This article appears in the November 29, 2024 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
International Peace Coalition
When Facing Two Options for Human Annihilation, Create a Third for Peace
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Nov. 22—The 77th consecutive weekly meeting of the International Peace Coalition (IPC) began with comments from Schiller Institute leader and IPC co-moderator Dennis Speed, who characterized the period between the United States Presidential election and the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump as the “most dangerous transition in U.S. history.” It is unclear who is in charge of the U.S. at this moment. The functions of government are “being jeopardized by a shadow structure.” Speed presented video footage of a hapless President Joe Biden wandering cluelessly at the recent G20 conference, noting that Biden was mocked by the international press, dubbing Biden the “ostensible President of the United States.” The surprise Russian deployment of the intermediate range ballistic missile “Oreshnik” in response to the NATO launch of missiles into Russian territory is of utmost significance. We need to “focus on the future, not merely stopping a conflict.”
Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter followed Speed, warning that we are closer than ever to the use of nuclear weapons. “If Russia assiduously adhered to its nuclear doctrine, they would be ready to use nuclear weapons today,” he said. Russia has responded to the foolish missile attacks by the U.S. and Ukraine by employing a new missile system, and World War III could be triggered by “one stupid error.” It is extremely dangerous to offer an adversary a choice between either total capitulation or nuclear war. We need to create a third option, and get the President-elect to become actively engaged in calling out the Biden administration. Ritter announced that he was planning to initiate a process of large demonstrations in Washington, D.C. and internationally, to begin in December, to reverse this looming threat to all of humanity.
Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), thanked Ritter for warning us of “imminent dangers… that are truly unique in the history of our nation.” He congratulated the Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland, Simon Harris, for pledging to honor the International Criminal Court arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, issued after the court had found ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe that the Israeli officials were responsible for starvation in Gaza. “The Irish know what forced starvation is,” McGovern said. He went on to ask whether U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan had authorized the missile strikes into Russia without the knowledge of the U.S. Defense Department. He recalled earlier brushes with nuclear disaster, such as the Russian downing of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983 after it strayed into their airspace and was mistaken for a spy plane, or the “Able Archer” NATO exercise later that same year, which Russia thought was an actual preemptive nuclear attack. To prevent more flirtations with disaster, he said, “We need to get American citizens to act as if they lived in a democracy.”
Steven Starr, the former director of University of Missouri Clinical Laboratory Science, warned that following the NATO missile attacks, Russia regards itself now as being at war with the U.S. and UK. He shared a video of Col. (ret.) Douglas Macgregor saying Russia is at “the highest level of readiness they have ever achieved” in preparation for nuclear war. If Ukraine is foolish enough to attack the Kursk nuclear power plant, Starr said, it could start this war. He reviewed some of the new Russian weapon systems, such as unmanned, nuclear-armed drone submarines, and reminded participants of the fatal effects of nuclear winter. He noted with approval that international law expert Prof. Francis Boyle has written up articles of impeachment for Biden.
Ritter, in response, said he wanted to applaud Starr for laying out the danger of “the imminent demise of mankind,” adding that “people should be changing their underwear in fear.” He discussed in great detail some of the technical aspects of the newly deployed Russian missile, warning that Russian President Vladimir Putin just put us on notice that he has a weapon that can overcome any weapon system in the West.
Ray McGovern then intervened to remind the participants that it was Trump who ended the vitally important INF Treaty during his first term.
‘Some People with Nefarious Goals’
Larry Johnson, retired CIA analyst, referred to the recent indictment of Farhad Shakeri for a plot to assassinate Trump, saying that this was a set-up by the FBI as part of an effort to try to create a pretext for war with Iran. There are people at DOD, CIA, FBI and DOJ who have been involved in “active subversion” for years. They recognize that when Trump comes in, there is a potential for an accountability that will put many of them at risk, and they are therefore willing to engage in nefarious activities to stop that.
Johnson was asked by co-moderator Speed about a “shadow government” attempting to manipulate our government in this period. Johnson described the scheme launched in 2015 by former CIA Director John Brennan, who had set up a task force to gather intelligence on presidential candidates. It involved active collaboration between the FBI, CIA, NSA, and foreign intelligence services from the British-dominated “Five Eyes” grouping (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and U.S.), to prevent dialogue between Trump and Russia. These people have no interest in freedom, democracy, or human rights; they are interested in money and power. “Putin represents an existential threat to the West, from the standpoint that he has destroyed their ability to control and manipulate other countries.” Former U.S. President Barack Obama is “an important tool in that.”
Co-moderator Dennis Small returned to the topic of Scott Ritter’s “third option.” He cited a recent article in RT by Fyodor Lukyanov, editor-in-chief of Russia in Global Affairs, and Research Director of the Valdai Discussion Club, saying that we are entering a dangerous phase: “The final days of Democrat rule in Washington promise to be risky.”
Small added that the Biden administration has launched unprecedented financial warfare against India and Russia, along with the issuance of implicit threats against the BRICS, should they devise a system of payments that circumvents the dominance of the dollar. In response to a question during the discussion period, he said that the Anglo-American attack upon India represents a dangerous tendency to divide the world into two blocs. The policies of London and Washington lead toward “the division of the world into an unreconcilable split.” The alternative is Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s “Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture.”
From IPC Participants
Several peace initiatives emerged, notably:
• A broad social media campaign of international friendship, with #SayNoToNuclearWar, calling on people all over the world to speak out as the true voice for peace, and as the true voice of their nations.
• Calling all members of the Armed Services Committee in the Congress to assert their war-making power, and demand an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine.
An important contribution came in from Father Harry Bury, who was ordained a priest in 1955, and had chained himself to the U.S. Embassy gate in Saigon in 1971. He reminded participants that Christmastime is approaching, and that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph fled to Gaza City, then Egypt, as refugees from Herod. People should approach their pastors with LaRouche’s Oasis Plan. Ray McGovern added, “I would say that the role of the church in these matters now has been negligible,” and compared it to the passivity of churches during the first Holocaust by the Nazi regime. We must act with great non-violent force to resist now.