For Mideast Peace:
Defeat Parvus Doctrine
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Lyndon LaRouche this week warned that there is no prospect whatsoever for a genuine Arab-Israeli peace agreement until such time that the British Sykes-Picot "Great Game" factor is eradicated from the region. "The British," LaRouche explained, "have been running the greater Southwest, South, and Central Asian region for more than a century, on the basis of the 'permanent war/permanent revolution' doctrine of their Fabian Society agent, Alexander Helphand (1867-1924). Until the factor of British manipulation of both sides in this conflict is defeated, no breakthrough is possible."
Thus, the only productive path for international diplomacy at this time is to pursue a Four Power agreement among Russia, India, China, and the United States—in order to amass the political force to crush the British imperial forces, once and for all.
LaRouche noted that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Middle East Special Envoy George Mitchell have been engaged in well-meaning efforts, but the recent breakdown of negotiations is no surprise to him. "You can not make any meaningful headway, because none of the regional players, and scarcely any of the would-be peacemakers, realize that the British policy is that of Alexander Helphand, otherwise known as 'Parvus' "—the British agent, ally of Vladimir Jabotinsky, and one-time controller of Leon Trotsky.
LaRouche said:
Through the course of his career as a British imperial agent, Helphand played a central role in the betrayal of the German Social Democracy; teamed up with another British agent, the Zionist revisionist Jabotinsky, in promoting the Young Turk revolution against the dying Ottoman Empire; abetted Count Volpi di Misurata in promoting the early career of Benito Mussolini; and helped engineer the Balkan Wars that directly spilled over into World War I. An arms trafficker, in league with the British firm Vickers, Helphand/Parvus amassed a personal fortune, while stoking the fires of permanent war and permanent revolution throughout Eurasia.
It was Parvus's scheme to manipulate all sides in the greater Middle East conflict, as if they were gladiators in the Roman arena. By the end of the British-engineered World War I, the British and their French rivals had established, with Sykes-Picot, a permanent colonial division of the region. That division did not end with the defeat of Hitler and Mussolini in World War II; that just slightly changed the contours of the Sykes-Picot arrangements, particularly with the partitioning of Palestine, which created the circumstances in which London and its agents in both the Arab and Israeli camps, could trigger conflict on a moment's notice.
LaRouche concluded,
Until and unless you eliminate this British 'permanent war/permanent revolution' factor, by kicking the British—typified by the so-called Quartet peace negotiator Tony Blair—out of the region, and defeating the power of this British imperial apparatus, no meaningful breakthrough towards peace is remotely possible. So, until that reality is acknowledged, don't expect any real progress. Don't expect it in the Israel-Palestine talks, don't expect it in Afghanistan, don't look for any solution to the Lebanon crisis, to Iran, etc. It just won't happen without facing, head-on, this British menace. Without an understanding that Alexander Helphand was a key British agent, who personally played a central role, on behalf of the British Fabian crowd, in setting up a permanent conflict in this extended part of the world, no clear solution can ever materialize.