titled: “Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?”