George Soros and London's World War III
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On Aug. 9, Lyndon LaRouche denounced British agent George Soros, for his hand in the ongoing London-led efforts to trigger World War III in the Caucasus [see press release]. Soros is the financial and political godfather of both Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and the purported Democratic Party Presidential nominee, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). In the late hours of Aug. 7, as President Saakashvili completed a nationwide television address, claiming to seek a diplomatic solution to the crisis in the autonomous region of South Ossetia, he in fact ordered Georgian troops to fire on Russian peacekeepers, who were in South Ossetia as part of a UN mandated force, that has been there since 1994. Saakashvili's actions now threaten to trigger World War III—precisely what the British intend as their response to the collapse of their post-Bretton Woods international financial system.
"If you want a preview of what the United States would be like under a President Obama, just look at Georgia's recent actions. Georgian President Saakashvili, like Barack Obama, is owned by the same British godfather—George Soros," said LaRouche. "Would Soros's man Obama be another Dick Cheney if he got into office?"
Soros's own Open Society Institute boasts that it was the backbone of the so-called "Rose Revolution" that swept Saakashvili into power in 2003-04. As of January 2004, the Soros Open Society Institute, which first set up its office in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, in 1994, began directly bankrolling the Georgian government, as part of a joint program with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), then headed by Mark Malloch Brown, who is now secretary general of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Malloch Brown was so close to Soros, during his tenure at the UN, that he lived in an apartment he rented from the hedge fund speculator.
Saakashvili's reckless provocations, in firing on Russian troops and killing South Ossetian civilians, who are predominantly Russian citizens, drew a strong military response from Russia, which is bound, under its constitution, to defend Russian citizens under attack. The British have been behind the destabilization of the Caucasus since the collapse of the Soviet Union, funding and arming Chechen rebels, allowing recruitment into the Chechen separatist movements at mosques in England, and providing safe haven to Russian "mafiya" figures, like Boris Berezovsky, who bankrolled anti-Russian separatist and terrorist operations in the Caucasus.
"Now, look at the vast Soros cash flow into Obama," LaRouche concluded. "Soros is a British agent, under the control of British foreign intelligence and special operations services. He is used by them. His sources of funds, after his initial bankrolling by the Swiss branch of the Rothschild banking interests, are murky, at best. Soros is part of Britain's new opium war apparatus—and he virtually owns Senator Obama. And now he is fomenting world war provocations against Moscow, at precisely the moment that I am calling on Russia, China, and India to join the United States in creating a new international financial system that would wipe out speculators like Soros altogether."
As LaRouche said in his introduction to LaRouche PAC's recent pamphlet, "George Soros is your enemy," Will you tolerate this British tool organizing the detonation of World War III?