This article appears in the January 5, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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Palestinian Christians from Bethlehem
Visit the White House:
Stop the War!
Dec. 31—A Christian delegation from the biblical city of Bethlehem personally delivered a letter to the White House Nov. 28, appealing to President Joe Biden to stop the war. They also met Congressmen and U.S. government officials. As of the end of December, their appeal stands ignored. The letter was signed by six Bethlehem Christian leaders, including the three who came to Washington, D.C. in person: Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, Pastor of The Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church; Rev. Dr. Jack Sara, President of the Bethlehem Bible College; and Tamar Haddad, leader of Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP). These are excerpts from their Nov. 17 letter, the full text of which is in a press release, from the CMEP.
We write to you in deep sorrow and pain. We are devastated by the images of death and destruction we see in our land, regardless of the victim. We lament the death of all peoples, Palestinians and Israelis. We pray for freedom for all. We affirm that every human being is created in the image of God and is worthy of living a dignified life and “a life more abundant.” We hold firm to the truth that all humans, regardless of their religion or nationality, have the right to live in dignity and justice. We lament the death of all peoples and condemn the killing of all innocent civilians. We pray for peace and prosperity for all.
Yet at the same time, we are broken because this war could have been avoided. For years, as followers of Jesus, we have called for peace that is based on justice. This land has been crying for peace and justice for 75 years. It is time justice is served….
Dear Mr. President: There can be no peace and security without justice and equality. There can be no peace and security without equal rights for all. Siege, violence, and war cannot bring peace and security. A comprehensive and just peace is the only hope for Palestinians and Israelis alike.
We are writing to plead with you to help stop this war. God has placed political leaders in a position of power so that they can bring justice, support those who suffer, and be instruments of God’s peace. We want a constant and comprehensive ceasefire. Enough death. Enough destruction. This is a moral obligation. There must be other ways. This is our call and prayer this Christmas….