`Impeach Cheney First'
As we near the reopening of the Congress, and talk of "impeachment" becomes increasingly widespread throughout policy-making circles, there is one central strategic point which must be kept in mind: Dick "Beastman" Cheney must be the first to go.
Lyndon LaRouche and this magazine have been the leaders on this point since June 7, 2003, when LaRouche's Presidential campaign first issued a mass leaflet on the grounds for impeachment of the Vice-President. At that time, the Vice-President's malfeasance, and deliberate fraud, on the question of the Niger yellow-cake story had just been revealed by Congress, and it was clear that Cheney had committed an impeachable offense. The argument put forward in that leaflet still stands.
Cheney's crimes against the Constitution of the United States have only increased since then. With the "nuclear option" last spring, he sought to turn the U.S. Senate into a rubberstamp, in violation of the clear republican principles upon which our nation was founded. With his torture policy, he violated not only the spirit, but the letter of laws which had been passed by the Congress of the United States, committing our nation to the humane treatment of all military prisoners. Then, in the wake of an overwhelming vote in both Houses of Congress to specify the anti-torture policy of the U.S. military, Cheney put out the word that the Administration had no intention of following this legislation, but would ignore it as they saw fit.
Such a statement by Cheney is "impeachable" on its face, commented Lyndon LaRouche upon hearing this report.
What Cheney said in private, was this week broadcast in public, when President Bush signed the Defense Authorization bill that contained the McCain anti-torture amendment. In an in-your-face gesture that bespoke his sociopathic Vice-President, Bush declared that he was invoking the "principle" of the "unitary executive" relative to the Title pertaining to detainees, and would do what he thought he was entitled to do, as Commander-in-Chief.
Whether Bush was mentally capable of understanding what he was doing or not, Lyndon LaRouche said, he was carrying out a "treasonably impeachable" offense.
The reaction from leading Republican Senators to this action by the President was swift, as they restated their determination to carry out the oversight necessary to ensure that the intent of the Anti-Torture amendment was carried out. Senator Lindsey Graham was clearest, as he said, "I do not believe that any political figure in the country has the ability to set aside any law of armed conflict that we have adopted or treaties that we have ratified."
Under the influence of the Vice-President, President Bush has also continued to aggressively assert his ability to sidestep the law on the question of surveillance of American citizens. Once again, he is treading into "impeachable" territory, as has been pointed out by even such conservative Republican outlets as Barron's magazine, and former Reagan Administration cabinet official Paul Craig Robert. On Jan. 4, Democratic Senatorial leaders Harry Reid, Patrick Leahy, and John D. Rockefeller IV sent a letter to Bush urging a return to "bipartisan cooperation" on the Patriot Act, and expressing their concern about the lawfulness of the NSA surveillance program. In effect, that statement put Bush on notice, that he is facing possible consequences: impeachment.
If the President continues to step forward to carry out impeachable crimes, he will very likely reap the result. But a removal of the President which put Cheney into power, would be the height of stupidity, as well as bringing on catastrophe. Already, we see the enraged Cheney moving toward an accelerated war drive in the Southwest Asian region. While it is by no means clear that he will, or can, be successful, the danger must be recognized as acute.
There is ample evidence from recent town meetings, as well as other events, that the American population is getting the smell of the fascism which Cheney represents, and is ready to support impeachment. This mood must be transmitted to the Congress: Impeach Cheney first!