This article appears in the December 16, 2022 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Science & Technology Briefs
Former Lead Author of IPCC Report: CO2 Is Very Good for Living Things
President Joe Biden told the UN General Assembly, Sept. 21: “In April, I announced the ambitious new goal under the Paris Agreement to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 50-52% below 2005 levels by 2030, as we work toward achieving a clean-energy economy with net-zero emissions by 2050.”
But in a July 21 interview in the Italian daily La Verità, Prof. Richard Lindzen—a former professor of meteorology at MIT with a degree in physics from Harvard, and lead author of the 2001 Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change—said that that institution, the IPCC, does not listen to scientists but to politicians:
“IPCC opinions are largely the product of government members of that committee and not the product of its scientific component. The latter has a minor role in drafting the summaries that are then distributed to the media and to politicians.”
Lindzen is a member of the CO2 Coalition, which “is engaged in educating the public on the importance of CO2 for life. Reducing CO2 by 60% would mean the death of animal life by starvation. The idea that CO2 is the leverage for controlling the climate system, a highly complex system, is almost absurd,” says Lindzen.
“Independently from what one believes on climate behavior, there is no basis to consider the CO2 increase as an existential threat. However, if a political movement succeeds in convincing the people that we are facing an existential threat, they hope to achieve unlimited power, including power in the crucial energy sector. This power allows a few individuals to make a lot of money, creating many difficulties for the common people.”
Avian Flu Epidemic Demonstrates Need for Global Health Cooperation
As of Nov. 28, 52.4 million chickens and turkeys have died of avian influenza, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making it the deadliest such epidemic in history. Avian flu has been spreading in Europe concurrently.
Dr. John Brownstein is a Canadian epidemiologist and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, as well as Chief Innovation Officer at Boston Children’s Hospital. In a Nov. 28 story ABC News quotes him on the urgency of restoring international cooperation in researching and overcoming infectious diseases:
“The [Avian Flu] is something we’ve been monitoring for two decades now…. Because this virus is so contagious, drastic measures have to be put into place … [resulting] in the death of millions of birds.” He added, “The risk to humans is low, but at the same time, unprotected contact with birds that look sick can pose a risk…. An additional layer is when you have this much virus spread, there’s opportunities for mutation and this is where there’s an opportunity for a version of this virus that could actually have deeper impact in the human population as well.”
It is believed that the outbreak began with wild birds. This strain, now defined as “highly pathogenic,” first appeared in the U.S. in 2016, when it showed up in the Carolinas. It is now in over 45 states, with Maryland the latest.
Nobel Prize in Physics Goes to Quantum Entanglement Scientists
Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zellinger have jointly won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on quantum entanglement, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced Oct. 4.
“Quantum entanglement” refers to a state in which particles that are of common origin, or interact, or just share the same space, form a system such that their properties are interdependent, even if the particles then become widely separated in space. In the creation of two anti-particles from a zero-spin condition, the two new particles will have opposite spins. Or, two gamma particles, created by the matter-antimatter annihilation of an electron and a positron, will have related polarizations. These are “entangled” particles that do not have purely individual characteristics, but rather exist in a state inseparable from that of the system as a whole. Despite vast spatial separation among particles, an interaction with one particle appears to affect the entire system instantaneously (faster than the speed of light), in violation of Einstein’s theory of relativity.
This field of inquiry does, in fact, go back to the time of Einstein and the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) thought experiment spelled out in the paper they co-authored in Physical Review in 1935, “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete?” Einstein did not accept what he called “spooky action at a distance.” He asked whether, instead, there were hidden variables controlling the system, making action at a distance unnecessary.
Irish physicist John Bell, a supporter of Einstein, developed, in potential, an experimental conception that could determine whether a hidden variable theory—such as that developed by David Bohm in 1952—were possible.
The experimental results achieved by the three 2022 Nobel Prize winners showed that, according to Bell’s criteria, hidden variables are not involved. Watch their lecture on the developments leading to their discovery here.
Nicolaus of Cusa had addressed measurements of parts of a whole in the 15th Century. In his dialogue, “The Layman on Mind,” he wrote the following:
“Philosopher: If magnitude [requires] a distinguishing of the entirety from all else, then nothing is known unless all things are known.”
“Layman: You speak the truth. A part is not known unless the whole is known, for the whole measures the part. For example, when hewing out a spoon part-by-part from wood, I look unto the whole in shaping the part—[look thereunto] in order to produce a well-proportioned spoon. Thus, the whole spoon, which I have conceived in my mind, is the exemplar to which I look when I fashion a part. I can produce a complete spoon when each part retains its proportion in ordered relation to the whole. Likewise, when one part [of a thing] is united with another part, it ought to bear an ordered relation to the entirety. Hence, with regard to the knowledge of an individual thing, a knowledge of its whole and parts will have to precede. Therefore, if God, who is the Exemplar of all-encompassing unity, is unknown, then nothing is known of all-encompassing unity; and if the all-encompassing unity is unknown, then it is evident that nothing can be known of its parts. Thus, a knowledge of God and of all things precedes a knowledge of any given thing.”
Elite’s ‘Green’ Highway Robbery Is Ruining and Shortening Our Lives
Jeff Currie, a Goldman Sachs economist, wrote this entry on the “Watts Up With That” website on Oct. 25:
“As of January of this year, fossil fuels represented 81% of overall energy consumption. Ten years ago, they were at 82%. This, after $3.8 trillion of investment in renewables.”
In other words, that “investment” (his term) was wasted with respect to the nominal goal.
From the LaRouche standpoint, it’s much worse: The $3.8 trillion invested into so-called “green” capital goods, was not merely “without progress.” Since it was not investment in the technological frontiers of the physical economy, if we apply the “JFK moonshot payoff” standard, where every dollar invested yielded $10+ of payoff, we the people lost $38 trillion! That $38 trillion should have translated into better housing, better health care, food, and education. We might have ended homelessness, reduced the high suicide rate among young people, and increased our longevity, whereas between 2019 and 2021, U.S. life expectancy dropped from 78.8 to 76.1—to a shameful 54th place in the world, even behind our unjustly sanctioned neighbor, Cuba!
The “10 to 1” comparison is itself, however, not only an underestimate, but an incommensurable relationship, since the investment in space technology that had never before existed, generated a “multiplier yield” (return) in the form physical capabilities and potential that had also not previously existed. And what about the cultural transformation this would also have produced, and its effect on the productive process, including “quantitative effects”? How do we quantify the symphonies, portraiture, and medical breakthroughs not produced—including the ones that may have increased the productive potential of the living and saved the lives of many who died and are still perishing from the ongoing pandemic, for example?
In China, World’s First Electromagnetic Propulsion Test Facility
As reported Oct. 20 by Global Times, the world’s first electromagnetically driven super-speed propulsion experimental facility is now operational. The new facility, in the Jinan Innovation Zone of Shandong Province, China, can accelerate objects of one ton up to 1,030 km/h. The length of the launcher is not stated by Global Times. Unlike other super-speed test facilities, it uses state-of-the-art electromagnetic propulsion technology, enabling more precise and sensitive measurements than standard rocket-driven technology.
The test facility will contribute to the development of fighter jet catapults, maglev trains, and space-launch technology. It will test aerodynamics, high-strength materials, and sensors in super-speed conditions.