This article appears in the December 2, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Schiller Institute
Third Seminar of Political and Social Leaders of the World
Stop the Danger of Nuclear War Now
November 22, 2022
Panel 1
Stopping the Doomsday Clock: The Common Good of the One Humanity
An International Chorus for Peace, Peace Vigils in Denmark; Wiesbaden and Dresden, Germany; Mexico City, Mexico; Boston and Quincy, MA, U.S.; New York, NY, U.S.: Dona Nobis Pacem
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (U.S.), video excerpt from LaRouche’s famous “Storm Over Asia,” 1999 video: “A Westphalian Approach”
Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder, the Schiller Institute: Keynote Address, “Principles of a New Security and Development Architecture”
Congressman Benjamín Robles Montoya (Mexico), Federal Congressman: “Appeal to Current and Former Legislators of the World: We Must Act Now To Stop the Danger of Nuclear War”
Col. Richard H. Black (ret.) (U.S.), Former Virginia State Senator: “The Danger of Nuclear War After the U.S. Midterm Elections”
Steven Starr (U.S.), Retired Director, University of Missouri’s Clinical Laboratory Science Program; preeminent expert on nuclear war: “What Would Happen if a Nuclear War Started in the Black Sea?”
Karl Krökel (Germany), Small business leader, founder, Craftsmen for Peace: “The Role of Artisans for Understanding Among Peoples”
Sister Ortrud Fürst (Germany), Dominican Missionary Sisters: “Thoughts on Current World Affairs”
Dr. Andreas Uhlig (Germany), Organizer, Citizens’ Initiative Peace Negotiations NOW, Dresden: “Peace Negotiations NOW”
Scott Ritter (U.S.), Former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, former Marine Corps intelligence: “Germany’s Policies Can Only Lead to War with Russia”
Patrick Kindt (France), Mayor of Chidrac and Patrick Gombault (France), Mayor of Viâpres-le-Petit: “French Mayors Support for the Stralsund Call for Peace”
Judge Antonio Ingroia (Italy), Former anti-mafia judge in Sicily, candidate for Prime Minister: “Italy and Europe Are on the Front Line in the Danger of a Nuclear War”
Julio De Vido (Argentina), Former Minister, Federal Planning, Services and Public Investment, former member, Chamber of Deputies: “The Necessary Conditions for the Development of the Third World”
Paul Cannabrava Filho (Brazil), Journalist, editor, Diálogos do Sul: “Brazil and the Battle for an Expanded BRICS”
Alberto Quintanilla Chacón (Peru), Former Congressman: “The End of Globalization and the Emergence of the BRICS”
Pedro Páez (Ecuador), Former Minister, Economic Policy: Greeting
Q&A Discussion
Panel 2
Peace Through Development
Diane Sare (U.S.), 2024 candidate for U.S. Senate from New York: “America’s Voice in the Emerging New Global Architecture of Peace Through Development”
María de los Ángeles Huerta (Mexico), Former Congresswoman: “The Role of the Media in Creating a World Movement for Peace and Development”
Donald Ramotar (Guyana), Former President, former Member of Parliament
Jorge Robledo (Colombia), Former Senator: “The Only Positive Thing about This War Is for It To End”
Juan Pari (Peru), Former Congressman: “The Energy Crisis and the Ukraine-Russia War”
Mike Eby (U.S.), Dairy farmer, Chairman, National Dairy Producers Organization, Executive Director, Organization for Competitive Markets, VP, Pennsylvania Farmers Union: “Monopsony—the Other Silent Killer”
Dr. Rodolfo Ondarza (Mexico), Former Representative, Mexico City Legislative Assembly: “Bacteriological Warfare and the Need for a Global Health System”
George Koo (U.S.), Retired international business advisor: “The Prospects for U.S. China Economic Cooperation”
Nick Brana (U.S.), National Chairman, People’s Party: “Citizens Action To Demand Congress Stop Funding the War”
Tony Magliano (U.S.), Internationally syndicated Catholic Social Justice and Peace Columnist: “Compelling Catholic Church Reflections on Peace and Nuclear Disarmament”
Dr. Kirk Meighoo (Trinidad and Tobago), Former Senator: “Reviving the Bandung Spirit of the Non-Aligned”
Q&A Discussion