This article appears in the April 5, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
[Print version of this article]
Salute to the Farmers and Ranchers of Mexico,
Our Comrades in Common Purpose
March 26—The following message of support and policy, signed by the 22 U.S. farm leaders from 14 states, whose names follow, was read in Spanish translation to farmers meeting at their conference in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, March 15, to discuss how to overcome the extreme crisis they, too, face today.
We farmers and ranchers in the U.S. salute you in Mexico. We greet your organization, the “National Front To Save the Mexican Countryside,” and its deliberations at your March 15 conference. We respect and value your guts and courage in our common fight to save independent family farming, and independent national economies everywhere.
Our common enemy is the monopolistic complex of global banks, and transnational corporations. They impose a below-cost-of-production trade policy. They prevent a parity-oriented price policy, which would maintain the farm producer sector in each of our countries, and in nations around the world. They are stealing the “family farm” culture out of agri-culture.
The same agro-financial complex has prevented infrastructure construction in North America, to serve our common interest in necessary improvements, especially water systems—dams, canals, irrigation, desalination, flood control. They block high-tech power, transportation, health care and thousands of other projects.
Now is the time to stop this destruction. Re-control trade. Build infrastructure and set the agenda for a new economic system worldwide serving productive forces—from farmer producers to manufacturing, not globalist, speculator predators.
Our fellow ranchers and farmers are on the streets in Europe, and in India. There were hundreds of farm demonstrations in the Americas in 2023. We fight here in the U.S., and we encourage and support our brother farmers, ranchers, and all food producers in Mexico.
In this spirit, we send our support to your conference, “Let’s Recover a Sovereign Policy in Food Production.” We stand with you and look forward to working together to get the job done.
Robert “Bob” Baker, Leesburg, Virginia; Former Grain and Livestock Producer; Director of Schiller Institute Agricultural Commission
Jon Baker, Harper, Iowa; Cattle and Grain Farmer; Agricultural Bank Vice President and Loan Officer; Vice President of the Iowa Stockgrowers Association
James Benham, Versailles, Indiana; Former State President of the Indiana Farmers Union; National Board Member of the National Farmers Union
Bill Bullard, Billings, Montana; Chief Executive Officer, R-CALF USA (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund United Stockgrowers of America)
Mike Callicrate, Colorado Springs, Colorado; Cattleman; President and Founder, Ranch Foods Direct
Angel Cushing, Allen, Kansas; Goat Farmer; Independent Farm Activist against the Green New Deal / 30×30 land grab
Frank Endres, Corning, California; Wheat and Cattle Rancher; National Board Member of National Farmers Organization (NFO) and of R-CALF USA
Taylor H. Haynes, M.D., Laramie, Wyoming; Rancher; President, and member of the Board of Directors, Organization for Competitive Markets
Angela Huffman, Wharton, Ohio; Sheep Farmer; President of Farm Action
Wilbur Kehrli, Manchester, Iowa; Cattle, Pigs and Grain Farmer; Board of Directors of American Blue Cattle Association, retired
Bill Kluck, Mud Butte, South Dakota; Sheep and Cattle Rancher; Chairman of Sheep Committee, R-CALF USA; on Board of Directors of South Dakota Stockgrowers Association
Vaughn Meyer, Reva, South Dakota; Cattle Rancher; Former President of the South Dakota Stockgrowers Association; Former President of the Organization for Competitive Markets
James Moore, Alaska; Fisherman, Past Chairman of the Alaska Trollers Association
Eric Nelson, Moville, Iowa; Farm/Feeder and Rancher; Vice President R-CALF USA, and Director, Region VII (Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin)
Andrew Olson, Windom, Minnesota; Grain Producer; Farm Leader and Chairman of the Minnesota Schiller Institute Agricultural Commission
Mike Schultz, Brewster, Kansas; Rancher and Farmer; Vice-President of Organization for Competitive Markets
Randy Sowers, Middletown, Maryland; Dairy Farmer, independent creamery owner
Matthew Steele, Manhattan, Kansas; Executive Director of the Kansas Cattlemen’s Association
Herman Steffen, Detour, Maryland; Beef Cattle and Grain Farmer; Farm Leader
Mike Weaver, Franklin, West Virginia; Board of Directors, and former President of Contract Poultry Growers Association of the Virginias
Charles White, Fowlerville, Michigan; Dairy and Grain Farmer
Ron Wieczorek, Mitchell, South Dakota; Rancher and Farm Leader; Former Candidate for U.S. Congress; Chairman of the South Dakota Schiller Institute Agricultural Commission