This article appears in the October 14, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
‘We Will Not Be Silenced!
Speaking Truth in Times of War’
[Print version of this article]
Oct. 7—The Schiller Institute and Executive Intelligence Review held a three-hour press availability Oct. 6 addressing the geopolitical reality behind the Ukrainian “kill lists” and the threat of thermonuclear war. With this event, the Schiller Institute demonstrated why its chairwoman, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, is considered enemy number-one by the financial oligarchy, and is not only at the top of the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) blacklist, but simultaneously on the Myrotvorets Center “kill list.” Only the Schiller Institute has the capability of bringing together such an array of truth seekers and truth tellers as was present at this event. This synopsis can in no way capture the power of the event, which is a must watch for all those concerned with the future of humanity.
Virginia Senator’s Remarks Go Viral
An introduction by Dennis Speed, regular host of The LaRouche Organization’s “Manhattan Project” on Saturdays, was followed by a now-viral video provided by former Virginia State Senator Richard Black, a former Marine Corps combat veteran and former head of the Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon. Black presented his view of the explosions of the Nord Stream pipelines. In the 36 hours after the video of his remarks was posted, it racked up over 300,000 views on the Schiller Institute channel alone.
Senator Black, as a former military prosecutor, expressed his opinion that the Nord Stream explosions were an act of sabotage; that only a state actor would have had the means to carry out the sabotage; and that only the United States or a NATO ally with prior U.S. approval would have had the motive to do so. He cited President Biden’s Feb. 7 warning that if Russia crossed the border into Ukraine, the United States had the means to stop Nord Stream 2, in what is called in law courts a “party admission” to a crime. Senator Black’s full remarks are provided in this issue, and the video is available here.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche started her presentation—also published in this issue—by noting that Oct. 6 was the 36th anniversary of the 1986 raid on the offices of the LaRouche movement and the home of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche in Leesburg, Virginia by a small army of 400 FBI, state, and local law enforcement officials. She and Lyndon LaRouche were awakened early that morning by a helicopter flying outside their window. Mrs. LaRouche pointed out the irony that they had given their residence the name, Ibykus Farm. There is a higher form of justice sometimes called nemesis, best described in the famous poem by Friedrich Schiller, “The Cranes of Ibykus.” It is coming back to bring down the financial oligarchy behind the 1986 raid, the clear intent of which was to assassinate Lyndon LaRouche.
Zepp-LaRouche then asked, what were the crimes of Lyndon LaRouche? First, under the heightened threat of nuclear war during the 1980s, driven by the Pershing II missile crisis in Europe, LaRouche put forward a proposal for a new security architecture based on a policy known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), which was adopted by President Ronald Reagan, and would have changed the geopolitical order in a way not favorable to the oligarchy. This proposal was rejected by the Soviets and by the neocons in the Reagan administration.
Second, LaRouche warned in 1971 that President Nixon’s act of ending the Bretton Woods system by decoupling the dollar from the gold reserve would lead to a new depression, new fascism and ultimately World War III, and that’s exactly where we are today. And that’s why LaRouche continues to be slandered to this day, to prevent his solutions to the crises from being implemented. That’s also why the first thirty-plus people on the new CCD blacklist are all friends or members of the Schiller Institute, with Helga Zepp-LaRouche at the top of the list.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche ended her presentation by describing how the sanctions regime is crushing Europe, while Russia is moving in a positive direction; the Nord Stream pipelines must be repaired, she concluded, and Europe must join with Russia in creating a new security architecture.
On-the-Ground Report from the Donbass
The next speaker was Canadian-American journalist Eva Karene Bartlett, who has spent her career courageously reporting the truth on the ground in the war-torn areas of Syria, Gaza, and most recently in Donbass. She gave her presentation live from the city of Donetsk, where shelling by the Ukrainian fascist regime is a daily occurrence. Since she returned to the Donetsk People’s Republic Sept. 17, dozens of people have been killed in the most horrific way, blown apart by U.S.-supplied 155mm howitzers and HIMARS. Bartlett bluntly called it terrorism against a peaceful civilian population. She recounted a trip to a small village outside of Donetsk city, which two years ago had been heavily damaged, but now is almost completely destroyed. People remaining in the village, including many elderly, have nowhere to go and live in constant fear of the shelling.
