This article appears in the May 3, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
International Peace Coalition Meeting
British Liberal Empiricism Must Be Defeated
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Think of the one humanity, and make that a rule of everything you do.
April 26—The 47th consecutive online weekly meeting of the International Peace Coalition today opened with remarks by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche. She identified the three hot-spots which continue to be areas of escalation: the Ukraine war, the Israeli assault on Gaza, and efforts to provoke a China-Taiwan conflict. She called attention to the recently released statistics by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), which indicate that military spending reached an all-time high of $2.443 trillion over the past year.
Zepp-LaRouche pointed out the parallels to the rapid arms buildups that took place before each of the two World Wars of the 20th Century. European political leaders are blithely saying that war is inevitable. “Nobody talks about diplomacy,” she said. As part of the war fever, Germany has even established an annual Veterans Day—although the only German veterans are those who served in the war in Afghanistan—and she suggested that it were more appropriate to issue an apology to that ruined nation. She warned that the danger of a new world war is rapidly increasing, and “any little mistake ... any little surprise can trigger a catastrophe.”
As a person who knows China well, having made many visits to meet with political and scientific leaders, Zepp-LaRouche critiqued the recent diplomatic deployment by U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken. Blinken called out China for supplying Russia with “dual-use” technologies, part of his clumsy and obvious attempts to drive a wedge between the two Asian powers, and to suppress China’s spectacular industrial development.
Zepp-LaRouche cited recent comments by seasoned observers Chas Freeman, Alistair Crooke, and Scott Ritter, all of whom are making the point that Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel has demonstrated the vulnerabilities in Israel’s air-defense systems. On the U.S. domestic front, Zepp-LaRouche charged that authorities in the U.S. are using anti-democratic methods against students who are protesting the genocide in Gaza. “If you are suppressing free speech in this way, it is not a sign of strength,” she said, “it is an admission of guilt.”
George Koo, a retired business consultant specializing in U.S.-China trade, and the Chairman of the Burlingame Foundation, followed Zepp-LaRouche. A frequent participant in International Peace Coalition deliberations, Koo offered an assessment of U.S.-China relations, in the wake of the Blinken follies: “It seems that the Biden administration is a one-trick pony with respect to international relations: speak very loudly and carry a big stick.” China sent a low-level functionary to meet Blinken when he arrived in the country, demonstrating their lack of enthusiasm for his approach to diplomacy. Koo said that he is skeptical of the possibility of nuclear war; he is convinced that the people in the Pentagon are very aware of China’s capabilities. The people of Taiwan are not willing to be proxies in a war. If there were a real fire-fight, Koo continued, he doesn’t believe that the Chinese will fire on civilians. They will target U.S. warships.
Jason Ross, representing The LaRouche Organization, reported on his recent interview with Kevork Almassian on the “Syriana Analysis” YouTube program, which focused on the unique conceptions that underlie the “Oasis Plan,” a plan Lyndon LaRouche had first proposed in 1975 for peace between Israel and its neighbors. Ross told the meeting that the chronic problem which leads to conflict in Southwest Asia, is that there is not enough water. To address this problem, water infrastructure and desalination are priorities. He described two methods of desalination, one using heat distillation, and the other using reverse osmosis, pumping water through a filter to remove dissolved solids. Since desalination is energy-intensive, water becomes an energy problem in the modern world. Ross indicated the great value of nuclear energy for heating and pumping water, especially in nations not rich in hydrocarbons.
In the spirit of the Oasis Plan, Ross called for Southwest Asia to become a region of integration for humanity. He urged peace demonstrators, when taking actions to call out the U.S. carte blanche support for the murderous Netanyahu regime, to incorporate a vision of where the region ought to go: replace the paradigm of conflict, because any temporary victory will not be sustained.
Following Ross’ comments, a short video with excerpts from the Schiller Institute’s April 13–14 conference on the Oasis Plan was shown.
During the discussion period, co-moderator Dennis Speed observed that 35 American college campuses are now experiencing “various levels of revolt and resistance.” In an unprecedented action, House Speaker Mike Johnson went to Columbia University and called for the resignation of the university president. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu arrogantly intervened into U.S. internal politics by calling for the suppression of campus protests. The tactic of accusing protestors of anti-Semitism is falling flat, however, particularly because the catalytic role of organizations such as Jewish Voice for Peace in the protests have rendered the anti-Semitic charge ludicrous on its face.
Jacques Cheminade, President of Solidarité et Progrès, reported on the situation in France, where more than 50% of the population thinks that President Macron is talking nonsense. Macron endorsed the German “sky shield” initiative, which would lead to the integration of European air defenses and would mean de facto acceptance of NATO rule over Europe.
A report came in from a participant in the Freedom Flotilla, which is preparing to leave Türkiye with 5,500 tons of food and medical supplies for Gaza. It was scheduled to sail for Gaza today, but there is a delay because its largest vessel sails under the flag of Guinea-Bissau, and Israel is pressuring that nation’s government to withdraw its flag. The organizers have asked peace activists to contact their governments, and Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated that we need a major mobilization to get the flotilla through. CodePink founder Medea Benjamin, another participant in the Flotilla, has prepared a video with instructions on how to help.
Mike Billington, one of the editors of the Executive Intelligence Review, reported that Zwelivelile “Mandla” Mandela, grandson of Nelson Mandela, has also joined the flotilla team. Mandela emphasized that his grandfather was always highly engaged with the Palestinians’ struggle, which he called the greatest moral issue of our time. He recounted how San Francisco dockworkers launched an international movement by refusing to load goods for South Africa in the time of the apartheid government, and that now we need a similar approach for Israel.
A graduate student in American economic history participating for the first time in the IPC, asked whether our elected officials are compromised by foreign money, and if so, what can we do? Dennis Small, one of the co-moderators, responded, yes—“but the worst form of colonization of the U.S. is through ‘British liberal empiricist’ modes of thinking, spread particularly in academia. Americans have been conditioned to view the world through the lens of geopolitics, the ‘law of the jungle.’ One remedy for that outlook is the Ten Principles for a New Strategic and Development Architecture. The 10th point of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Ten Principles, the one that asserts that man is essentially good, ‘drives people crazy’ because it contradicts the British Malthusian ideological assertion that you have to gain by destroying somebody else.”
In her concluding remarks, Zepp-LaRouche commented with a smile that we must “have the fight to unify the peace movement, even though some people just faint when they hear my name.” She reminded the participants of our historical antecedents, such as the authors of the Peace of Westphalia, where leaders came to realize that no one can enjoy a victory if everyone is dead, and “this is even more true in the age of nuclear weapons…. Think of the one humanity, and make that a rule of everything you do.”