This article appears in the October 14, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Why Is Senator Chuck Schumer Pretending He Is Not Up for Reelection?
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Oct. 9—With the U.S. midterm elections only a few weeks away, Sen. Chuck Schumer has not only refused to participate in any midterm debates with his opponents, but he has also been silent on the fact that there even is an election happening. His silence is quite counter to the normal gregarious persona of this New Yorker, known to many as the Senator from Wall Street.

Diane Sare, the LaRouche independent candidate for U.S. Senate from New York, held a spirited campaign rally on Oct. 6 in front of the office of her electoral opponent, Sen. Schumer. She was joined by some 50 people, mostly from the metropolitan New York area, some coming in from hours away indicating the intense interest in her campaign across New York state. Sare achieved ballot status by recruiting an unprecedented army of volunteers, who shocked political experts in collecting 66,000 signatures of registered New York voters between April 19 and May 31. The hurdle to achieving ballot status had been increased from 15,000 signatures to 45,000 signatures for all independent or non-major party candidates. Democratic or Republican candidates for statewide office only had to obtain 15,000 signatures.
The increase in signature requirements was clearly meant to be an impossible hurdle. It was enacted by the New York State Assembly and signed into law by former Gov. Andrew Cuomo in late 2021. Other parties, including the Libertarians, Green Party, and Serve America Movement were all thrown off the ballot, despite receiving over a quarter-million votes in the past. Similar extreme attacks on the openness of the U.S. electoral system have now become common practice across the entire country.

Sare’s Campaign volunteers report that many of the people they meet were not even aware that Schumer is running for his own seat. However, his stealth campaign is not the only thing Schumer is doing to suppress his opponents. More significantly, he has voted to allocate funding for the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), which as regular readers of EIR know, has placed over 90 individuals from all around the world on what is seen by many as a kill-list to silence dissidents of the war propaganda.
One of these experts, whom Sare has collaborated with many times in the past couple of months, Scott Ritter, a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN Weapons Inspector, stated in his Aug. 31, 2022 article, “The Death List,” published in Consortium News:
At the time, I cautioned that the use of such inflammatory language meant that the “blacklist” could be turned into a “kill list” simply by having a fanatic decide to take justice into his or her own hands. Given that the U.S. government funded the creation of this list, organized the meeting where it was presented to the world and gave an implicit stamp of approval to the list and its accompanying labeling through the attendance of U.S. government officials, these fanatics don’t have to be foreign sourced. Plenty of people in the U.S. adhere to the same hate-filled ideology that exists in Ukraine today and which gave birth to the “blacklist.”
The Unbeatable Power of Truthfulness
Diane Sare has been included on the list, purportedly because she said that sending more and more weapons to Ukraine was an insane policy which could lead to nuclear war. Sare’s willingness to speak the truth, and to recruit Americans from all walks of life to fight with her, has generated interviews abroad—recently in Italy on Database Italia Blog TV, South Africa’s LN24 SA, and Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen TV nightly news program—on the danger of thermonuclear war and the threat which the hit-list represents to those actually exposing the reality of the war and fighting for policies which include a new, just world economic order where all nations are sovereign, developed, and equally represented.
Campaign organizers report that the purpose of her rally on Oct. 6 was to expose the war threat and the censorship being faced by people of courage and integrity who are now standing up to this threat. Signs and banners included, “Why is Schumer Supporting Nazis in Ukraine?” Many driving and walking by stopped to take pictures of the signs, and some felt compelled to stop and engage in extensive, profound discussions with the campaign volunteers. The volunteers were distributing two leaflets: “Is the Suppression of LaRouche Candidate Diane Sare a Prelude to Nuclear War?” and “Stop the City of London’s and Wall Street’s Fascist Coup; Russia, China, India and the Farmers and Truckers of the World Are Your Allies.”
Sare took to the loudspeaker, addressing why she was running: the CCD/Myrotvorets hit list, the U.S./NATO backing of neo-Nazi and fascist thugs in Ukraine, and the infeasibility and absurdity of Russia destroying their own pipelines. She hammered at the fact that tens of billions of dollars have been provided to Ukraine in arms and weapons to hopelessly fight off Russia, while people are suffering right now in Puerto Rico, where there is no running water or electricity, or in Florida, where people are still recovering from Hurricane Ian. A 9-minute clip was live streamed on Facebook, and as of this moment has been viewed over 10,000 times.
Danette Rivera, who emerged as a leader of her community after the devastation wrought by the floods in Queens during the September 2021 Hurricane Ida, which killed 13 people in New York City, joined Sare to address her fellow New Yorkers. Many of the victims were trapped in flooded basement apartments. Much of the damage has still not been repaired. Rivera’s story caused many to stop and listen.
The process which defined Sare’s petitioning campaign from April to May, rather than dissipating, is now growing. Within the next four weeks, Sare and her supporters and followers are poised to escalate and deliver a coup de grâce to Schumer’s political career and to his bankrupt predatory Wall Street and City of London backers.
Sare, speaking on October 6 at EIR’s press availability (covered elsewhere in this issue), said that most European and American leaders remind her of the man who jumps off a 100-story building. Though the man might think things are moving along just fine as he accelerates downward to the ground, he will meet a place he did not originally intend when he started—his death. That is the situation the world finds itself in now, Sare stated, and the world will only find a way out of that crisis if individual people choose to take humanity in another direction—one which is determined by natural law, instead of the lawless, “survival of the fittest” geopolitics which currently shapes relations among nations today.
We see the oncoming nemesis-like destruction of what former CIA analyst Ray McGovern calls the MICIMATT (the Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank Complex). As the universe is governed by natural law, the developments in this U.S. election campaign are certainly a sign of sanity in an otherwise horrendous display of callousness and outright suicidal support for the worst neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine coming from people who should know better.