Bartlett was an international observer of the Sept. 23-27 referenda on unification with Russia, which took place in the largely Russian-speaking areas of Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, and the Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions, for which she expects to be targeted with reprisals. She described why, and what her work has shown, in her full presentation which we publish below. (Bartlett recalled that two major French media outlets were in Donetsk during one of her visits and witnessed first-hand the shelling of innocent civilians, but never reported it.)
A short video prepared by Dr. Clifford Kiracofe was then shown. Dr. Kiracofe is a former senior advisor of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and president of the Washington Institute for Peace and Development. He stated that psychological and political warfare are being used against the West in order to induce people to support the post-2014 Maidan Coup Nazi regime in Ukraine. The notorious Ukrainian blacklists now target American citizens including a sitting U.S. Senator (Rand Paul) and former government officials. Although retired, Dr. Kiracofe himself is on the blacklist. Because the U.S. government admits it is directly and indirectly supporting the information operations in Ukraine, this represents a direct threat to the First Amendment of the Constitution. In fact, the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 directly prohibits U.S. foreign intelligence propaganda from being directed at U.S. citizens.
To redress this outlandish violation of U.S. law, Dr. Kiracofe made two suggestions. First, members of Congress should task the General Accounting Office (GAO) to do a full investigation of U.S. funds spent in Ukraine, particularly those spent on information operations. Second, the Library of Congress should be commissioned to conduct an investigation on the origins of Nazism in Ukraine going back to the era prior to the rise of infamous Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera (who is worshipped as a “Hero of Ukraine” by the current regime), and determine who in Ukraine is promoting this odious ideology today.
Another video was shown by Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph Bosshard, who spent 25 years in the Swiss Army. His presentation focused on the Nord Stream pipeline explosions. According to Bosshard, it is uncontested that the explosions were sabotage and must have been carried out by a state actor. If it were the Russian military behind the sabotage, as many in the West contend, it would constitute an incredible show of force, given that the location of the sabotage was in NATO-controlled waters.
Why would the Russians choose to blow up the pipeline in one of the most surveilled areas in the world, risking detection, when they could have done it in a more favorable area such as its terminus in the Gulf of Finland? This points to NATO as the likely culprit. But if it was Russia, alarm bells should be ringing in the West because of their inability to defend against sabotage of critical underwater infrastructure.
The next speaker was Graham E. Fuller, retired CIA officer, former CIA Station Chief in Kabul, Afghanistan and former vice chairman of the CIA National Intelligence Council for Long-Term Forecasting. Fuller started with his observation that we are witnessing a major tragedy as this proxy war in Ukraine unfolds and unpredictable events make it more dangerous, but that the war itself did not have to happen! If the West had adhered to the Minsk Accords, there would have been no war. He personally struggles to understand what is happening on the battlefield in Ukraine which he blames on the “corporatization” of the mainstream media. Never has he seen, even in the days of the Cold War, such vilification of Russia, its people, its culture, and its leadership. Fuller sees the censorship of alternative voices as particularly dangerous. The idea that the U.S. government is using the Ukrainian CCD to target Americans is shocking.
In Fuller’s estimation, the attempt by the West to isolate Russia from the global community is leading to a massive geopolitical shift. Russia is now forming alliances with China, the BRICS nations, and the Global South. The world is dividing into blocs not seen since the Cold War. He also believes that EU policy is NATO policy. By sanctioning Russia and cutting off trade with both Russia and China, European nations are suffering the most and will be hard hit this winter. But will this suffering be enough to cause Europeans to wake up? By maintaining their current position they are excluding themselves from the great benefits of joining with China’s Belt and Road Initiative and other economic partnerships emerging in Asia.
