Destroy British Imperialism!
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"Russia, China, and India have taken a profound step in the past days, to respond directly, in a coordinated fashion, to the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy's war drive," Lyndon LaRouche recently commented. "Were the United States to join that effort, the Four Powers could defeat the British Empire once and for all, and humanity would owe a debt of gratitude for many generations to come."
LaRouche made this statement in the wake of the May 15-16 summit in Yekatarinburg, Russia, attended by the foreign ministers of Russia, India, and China. The commitments made at that meeting by the three major Eurasian powers, comprising one-third of the human race, to challenge the British push against national sovereignty, including in the case of the independence of Kosovo, clearly shifted the world strategic geometry. As of this writing, that shift has accelerated in a dramatic fashion, as the recent diplomacy by Russian President Dmitri Medvedev and Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee attest.
Mukherjee visited China on June 6, where he gave a highly significant speech at Beijing University. "India is ready to ensure peace and stability in Asia, and 'beyond,' by joining hands with China to evolve a new flexible security architecture," Mukerjee said. This should be an "open and inclusive" architecture, he added, which is flexible enough to accommodate the great diversity in Asia. To underscore the new openness in India's stance, Mukherjee also made a striking shift in his country's view of its long-standing boundary disputes with China. "We have to be patient on the border issue," he said. "China and India should work together on security issues in the region. Both of us have a common responsibility and a common interest in saving our border. We have gained experience to maintain peace and tranquility on our borders." In effect, experts note, Mukherjee adopted the formulations generally put forward by Beijing.
In line with the Yekatarinburg declaration, Mukherjee specified the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Forum, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as venues where the broad security issues of the region could be discussed.
Also on June 5, Russian President Medvedev, who had visited China ten days before, made a major diplomatic initiative for a European security conference and treaty, in order to "break the vicious circle of unilateral action and reaction" which has been typified by the issues of Kosovo independence, NATO expansion, and missile defense. The United States and Canada would also be invited to attend this conference, Medvedev said, in which each country would take part as an individual nation, not as a member of a bloc.
The speed and intensity of these anti-imperial developments reflect the speed and intensity of the global economic and institutional collapse. The window of opportunity is narrow indeed. And while the leaders of these Eurasian nations are not, in and of themselves, competent to formulate the alternative, there are significant forces in each country listening to the individual who has put the solutions on the table: Lyndon LaRouche.
There is one major question outstanding: Which direction will the United States go? If the U.S. sticks to its current course, and lets the British imperialists determine its policy, we are headed for international confrontation, and World War III.
But if leading U.S. patriots follow LaRouche's advice, dump British globalization policy, and link up with the governments of Russia, India, and China on their current anti-British imperial track, the prospects for fruitful collaboration to rebuild out of the current world disaster are as clear as day.
The appropriate image is that of Franklin Roosevelt's vision for a post World War II world—led by a partnership among the United States, Russia, and China, which would wipe out British and other colonialism and guarantee the Four Freedoms to all nations. Today, we add India, a great power in her own right, to this partnership, but the quality of the alliance is the same. It calls for a coalition of sovereign nation-states determined to act for the benefit of all mankind.
Build an FDR alliance! Destroy British imperialism!