This article appears in the January 19, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
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U.S. Farm and Ranch Leaders’ Message to Germany: Let the Tractors Roll!
Jan. 13—The following open message of support was sent by U.S. farm and ranch leaders to German farmers and their allies during their Jan. 8–15 Week of Action.
We U.S. farmers and ranchers send our support and admiration to German farmers and their co-demonstrators—truck drivers, railroad workers, and all in the food chain—who are holding the Jan. 8–15 Week of Action in Germany. You have the guts and courage to defend the right to produce food, and demand a productive economy for all citizens. You are an inspiration and example to all farmers throughout the world, to activate and fight.
The German farmer rallies, with thousands of tractors so far this Winter, from Berlin to Stuttgart, have put you on the front lines defending all humanity. The planned Jan. 15 Berlin mass rally is a world-important event. We have seen tens of thousands of farmers in Europe hit the streets in recent years because of the emergency; now is the breaking point.
Farmers all over the world are facing manipulation by the agro-financial-complex of commodity conglomerates, controlled by London, Wall Street, Chicago, Amsterdam, and other commodity financial centers. It is destroying family farming, reducing food production, driving up food prices, and perpetuating hunger. This globalist mechanism creates conditions for depopulation.
The German government is knowingly ruining family farm food production by hiking the diesel price, banning certain agro-inputs, taxing farm machinery, and other moves.
Farmers the world over are now standing up to this. We commit our support to defeat these enemies of humanity in 2024. We can work together to bring about development and peace for all, and total food security.
Let the tractors roll! We are alongside you in the cabs and on the streets!
Signators, as of Jan. 9:
Jon Baker, Harper, Iowa. Cattle and Grain Farmer; Agricultural Bank Vice President and Loan Officer; Vice President, Iowa Stockgrowers Association
Robert “Bob” Baker, Leesburg, Virginia. Former Grain and Livestock Producer; Former Agricultural Bank Loan Officer; Director, Schiller Institute Agricultural Commission
James Benham, Versailles, Indiana. Former State President, Indiana Farmers Union; National Board Member, National Farmers Union
Bill Bullard, Billings, Montana. Chief Executive Officer, R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America)
Mike Callicrate, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Cattleman; President and Founder, Ranch Foods Direct
Frank Endres, Corning, California. Wheat and Cattle Rancher; National Board Member, National Farmers Organization (NFO) and R-CALF USA
Dr. Taylor Haynes, Laramie, Wyoming. Rancher; President of the Board of Directors, Organization for Competitive Markets
Angela Huffman, Wharton, Ohio. Sheep Farmer; President, Farm Action
Tracy Hunt, Newcastle, Wyoming. Cattle Rancher; Farm Leader; Attorney (retired)
Wilbur Kehrli, Manchester, Iowa. Cattle, Pigs and Grain Farmer; Retired, Board of Directors, American Blue Cattle Association
Bill Kluck, Mud Butte, South Dakota. Sheep and Cattle Rancher; Chairman, Sheep Committee, R-CALF USA; Board of Directors, South Dakota Stockgrowers Association
Vaughn Meyer, Reva, South Dakota. Cattle Rancher; Former President, South Dakota Stockgrowers Association; Former President, Organization for Competitive Markets
Eric Nelson, Moville, Iowa. Farm/Feeder and Rancher; Vice President, R-CALF USA and Director, Region VII (Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin)
Andrew Olson, Windom, Minnesota. Grain Producer, Farm Leader; Chairman, Minnesota Schiller Institute Agricultural Commission
Mike Schultz, Brewster, Kansas. Rancher and Farmer; Vice-President, Organization for Competitive Markets
Randy Sowers, Middletown, Maryland. Dairy and Grain Farmer; Founder, South Mountain Creamery
Matthew Steele, Manhattan, Kansas. Executive Director, Kansas Cattlemen’s Association
Herman Steffen, Detour, Maryland. Beef Cattle and Grain Farmer; Farm Leader
Mike Weaver, Franklin, West Virginia. Member, Board of Directors and former President, Contract Poultry Growers Association of the Virginias
Charles White, Fowlerville, Michigan. Dairy and Grain Farmer; Farm Leader
Tork Whisler and Sawyer Whisler, Washington, Iowa. Grain and Pork Producers; Farm Leaders; Founders of Barn Talk (on YouTube)
Ron Wieczorek, Mitchell, South Dakota. Rancher and Farm Leader; Former Candidate for U.S. Congress; Chairman, South Dakota Schiller Institute Agricultural Commission