Sare: These Events Are Getting a Response
Independent LaRouche candidate for U.S. Senator from New York Diane Sare began her presentation by warning that King Charles III, Britain’s GCHQ intelligence agency, the U.S. “intelligence” community, etc. are leading the West to disaster, due to their propensity for “linear deductive thinking.” She used the analogy of a man jumping off a 100-story building, who believes things are moving along just fine as he accelerates downward. But then he reaches the bottom where a “singularity” takes place which he did not intend when he started his trip. Sare also used an analogy of “benchmarking,” a process of computer modeling used, for example, by Mercedes to save money through simulated drive testing, which resulted in producing a car model that would easily roll over when rounding a corner over 40 mph. She used the analogies to demonstrate that people have put into motion processes that may not end with the results they intended, such as the sanctions against Russia, which are now destroying the West.
Sare made the point that she’s making these remarks not to imply that we’re necessarily going to win this fight and get mankind safely through the crisis by ushering in a new security and development architecture, but because with so many factors at play we could just as easily plunge into thermonuclear war. The decision as to which direction humanity takes, will be determined by what individual people in the immediate period ahead choose to do. It’s impossible to overestimate the power of speaking the truth in a moment like this, she said, because you don’t know who’s ears your words are reaching. Sare concluded by emphasizing the urgency of acting in the interest of the good of mankind now, because there is a universal principle of natural law, and because we are starting to see a glimmer of response to our actions.
Because of scheduling conflicts, Senator Black was not able to stay for the question and answer period. In signing off, he provided his view of the current global situation. According to Senator Black, the Ukraine war started in 2014 when the democratically elected government of the country was overthrown by the West and a huge army was created which subsequently started killing people in the Donbass, pushing Russia’s back to the wall. He asked: What’s behind this war? His answer was that the globalists want war to check the growing protests and enthusiasm throughout Europe against the policies of the “Davos boys.” The growth of populist movements in Sweden, Hungary, Italy, France, and the Czech Republic reflect this dynamic. The goal of the globalists is to do away with religion, freedom of speech, and national sovereignty, which are crucial for freedom. In Black’s view, they risk nuclear war to accomplish that goal. Thus people need to rise up and not fear to raise their voices against the New World Order of the globalists.
Germany Is the Key Question
The last speaker was Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), of which he, Graham Fuller, and Senator Black are all members. He began by praising Eva Bartlett, the young anti-Nazi political activist Sophie Scholl (1921-1943), and Helga Zepp-LaRouche for their exemplary courage in speaking the truth. McGovern then stated his belief that because of the economic and geopolitical crises hitting Europe, Germany is now the key nation in solving these crises. He asked, are the leaders of Germany—Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock—up to the task, or are they no different than the leaders of Germany in 1933 who capitulated to the rise of Hitler? To expound on that point McGovern used a book titled, Defying Hitler, a diary by a German author named Raimund Pretzel (1907-1999), published under the pen name Sebastian Haffner. In the book, published posthumously by his son, Pretzel/Haffner recounted the events of 1933 in Germany and wrote that the German people were—
soft, unreliable, without backbone. That was shown in March 1933. At the moment of truth, when other nations rise spontaneously to the occasion, the Germans collectively and limply collapsed. They yielded and capitulated, and suffered a nervous breakdown. The result of this million-fold nervous breakdown is the unified nation, ready for anything, that is today the nightmare of the rest of the world.
After reading this passage, McGovern asked, 77 years after World War II, have the Germans changed or will they continue to tolerate the policies of the United States and UK that are driving their nation and the rest of Europe to ruin?
McGovern recounted his experience during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis and stated that President Kennedy made far greater threats to the then Soviet Union than the threats Russian President Putin has made to the West. Nonetheless, in the same way that nuclear missiles in Cuba were seen as an existential threat to the U.S. by Kennedy, NATO missile sites in Eastern Europe are seen today as an existential threat to Russia by Putin.
