Global Fascism, or FDR
As in the wake of the Hoover Depression of 1929-1933, so today, Europe and the U.S.A. are menaced again by fascist threats, from without and within. Then, President Franklin Roosevelt saved the United States from a fascist takeover, and led the economic mobilization which enabled us to crush fascism in Europe. Today, the only visible and potent force for FDR-like policies is Lyndon LaRouche, and his associates, who lead the battle to reinstitute those policies in the United States, and Europe.
Through a critical leadership intervention by LaRouche and his youth movement, especially, in the Texas and Ohio primaries, in alliance with other patriotic forces, the potential for getting a U.S. Presidency that will embrace FDR has greatly increased. But this potential will only be realized with a vast escalation of the campaign to educate leaders worldwide in both the real dangers, and the real opportunities, of the present situation.
Don't let anyone deny the danger of fascism today! This is not an academic question for debate. Not only is the dire state of bankruptcy of the world financial system obviously driving leading financiers to demand fascist austerity and controls, but the Bloombergs, Rohatyns, and Shultz-Schwarzeneggers of this world are right out front, demanding Mussolini-style corporatist policies.
There could be no clearer example than Felix Rohatyn, the fascist banker who has led the drive within the Democratic Party to try to extirpate FDR's policies, specifically as they are put forward by LaRouche. Rohatyn "came out" again in February, in an interview with France's leading economic daily Les Echoes, calling for the creation of a new "global regulator, capable of imposing regulations and speaking with a single voice," to deal with what he called a "dangerous," "worrisome," and "frightening" deep financial crisis.
What would such a "global regulator" do? Rohatyn specifically compared the job to that which he personally carried out in New York City, through "Big MAC." In the 1970s, the Big MAC program ripped up democratic government in the city, and imposed a regime which devastated wages, services, and infrastructure, all in the interest of assuring "financial solvency" of the bankrupt banks. Such is the policy which Rohatyn, a godfather of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile, recommends now be carried out on a global scale.
Rohatyn did not shirk from spelling out his corporatist infrastructure scheme as well—the one that he shares with London's choice for U.S. dictator, Michael Bloomberg, and California "Governator" Arnold Schwarzenegger. While lyingly comparing his plan with FDR's New Deal, fascist Felix makes clear that his "domestic World Bank" would have the Federal government provide funds to the private sector for its projects—the classic modus operandi of Mussolini corporatism.
Why do Democrats in the United States tolerate this fascism? How is it possible that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is allowed to set up policy hearings featuring fascist Felix, without being run out of town? How can the banker who personally acted to shut down the U.S. auto industry in 2005, not to mention destroy New York City, be tolerated?
The answer can only be the weakness of those forces within the Democratic Party, and elsewhere, in fighting for the Franklin Roosevelt approach to rebuilding our nation, and the world monetary system as a whole. But the time for tolerating this weakness is running out. The window of opportunity is now—and, if action is not taken, it will close shut, potentially for generations to come.
There is every reason for optimism that the American people will respond to genuine leadership on behalf of an FDR program. The national momentum around LaRouche's Homeowners and Bank Protection Act is one indication of such a response. Another is the extraordinary turnouts in recent Presidential primaries, which demonstrate the acute attention which the electorate, including those in the lower 80% of income brackets, are paying to this crucial election. If LaRouche's economic program were taken up directly, this would increase even more.
Over the coming weeks, the LaRouche movement will put the choice starkly before the world: Mussolini, or FDR? How people respond will literally determine the future of the human race.