Nation-to-Nation, Not Ego-to-Ego
The happily successful diplomacy conducted by former President Bill Clinton with the nation of North Korea, has provided a sterling example of what Lyndon LaRouche addressed during his Aug. 1 webcast, in response to a question from a Russian diplomat. That diplomat asked about the prospects for positive diplomacy between the U.S. and Russia, which he saw being promoted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but being potentially undermined by other sections of the Administration.
LaRouche replied, in part:
Now, the question here is: Are the people of the United States, despite this wretch we have as a President—despite that crowd of criminals, of Nazi-like criminals which he has as his health-care advisors—can the United States adhere, still, to its honor in relationship to other nations? Do the people of the United States wish to survive? Will they rise up now, in the month of August, and threaten to lynch those members of Congress who have shown undue sympathy for the proposed legislation and rules of President Obama?
... What we do is, we adhere to a commitment, as I suggested to my Chinese interlocutors yesterday: a commitment to a relationship among nation-states, as a people. We recognize that we have interests in a good relationship with the people of another nation, and several other nations, and therefore, we base ourselves on that commitment to good relations.
Clinton's discussions with North Korea, arranged through the Administration's national security team, with the agreement of the Presidency, show precisely how LaRouche's approach can work. Quietly, without ego, the former President worked with the South Koreans, and, most likely, the Chinese and the Russians as well, to carry out a humanitarian mission, which will undoubtedly contribute to cooling out the crisis in the region.
A dynamic was set in motion, LaRouche commented afterwards, which underscores that it is nation-to-nation relations which are primary. LaRouche added that the Korean development also underscored his judgment that the only sovereign nations, which can resist the British imperial impulse toward war, are the United States, Russia, China, and India.
And how, you might ask, does Obama fit into all this? Aye, there's the rub.
At this moment, there is little doubt that the President is chewing the rug, enraged that Clinton is receiving front-page coverage for his successful diplomacy. Obama's ego is bruised, and you can be sure that the Nero-like President will make that clear.
In fact, it's undeniable that the President could not have accomplished such a result himself, or with his own team. He had already staked out a harsh, antagonistic stance toward the North Korean regime, despite the advice from Lyndon LaRouche, that the U.S., and others, accept that country's nuclear status, and treat the starving nation with respect, and the succor it requires. But, this President does not back down. He operates like a self-preening Narcissus, with the powers of a Nero. If he's not being adulated, he's unhappy, and he will make that felt.
That's not only a disaster for diplomacy—it's a potential disaster for the nation and the world. We have precious little time to make it clear to this President that he will not have his way—that he either gives up his fascist designs, and does what he's told, or he's out. It's the truth, and it must be said.