One Year Later—But Still Not Too Late
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On July 22, almost exactly one year after his historic July 25, 2007 webcast, American statesman Lyndon LaRouche will take the stage in Washington, D.C. to give leadership to the American people, and world leaders, in the midst of the greatest financial breakdown crisis in centuries. In listening to LaRouche, as we hope you will, it were wise to recall, again, precisely what he said at that time.
First, with a stunning prescience, LaRouche declared that "the world monetary system is actually now currently in the process of disintegrating.... There is no possibility of a non-collapse of the present financial system—none! It's finished, now!... Only a fundamental and sudden change in the world monetary financial system will prevent a general, immediate chain-reaction type of collapse. At what speed we don't know, but it will go on, and it will be unstoppable!"
In fact, by the 3rd of August, the collapse of the world banking system, disguised as a crisis in the subprime housing market, broke onto the scene, with the collapse of two Bear Stearns hedge funds, and the IKB bank in Germany. And despite a public relations campaign which is desperately trying to convince the population to deny reality, that collapse has inexorably escalated to the present day. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are near bankruptcy, the auto industry is disappearing, the airline industry is disintegrating, home repossessions (and accompanying foreclosures) are proceeding at the same pace as in the worst days of the Great Depression.
Our national leaders should have listened to LaRouche.
For in that same webcast, LaRouche laid out precisely what could be done to stem this tumble into disaster. Again, we quote:
"Now, therefore, we have to put the dollar under a fixed-exchange-rate system again. And we have to start to rebuild what we've destroyed. We have to take what was being shut down, the auto industry—put these hedge funds out of business, foreclose them; they're all swindles anyway. Start to rebuild the infrastructure capacity, the high-tech infrastructure capacity.... Restore the growth of our agriculture."
On top of that, LaRouche released, within days, his Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, which calls for establishing a firewall of protection for homeowners and the banks, in order to stop millions from being put out on the street, and to save the banking system for legitimate operations. But, despite passage of memorials of support for the HBPA in more than 140 local jurisdictions since that time, Congress has still refused to act.
LaRouche did not only address the issue of the economy in that July 25, 2007 webcast. He also raised the alarm that Cheney might launch pre-emptive war against Iran—and called for the U.S. to immediately begin negotiations with Russia, India, and China for a new monetary system, as a pathway to recovery and peace. Over the course of the ensuing year, there has been significant motion by Russia, India, and China toward cooperation on pathways toward economic recovery, but the U.S. (Bush and Congress) has refused to move in this direction. And, outrageously, Vice President Cheney, freed by the Pelosi-run Congress of the danger of impeachment, remains in place, and is demonstrably committed to the British-spawned war plan against Iran.
Surely, these proposals will also resonate within the minds of U.S. and other policy-makers who are listening to LaRouche on July 22. But, will these policy-makers decide to act this time?
It is becoming increasingly difficult for anyone to deny that LaRouche has been uniquely correct in his forecast of financial and economic disintegration. His clear correctness on this point, also enhances his credibility when he points to the political source of the problem—the overwhelming influence of the Anglo-Dutch financial establishment and its operatives, like George Soros and Felix Rohatyn, on U.S. politics. How else, indeed, could the U.S. Presidential electoral process have ended up, for now, in pitting a vacuous Barack Obama, against the pro-war, pro-free trade John McCain?
Time is short for people to follow LaRouche's lead. We have only one month to the Democratic Convention—and perhaps even less to prevent total devastation from the systemic collapse, or a new war-attack. To devise a plan of action, we urge you to listen to LaRouche at 1:00 p.m. Eastern tiem on July 22, live at