On Dec. 30, 2021 Putin demanded a discussion with President Biden over security issues to which Biden agreed. Putin apparently warned Biden that placing offensive strike weapons in Ukraine would give the Russian leadership a window of only 5-10 minutes to ascertain the nature of an incoming attack, with the potential consequence being thermonuclear war. The Kremlin readout of this discussion was that Biden assured Putin there would be no placement of offensive strike weapons in Ukraine. But after the next discussion between Biden and Putin, the readouts did not mention Biden’s promise.
According to McGovern, with the tacit approval of President Xi Jinping, after getting screwed one too many times by the U.S., Putin made the decision to go into Ukraine. McGovern ended with a quote by Will Rogers: “The problem ain’t what people know. The problem is what people do know that ain’t so.” He then asked again: “Will the German people wake up?” If they do and change their behavior and act as adults, we can probably find a way out of the crisis with a new independent stance by the Europeans, not seen since the 1930s when Germany “blew it.”
Helga Zepp-LaRouche had to make her final remarks early, and began by thanking and wholeheartedly agreeing with McGovern. She stated that Germany is an occupied country. Zbigniew Brzezinski insisted that Europe is a colony, and he was right. European leaders are behaving like despicable scoundrels. Chancellor Scholz said absolutely nothing at the press conference when Biden threatened to shut down Nord Stream 2 if Russia invaded Ukraine. He is not the leader of Germany, Zepp-LaRouche said; there is a British/Venetian-style oligarchy behind the scenes calling the shots. They want to ruin Russia and Germany. She ended by forecasting that if the pipeline between Russia and Germany is not quickly repaired, there will be a social explosion in Germany as economic conditions worsen.
Shut the Blacklists Down
The next presentation was a video prepared by Mira Terada, chairwoman of the Moscow-based Foundation to Battle Injustice, on the subject of shutting down the fascist Ukrainian regime’s infamous CCD and its affiliated Myrotvorets Center “kill list.” She stated that the “kill list” contains the personal information of thousands of people, including children, journalists, politicians, teachers, and public figures and recounted incidents where people on the list were targeted for harassment and in some cases assassinated by Ukrainian Nazi nationalists. Terada recalled that the Ukrainian CCD was established in March 2021 by presidential decree for the purpose of targeting more well-known international figures that refused to follow the war propaganda. She cited John Mearsheimer, Tucker Carlson, Eva Bartlett, Glenn Greenwald, Steven Seagal, and Roger Waters as examples.
Terada also discussed the Russophobic propaganda of the Kiev regime and the consequent skyrocketing of hatred against Russians worldwide, but particularly in the EU, with Poland and the Baltic nations being the worst. Governments are refusing entry to Russian citizens, demolishing monuments of World War II Soviet liberators, and prosecuting Russian-speakers for political purposes. There is also unprecedented aggression against Russian shops, embassies, and Orthodox churches.
Terada ended by expressing her hope that this Schiller Institute event would help spotlight the aggression exemplified by the CCD/Myrotvorets blacklists, as so-called human rights organizations are deaf and dumb to the problem. The Foundation to Battle Injustice, with the Schiller Institute, will continue to do everything in their power to shut the blacklists down, she said.
The last presentation was a video prepared by David T. Pyne, Deputy Director of National Operations for the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security, and an author for the foreign policy journal, The National Interest. He began by thanking Executive Intelligence Review for holding this press conference in response to the Ukrainian CCD’s posting of an updated blacklist targeting those who stand for peaceful resolution of this undeclared proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.
Pyne denounced the U.S. funding of the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation—an “Orwellian” name—whose main purpose is to disseminate disinformation and threaten any Western leaders or intellectuals who dare question the prevailing pro-war narrative being put out by the Biden Administration. He said that the U.S. national interest is not at all to arm Ukraine to fight Russia because it could provoke a Russian escalation to the nuclear level and trigger World War III. Once Russian reinforcements come to Ukraine, Pyne said, Russia will win the war decisively, making it all the more imperative to bring sanity to the discussion now.